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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. dude can you make a copy or 2 of that price list I gave you the other day?? (for the countertops) please?

  2. dude did I piss you off somehow?

  3. dude do you know what the hell we are doing this weekend???

  4. dude found a website that has accessories that are " supposed" to fit the tu 250 http://www.twistedthrottle.com/trade/productlist/742/

  5. dude here ya go http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1319414334.html sell yours for parts and I bet you'd have enough to buy this one outright...

  6. dude I got you message I just haven't had a chance to call u back... still need help with the shower door?

  7. dude I gotta say I never thought I'd meet anyone that was as twisted as me... You rock bro!!!

  8. dude I'd trade you for a fury! LOL

  9. dude stop by the pony tomorrow so I can give ya that check

  10. dude you down for a ride saturday??? gonna be headed to kenton to meet up with the rest of the dtc leavin cbus round 9 am prolly be back round 7 pm...

  11. dude you get my message from earlier????

  12. dude you get the bike figured out yet???

  13. dude, we still on for the 7th of march? swap meet?

  14. dude, you busy today??? wanna go to cycle search with me to get my front wheel checked out???

  15. dude... It reflects on me that you have a poor opinion of our shop, that is something I can't just let slide, my name is everything to me... I know I am only a lowly shop assistant, but I take great pride in working for a company that stands behind its service...please let me make this right...

  16. dude... you know I kid... and I know where you stand on the whole thing....

  17. dude.... are you losing faith in my ability to get things done???

  18. dude.... if I get tix it will be complimentary for you and jim... no worries ok? I just like hanging with like minded peoples...

  19. duder wha the f is going on this weekend??? lol hit me up sometime this week so we can solidify the meet spots and such, seeings how I'm the unofficial columbus chapter DTC leader LMAO!!!

  20. duder.... the wife sez the dishwasher has to go before christmas... she's on my ass hard about it... you want me to store it at the hall for you???

  21. dunno you haven't talked to me for a while I figured I pissed you off somehow....

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