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Everything posted by cmoosego

  1. wow.... I bet swing'r will want one for sure! Hell, I kinda want one!
  2. yeah I saw that, but most products I've tried don't last, or ruin your leather... just made a suggestion for a cheap solution and he wouldn't have to ruin his good leather boots...
  3. I don't mind getting things, I just don't want to see them go to waste...
  4. If you want I can charge more for drinks and get wings from somewhere and have them there and charge extra for them.... atmosphere? I have a bunch of old farts and tv's how much atmosphere do you really want?? :D:D hey I don't care what everyone else does, and it isn't like people have come to the KofC every week, you guys came ONCE!! How many times have I gone completely out of my way to meet up with people from here, not because I like spending my money or going out all the damn time, but because I LIKE people from here... I don't ask for much more then the courtesy of reciprocation.... that's the point I'm trying to make...
  5. MJ found one really close to where you already are here's the linky http://realestate.columbusrealestate.com/properties/search/detail.php?qBackToSearch=qAction%3Dsearch%26page%3D1%26pagesize%3D10%26qTerms%3Drent%26propertyType%255B0%255D%3DApartments%2BUnfurnished%26qZip%3D43201%26view%3Ddetailed%26qtotal%3D2%26qSortBy%3DPrice%26qSortDirection%3DDESC&qAdid=533181501&propertyNumber=2
  6. I tell ya what man, wolverine makes a killer pair of waterproof, insulated boots that aren't expensive I bought mine for 70 bucks last year and I have worn them for riding and working in thru the winter and they did great at keeping my feets warm and dry...
  7. that's a great idea.... I know for a fact she doesn't check her email frequently, so you could rack up evidence quick and get the hell away from her.... and no worries on moving your stuff, I can get a couple trucks and have you moved in a matter of hours...
  8. more then 20 bucks..... we'll get ya home bro... or at least to a nice warm bed close by if we can talk justin into letting people crash at his place...:D
  9. damn man if I only had the cashola.... I'd help ya out...
  10. we can get you home safe.... If no one else can do it, I'll drive you home...
  11. the so co isn't an issue bro, I can sell that stuff after the party... it;s the foo-foo flavored stuff I'll have an issue off loading if it doesn't get used... and I'm not saying it has to be used up that night either, there is an open invitation to come in anytime and partake....
  12. I'm getting a watermellon, a cherry, and you want strawberry too??? OK but you guys are gonna have to come back a couple times and help to finish off all this "special" booze, the old folks don't drink that flavored stuff and I don't want to spend a bunch of cash on stuff to just sit on the back of the bar and not get used.... so please come back a couple times to help me out, otherwise I won't be able to continue doing all the stuff that keeps you guys happy...
  13. dang man.... you are talking really sweet right now!
  14. wtf man...... you get 2 titles and I'm not even listed as a damn sponsor?!? LOL oh well you always were a glory hound!!

  15. any other requests for special drinks???? I'm submitting the order this week... need to know...please send me a PM....
  16. this is in 2 days..... c'mon folks come have a good dinner and support a great cause...
  17. I need an address and how do I get it to you... I can bring "some" orders up.... also need to know how many...
  18. as always man.... you make it look easy
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