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Weight loss/Workout Thread 2013


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3 scoops, 60 grams of protein? The basic Body Fortress whey protein has 26g of protein per scoop. So, 2 scoops is 52 grams. 3 scoops would be 78 grams. Then again, for 78g i think you're look at 420 calories. Just what i've found, have used before.

Keep up the good work! :cheers:

That wheybolic is a joke and push it constable by every sales person. They must make the most profit on it.

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That wheybolic is a joke and push it constable by every sales person. They must make the most profit on it.

I never shop at GNC, or even pay their site any attention. I went one time, ONE time to the GNC store in Lancaster for some Dymatize creatine. And the guy working looked at me like i was speaking a foreign language. Said he had never heard of Dymatize, or any of the other products i mentioned.

I use body fortress from time to time because it's cheap. 15$ at Walmart and it's convenient to pick up. Get some Vanilla flavored, mix it into shakes and oatmeal. Done deal.

Best supplement is good anyways.

Best supplement is good...? What do you mean? If you mean supplements are good at best, i would't disagree. Some can definitely help. You can get protein intake as well as creatine from different foods. Eating a pound of salmon, pork or seafood you might be lucky to get 2.5 grams of creatine. So a creatine supplement is useful. Obviously some good choices of protein are grilled chicken, salmon and turkey. Eggs and milk. Then again, i know for certain you know that stuff. Keep up the good work to you as well!


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I never shop at GNC, or even pay their site any attention. I went one time, ONE time to the GNC store in Lancaster for some Dymatize creatine. And the guy working looked at me like i was speaking a foreign language. Said he had never heard of Dymatize, or any of the other products i mentioned.

I use body fortress from time to time because it's cheap. 15$ at Walmart and it's convenient to pick up. Get some Vanilla flavored, mix it into shakes and oatmeal. Done deal.

Best supplement is good...? What do you mean? If you mean supplements are good at best, i would't disagree. Some can definitely help. You can get protein intake as well as creatine from different foods. Eating a pound of salmon, pork or seafood you might be lucky to get 2.5 grams of creatine. So a creatine supplement is useful. Obviously some good choices of protein are grilled chicken, salmon and turkey. Eggs and milk. Then again, i know for certain you know that stuff. Keep up the good work to you as well!


Typing on phone fail...meant food

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The company sponsored "Biggest Loser" competition ends Tuesday. I'm not going to win anything as some guy in CA was already down 18% 2weeks ago :eek: and a couple team mates are dragging down the team average :rolleyes:

However I have lost 30# and I'm under 200 for the first time since college :D

Starting next week comes the hard part, keeping it off. :(

But my plan is to get under 195 and stay there. I'm going to continue to use the gym twice a week and I'm taking up mountain biking, with some road training rides each week.


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Best supplement is good...? What do you mean? If you mean supplements are good at best, i would't disagree. Some can definitely help. You can get protein intake as well as creatine from different foods. Eating a pound of salmon, pork or seafood you might be lucky to get 2.5 grams of creatine. So a creatine supplement is useful. Obviously some good choices of protein are grilled chicken, salmon and turkey. Eggs and milk. Then again, i know for certain you know that stuff. Keep up the good work to you as well!


Is there any natural whey products you can buy, or ones NOT using artificial sweeteners?

I can't stand sucralose, nutria sweet, and I don't really care for Stevia, but it seems all the protein shakes have one of the above.

I did find natural whey at whole foods but it was a ridiculous price. :eek:

Think Il just stick with eggs, Greek yogurt and salmon.


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Is there any natural whey products you can buy, or ones NOT using artificial sweeteners?

I can't stand sucralose, nutria sweet, and I don't really care for Stevia, but it seems all the protein shakes have one of the above.

I did find natural whey at whole foods but it was a ridiculous price. :eek:

Think Il just stick with eggs, Greek yogurt and salmon.


Good question. Doing a quick search, these are what i found. If you're


I have not tried the Dymatize protein, but it's worth a shot if you know what you are or are not looking for a protein. And then 2 more.




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Good question. Doing a quick search, these are what i found. If you're


I have not tried the Dymatize protein, but it's worth a shot if you know what you are or are not looking for a protein. And then 2 more.




No sucralose but all contain stevia :(

What is wrong with unflavored? Or even a little sugar for a sweetener?

Oh well was just going to use it to add to fruit smoothies any ways, plain yogurt works quite nice too. :)


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Official time from today's 5K: 31:10 for me which put me 17th out of 21 in my agre group and 242 out of 433 overall. Jordan (mini-me) cleared the course in 31:41 coming in 6 out of 10 in his age group and 256th overall. Proud of Jordan for his accomplishment and for running with our neighbor from down the street. Should have some pics in the next couple of days.

I just hope that my trainer takes pity on me and it's NOT leg day tomorrow.

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I'd been a powerlifter for a few years (2009-2012) and was training before that starting in 2005. This year I stopped training at our private gym in December, just too much else going on with work, and other things to make the commute and time/mental dedication to keep doing it right now.

I've still been training on my own at a local gym, but mostly just going through the motions. It's been my goal since I've left there to go from ~220lbs to 205 so I can compete in the 198lbs class if I decide to get back into it again any time soon, as well as get my stamina/endurance up.

It shouldn't be too hard for me to drop the weight, but maintaining/gaining strength while doing it will be the hard part, especially since I've already lost a decent bit of strength in the last 3-4 months. I think I'll feel better at a healthy 205 though. I remember when I was ~180-185, overall I felt the best even though I've been a lot stronger at 220.

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I hit the scale Sunday and I'm down another 5lbs to a total of 25 since starting, I was elated to see no gain in the last week since my diet had fallen off here n there. With the weather cooperating more, I'll be able to beat the brakes off my mtn bike again

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Also I plan on starting my 30 day diet on 05/06/13. Looking for a workout partner to help with spots and I have a plan written down. Thinking about going to the urban active at Polaris if anyone is interested.

I've got a UA membership, I might be in for something.... probably if you plan on doing any running or some of their classes I would be in. PLUS, I won't chat a lot if we're running, so I'll be a lot less scary ;)

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I'd been a powerlifter for a few years (2009-2012) and was training before that starting in 2005. This year I stopped training at our private gym in December, just too much else going on with work, and other things to make the commute and time/mental dedication to keep doing it right now.

I've still been training on my own at a local gym, but mostly just going through the motions. It's been my goal since I've left there to go from ~220lbs to 205 so I can compete in the 198lbs class if I decide to get back into it again any time soon, as well as get my stamina/endurance up.

It shouldn't be too hard for me to drop the weight, but maintaining/gaining strength while doing it will be the hard part, especially since I've already lost a decent bit of strength in the last 3-4 months. I think I'll feel better at a healthy 205 though. I remember when I was ~180-185, overall I felt the best even though I've been a lot stronger at 220.


Equipped or raw?

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Equipped or raw?

Last few year were equipped. Best meet I put together was a 1625lbs total - 635/420/570 in 2011. Next meet I think I hit 640/400/575, my bench took a shit that day. I've never been a good meet lifter, don't sleep well the night before and nerves get to me. Last September I hit hit a pretty solid 700 squat in the gym, but they've got a lot stronger guys than that there. If I get back into it, my initial goal will be 1300 raw at 198 (which should be fairly easy), then 1400 at 198. After that, I'll think about equipped again.

Edited by 8Rider6
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  • 2 weeks later...

found some interesting articles on fat loss.


since I haven't made jack-$hit for progress on the weight loss via diet change(still at 203 lbs), I'm going to try the next 8 weeks on metabolic resistance training.

saw this article referenced in the above link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11882927 and will try that workout 3 times per week and see if there are changes.

31 min period of resistance exercise, consisting of four circuits of bench press, power cleans, and squats. Each set was performed using the subject's own predetermined ten-repetition maximum and continued until failure.

also taking the fat boy photos (aka "before") but will only post if there are positive results for comparison.

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just registered for another Tough Mudder...

I've worked out once since completing the last one 3 weeks ago. My run/pullups/pushups yesterday were harder than anticipated.

I'm thinking that's a combination of the prolonged break, lots of boozing during said break, and the fact that my quads are very very sore from racing the XR on saturday....

Oh well - August 24, here I come. Time to get back out and run again.

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Last few year were equipped. Best meet I put together was a 1625lbs total - 635/420/570 in 2011. Next meet I think I hit 640/400/575, my bench took a shit that day. I've never been a good meet lifter, don't sleep well the night before and nerves get to me. Last September I hit hit a pretty solid 700 squat in the gym, but they've got a lot stronger guys than that there. If I get back into it, my initial goal will be 1300 raw at 198 (which should be fairly easy), then 1400 at 198. After that, I'll think about equipped again.

Damn, you're a beast.

My goal is 315 bench, 405 squat and 500 dead. I may not ever see the squat, since now with all the titanium in my leg I pay dearly for a few days whenever they get heavy, but the bench is almost there and I'm getting 455 deads again. Most of my legwork has been the press and extension machines since they don't kill my knee as bad.

I want that 3 plate bench badly right now.

My other goal is to keep enough muscle mass on so I don't have to worry too much about calories or those tasty beers that keep finding their way into my pie hole.

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Damn, you're a beast.

My goal is 315 bench, 405 squat and 500 dead. I may not ever see the squat, since now with all the titanium in my leg I pay dearly for a few days whenever they get heavy, but the bench is almost there and I'm getting 455 deads again. Most of my legwork has been the press and extension machines since they don't kill my knee as bad.

I want that 3 plate bench badly right now.

My other goal is to keep enough muscle mass on so I don't have to worry too much about calories or those tasty beers that keep finding their way into my pie hole.

If you want a big squat you gotta squat. There are always hack squats, leg press, and different types of squat bars to cycle in different weeks.

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just registered for another Tough Mudder...

I've worked out once since completing the last one 3 weeks ago. My run/pullups/pushups yesterday were harder than anticipated.

I'm thinking that's a combination of the prolonged break, lots of boozing during said break, and the fact that my quads are very very sore from racing the XR on saturday....

Oh well - August 24, here I come. Time to get back out and run again.

Jjthegunman on the board that has a team that does it together if you would like to join him.

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Im coming to the party late as fuck, but given my attempt to stop smoking its gotten me thinking that I need to get healthier.

Im 265lbs 6'2" and been completely out of physical shape since I got out of the Navy in 2004. My plan is to be below 200lbs by Sept 1. I need to start with some cardio to get my lung capacity built back up from smoking. I started with walking 3.2 miles tonight. I know It isnt much, but its where I feel I need to start. I have a friend who is a personal trainer that is helping with my workout and my diet.

Go ahead flame the fuck outta me...


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Oh I am starting my workout plan and diet next week. Its going to be the same one I did last year with some new mods to it. Goal is to get to 170 pounds at @ 7% body fat. I did it last year but got lazy once winter hit and my workout buddies quit and had to go solo for 4 months. Tyler and I are joining a gym and I will also be training him as well. He is just going to be putting on muscle since he is lean already. Should be fun. Hope to hit my goal in 8 weeks or so. I might post pics lol

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Jjthegunman on the board that has a team that does it together if you would like to join him.

I had a teammate for the last one. Have two teammates for this one. Last time around, I was able to complete all the obstacles without help. Having teammates is more about having someone to train with, and talk to for 10+ miles...

Not sure if we're going to try to go faster this time, or just have fun. Last go 'round, the course was MUCH hillier than anticipated. My target time was 2 hours 30 minutes, but with the hills, we ended up taking 2 hours 48 minutes.

That includes 2 stops to empty rocks out of our shoes. Next time around, I'm having my wife meet me on the course with fresh socks at least twice.

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I joined a walking team at work and it is posed as a competition with others. I've been parking further away and walking to places that are only a mile or two away. I wear a pedometer all the time and record my activities. I haven't really altered what I eat. I tried to cut back on the daily candy/chocolate intake, probably shouldn't be eating a bag of sour patch kids or a candy bar daily anyway. I weighed in mid day on April 30th, and as of this morning I'm 4lbs lighter! I'd like to have 4 less lbs by the end of the month so that I can fit back into my good jeans. Probably my more important goal is to be able to hike Mt. Mitchell without feeling like crap after. I'm planning on doing that at the end of the month.

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Go ahead flame the fuck outta me...

I think its really hard to put yourself out there like that, but things like this help people feel accountable for their progress. Congrats on your healthy life decisions. I hope your motivation stays in tact and you reach all your goals.

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I hope your motivation stays in tact and you reach all your goals.

I realized im not as young as I used to be and my exercise habits have kicked my ass. I walked almost 3 miles the first day and then the following morning another 3.5 miles. Was in a lot of pain in my knees and shins, realized after the fact what it was, was shin splints, and my knee is just fucking tore to hell since I hyper-extended it in the navy so its gonna hurt regardless till I get my tolerance built back up

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