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Everything posted by cmoosego

  1. there's your gov't hard at work creating jobs, and looking out for the little guy... RIGHT! let's just kick a man while he's down...
  2. I'd have to find a hall up there, and I don't know if I could get it for free...
  3. the initial plan is to hold it at the KofC hall here in cbus (due to it being centrally located and basically free) and of course I am open to ideas and discussions if anyone else wants to "chair" this event...
  4. Need to start putting things together for a party if we have one.... so here's the poll...
  5. I can bring you a take out order brotha.... or if I can talk him into it maybe jagr will do it...
  6. but you do brake for sheep....
  7. just checked radar, looks like it's breaking up now, should stop drizzling in hilliard in the next 1/2 hr.... looks like I'm heading to AD's around 930... should be there by 10...so don't bitch out cause the roads are wet!
  8. sorry buddy..... I owe you a beer at the end of the ride....
  9. well you gheys could chill till 10 am and head down to ad farrows for the charity ride....
  10. I dunno dudes.... I just checked the radar, looks like heavy rain for the next couple.... might be a good idea to just meet up at 1030 at ad.farrows downtown.....
  11. me n jags can help ya move too.... let us know when and where to be....
  12. quit being bitches and just get your asses over to bobby evans....
  13. Bump for steak.... for those that don't get a chance to look during the day...
  14. It's frweakin sprinklin... I'm a big puss I don't wanna get wet....
  15. you suck so bad.... I'll buy ya first watch tomorrow if you will meet us all at Bob Ev's on sunday...
  16. BUMP who is gonna MEET up ??? c'mon folks this is 2 days away.......
  17. We are having another steak dinner, this time we are giving you the option of having chicken (grilled of course) the date OCTOBER 16th, 6p- 8:30p... at the Knights Of Columbus Hall, 4217 E. Main st, Whitehall, Oh. 43123.... 10 dollars gets you steak (or chicken), salad, potato, side, and desert... The last one was great, ask the people that came... so c'mon down and get a good steak dinner...
  18. happy birthday dude.... hope things are startin to look up....
  19. so who all is going to meet us at the bob evans on olentangy at 8.....leaving there at 9:45 to head to dealership.... I figure that will be enough time to eat a good breakfast...
  20. for everyone too lazy to look at the first page.....
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