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Protection Order Question


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With out going into too many details my question is; can someone put a protection order or restraining order on someone with no real reason at all? A family member got into a verbal argument with another family member today and the this stuborn family member was proven wrong and didnt get the support of the group the he got pissed and he said he's going to put a restraining order on the other person and does not want them around them and never wants to speak to them again. He called the cops and the cops didnt want to do anything for him either but he still swears he's going to get one, so like i said above will they give him one with no probable cause?

and no this has nothing to do with me

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You can't just get a protection order, you file for one, there's a fact finding hearing typically at the hearing, then the magistrate sends you his decision, there's 7 or 14 days for a party to appeal it, if no appeal the judge signs the decision and it's ordered.

If a party lies to get the order that will land you in jail with falsification charge.

Yes this is from experience. My husbands ex lied and went to jail for falsifying. Tell them to quit being a pussy and just avoid the situation.

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I call BS. I got one for driving down the road and a domestic charge for something she says happened two months before. They never asked me shit and it was instant.

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Not bullshit, there was a temp one on my husband but soon as truth came out in court she was arrested when they had the hearing. He was appointed a public defender.

Far as the one with a trial and magistrates decision... that was her trying to get one on me. Since I didn't agree to it, it went to trial, was not in her favor.

Can't make this shit up, bitch is crazy and a complete waste of money.

Not sure what county you live in but someone is screwing you in court if it stuck

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It was dropped. I never was asked anything to begin with or at the end. All the while my kids were calling leaving crying voicemails. Bad times, gullible cops.

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I call BS. I got one for driving down the road and a domestic charge for something she says happened two months before. They never asked me shit and it was instant.

Man vs Woman.... guilty until proven innocent just the way it goes

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