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Everything posted by cmoosego

  1. RACIST!!!! what is it too DARK for you? bastage!
  2. why is it that whenever a woman moans a little they get the world???
  3. Including parts and fluids??? (probably not but just confirming.)
  4. just ask eminem, riding around town in his chrysler 200 P.O.S.... Detroit's awesome... wide open city blocks, crack whores at every stoplight, gun violence, murder.... and 23% unemployment!! who wouldn't wanna live there??? But there's nothing that compares to the WINGS being ahead of the PENGUINS in the league standings....
  5. when ya moving??? needs help? hit me up if so...

  6. and they said the research wasn't needed.... BAH!
  7. maybe.... but I prefer beer to cry in...
  8. any place is better then pittsburgh....
  9. hurt yes, but dead I disagree... it'd take quite a few cuts to kill and you have to know where to stab to get death... so to me a pocket knife in the hands of an unskilled person is useless in a fight. all it takes is an equalizer such as a chair, any thrown object, or a series of haymakers to render the knife wielder impotent...but then again I carry more then just a simple pocket knife, and usually more then one... And I'm trained... so maybe you are right f the average joe...
  10. nope, just don't want some j hole political ass trying to take my blades away...
  11. when I read the post name I thought this was going a totally different direction...
  12. you know for a fact it doesn't take much of a cut to kill or seriously hinder someone, just like the saying goes "guns don't kill people" , knives don't either... and usually the unskilled can't use knives effectively enough to kill.. and the law prevents people from carrying knives that could kill with one strike.. I guarantee a pocket knife in unskilled hands is about as useless as a wet napkin..
  13. it's fat tuesday, that means fat people get laid right??? so there ya go... rub up on a chubby one!
  14. got a donation from the irish pub down here at work, sauce taken care of bubby... you gonna come nom on some fish friday??

  15. for the wrestlers or the truck??
  16. don't lie, you know you get all hot for guys in singlets...
  17. how bout I just give you a grand for the 1300.... save you the hassle..
  18. there are starving goldfish in africa, how dare you just give that to some wealthy american goldfish... You should send that to africa right now... J-Hole!
  19. cmoosego

    Moto Gear

    I'll give you 5 dollars, a half eaten subway turkey club, a pair of kawi kid's used undies, a reach-around coupon from max power, and a free mustache ride from jagr... how's that grab ya?
  20. then carry a lighter to set your farts on fire....
  21. how come you never talk to me anymore???lol

  22. here's to hoping he's more of a man then jrmmii, that guys a total fruit.. Congratulations Ben, you and the Mrs. deserve the best kid ever...
  23. I figure Jporter oughta be all over this...
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