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Everything posted by cmoosego

  1. just seems like you are really pushing this whole track thing... we all know you are good at it, no need to keep pounding it... don't want you coming off like a douche.. cause I know you aren't.

  2. ok we get it you like whacking it...
  3. I always thought that "runoff" was what happened after a girl had sex with yota...
  4. conceited much???

  5. that explains why you look like a furry albino ethiopian...
  6. well that just makes too damn much sense... I might be interested, lemme check the ol finances this weekend..
  7. you gheyz are mad Pimpin now... all your talk of money for trips and track days... how bout you slide me some of that mad cash so I can do something constructive... like bail out the gubment!
  8. ya, thats one way to put it... I know I'm a fat slow bastard... and I'm ok with that..
  9. bwhaaa haaa haaa:D do I look that dumb to you?: can-o-tuna don't belong on track with big bad gixxers and the likes..
  10. hey where's that owl going srsly??? dubguy is as slow as honey running uphill in january!...hell I beat him on my cruiser a couple times and I'm a fat slow old guy...
  11. quit crying j-bob.... man up and ride bitch...
  12. nah just down to sundays now..

  13. it would be worth more if it had hookers and blow included...
  14. that chick is crazy, but she's my favorite crazy chick....
  15. I always thought you were a swinging guy...
  16. that dog kinda looked like you.... I knew you like the older ones but geeze!
  17. damn I have a bunch of phones ... too bad you are all the way up in cleveland...
  18. a half eaten subway turkey club and a reach around from yota...J/K nice ride specs, GLWS
  19. hell I'm down for that deal... see you on saturday..
  20. really??? The rangers don't have a drunk girl's chance in Yota's mac gaze...
  21. the jackets aren't gonna make the playoffs if they keep loosing.... they have 5 points to make up.. and we could play our 4th line and still kick your frozen penguin butt .... and your pens can't beat the flyers so suck that!!
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