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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. I have some ideas..... I'll go over later and try to heat it off....

  2. I just finished up with a job... I'm over at the office now...

  3. I knew you would be once you got on one... you are hardcore adrenaline junkie... LOL If I run across anyone looking to start out I'll have them hit you up...

  4. I know I prolly asked you but you got plans for tomorrow??? I'm going on a LONG ride wondered if you wanna go too...

  5. I know quite a few around that are pretty scenic.... just let me know when and we'll plan a day of it...

  6. I lulz you.... he he he

  7. i may have to take you up on ur offer bro... thanks for being there..

  8. I may need into the garage.. so I can work from tthe inside.. the hydraulic cement will set up under water so it doesn't matter if it gets wet...

  9. I might be able to get a good price depending on what you want

  10. I might come out to see ya this weekend.... depends on the wife... but looks good right now....

  11. I need another copy of brian's photo to put up at the hall and one other bar for this weekend...

  12. I need to know schedule man friday evening??? I can come out before bike night.... or after....

  13. I need to send you some pictures don't i?? .... DUHZ!!

  14. I never said I was pissed at you... and I told missy that you guys didn't have to worry about money... I woulda had you covered...

  15. I only break that out on special occasions..... the f you style... it usually is followed by a baseball bat to an extremity...

  16. I only have the one.... it's a cruiser, but the guys I hang with (for the most part) all have sporties... I bet I can get you on at least one of them....

  17. I picked a date bubby....

  18. I planned on it..... just gotta find a cool toy is all....

  19. I posted up pumpkin.... now lets see how many lame asses don't come to the party..

  20. I rarely get drunk.... but I like to watch others get inebriated....

  21. I saw a bike that matched your wheels yesterday, it was a kawasaki, had orange tank and bright orange wheels, out in newark... it was so awesome looking...

  22. I see that .... funny... it just sucks being stuck with no wheels...and I'm bored as hell.

  23. I see you.... you really should put clothes on... LOL

  24. I see you.....

    it is your favorite internet stalker...lmao

  25. I seez crazy ass white people!!! You gonna come to the party on the 2nd?? wouldn't be the same without ya...

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