So Sunday I was at work and took a lunch break. I rode to a store to grab some grub. When I parked my bike it was a non handicap spot. I come out and one of the local cops was parked behind my bike. As i approach my bike carrying a small plastic bag a helmet and my coat, He asks me is that your bike (Nope just a cautious driver). I said yes. He asked me for my ID registration and Proof of Ins. I said what did I do. At this point I am very respectful. He said my DRIVER SIDE mirror is hanging over into the handicap spot. WHOA exactly which side is the driver side on a bike????!!!!! So at this point the level of respect is rapidly disappearing. After informing him of the Definition of parking and the fact that my tires were not in the handicap. I was able to talk my way out of it and get a warning. Obviouslly this guy must own a HD and does not respect to "Evil Ways of us YOUNG KIDS" considering I was probably older than he was. Any one else getting riff from the PD?