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Everything posted by cmoosego

  1. I am at the hall now.... game is getting ready to start.
  2. anyone wanna come watch the game with me at the hall?? We are having pulled pork and sides during the game and 6 for 6 beer buckets....should prove to be a good time.... game starts at 330 I think.... hit me up if you wanna meet up and ride over....
  3. this thread fails.... everyone has their opinion on what bikes are best at what particular point. fact is if you like something and have the cash for it, buy it. then prove yours is the better choice while killing each other in mortal combat.... that way I can have your bikes when you are all dead...
  4. wanna come watch the game today with me ?
  5. why you selling off all your vehicles mang?
  6. it is always going to be your fault.... you are the poster boy for abuse around here...
  7. good morning mr. drunk texter.....

  8. are there any other "games" that people have in mind? like bobbing for apples, or I dunno.... I plan on running a few 50/50's and there are the instant bingo tickets, and we plan on having a costume contest.... pool table and darts, I can bring cards... any other games people? I want everyone to have a good time and make it worth while for people traveling to get there... I'm open to suggestions.
  9. this is next friday, I'd love to see a good group show up for this.....
  10. my problem solver is a baseball bat, or whatever I can get my hands on....
  11. you keep talking and I'll have to come up there and show you...
  12. http://coolaggregator.wordpress.com/2008/08/07/motorcycle_helmet/ check out this helmet if you don't like the star wars one
  13. thanks TOM for coming out all by yourself.... to you other losers.... you suck!
  14. actually we have a good scotch... so you are covered...
  15. yeah but you got kevin all riled up... so I blame you! between you and mj you had kevin's hormones all over the place....
  16. to clarify..... there is to be NO alcohol BROUGHT to the hall.... you risk our liquor and bingo permits by doing so.... if I catch anyone with alcohol that wasn't purchased at the hall I will have to ask them to leave, not to mention I'll be pretty pissed off..and no one wants to see that.
  17. I just like giving you homos shit....
  18. I'll do what I can for ya man... depending on how expensive the bottle is I might have to charge more then 3 bucks a drink....
  19. I've only had requests for 3 bottles of liquor... any others? I'll need to know by next week so I can put the order in....
  20. It looks like it's gonna be shitty tomorrow night.... so I'm thinking I might bail on this...
  21. Gee fucking thanks for boosting My ego.... so it means nothing that I am there every freaking thursday.... thanks a bunch a-holes!!!
  22. or dubguy.... he's in dublin and I think he was looking for a roomie too
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