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Everything posted by ross

  1. I feel like this statement is missing something...hmmmm Oh some fucking periods.
  2. Most fucking win I have seen in a post this year!
  3. sir, what have i done in recent events that gives me the title of being your hero?

  4. guests shouldn't be able to see the "my vagina hurts" section and do the sponsors expect everyone to just get along?
  5. Yes I am going on this "trip" but what parks and yota have planned for each other before and after the "trip" is none of my business
  6. Adam is always prepared to use ky
  7. yea there were a lot of wrecks in that vid.
  8. damn it benyen, im trying to finish this homework
  9. ross

    cinco de drinko

    Moped land speed record was just set in front of ugly tuna
  10. ross

    cinco de drinko

    Its almost 4:00...so much alcohol. That's all, carry on.
  11. sometimes they are up all night drinking and don't get into bed before 7 a.m.
  12. i must have mistaken my computer for a crystal ball because i saw this coming in one of your 15 other threads about switching your handlebars.
  13. a text msg would have been much more efficient

  14. bullshit! they were adidas and they are ruined now because shitty got stripper juice and wax all over them at work
  15. if only you knew, then you would want to be in need...
  16. fuck yourself and the whores you rode in on...with all due respect
  17. Well in about 30 seconds of digging i found that she's already come close to breaking her ankle once...but thank god you were so concerned with her safety then that she only wears riding boots now
  18. this website is like a damn revolving door. you don't like it then you can walk out just as easily as you walked in. have a nice day and gtfo...with all due respect
  19. that's merely an opinion that you are entitled to. i ,on the other hand, beg to differ kind sir.
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