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itunes question


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I hate making a thread just to ask a question. but anyways...

I upgraded to the latest and shittest verison of itunes and everything was fine when I did it. I went through and de-selected a bunch of music so it wouldn't play unless I wanted to hear it and everything was fine for the past couple of weeks. Today I finally turned my computer on and when I opened itunes all of my un-selected music-gone. cd's that I had bought in stores-gone, even music that I had illegaly downloaded or converted-gone.(that one doesn't bother me, but the cds do only because I have no idea where the real copy is anymore). The other thing too that's kind of weird to me is the number of plays I have for songs they have reset. so everything is back to zero.

do any of you guys know where this stuff might have gone to. Anyone else have this problem?

Help would be appreciated. I hate apple. fuckers are trying to run everything lol

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Do you have iTunes sort your music in it's own media folder, or do you organize it on your own in explorer?

This. Essentially, are the songs gone off your pc entirely (can't find them on the hdd) or is it just hiding them?

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I'm guessing itunes sorts it. I dont have any songs in any files seperately. Everything is under an "itunes library" file and even when i open that, the un selected music is gone

Edited by Saacattack
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Try performing a sync with your iPhone/iPad/iPod whatever it is that you play the music on and see if it will let you select the hidden albums from the music section then. Other than that, I would check on iCloud. For the illegally downloaded stuff, you should be able to retrieve that music from the original .zip files under the music or downloads section of windows explorer. And I know this doesn't help now, but in the future consider buying an inexpensive external hdd to store your music on and update it every month or so...it's cheap insurance when you have a lot of time and money invested in your music/movies.

Edited by drew95gt
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And I know this doesn't help now, but in the future consider buying an inexpensive external hdd to store your music on and update it every month or so...it's cheap insurance when you have a lot of time and money invested in your music/movies.

Good idea, I'm religious on backing up my picture, movie and document files. I will have to add in the music. I always figured you could get the music back one way, but not the above 3 mentioned files types. But why put your self through that, I will be adding music for sure, next back up. I do run a full windows backup/crap software once a week to my second internal h/drive. I like the Syncback software to the external backup drive, I run manually.

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So I checked icloud and unless I'm really retarded I didn't see anything that was affiliated with music. all the other stuff...but nothing with music.

I did buy a external a few months ago and backed up my pictures and things but never did my music. really wish I did. But then again, I did deselect all that music for a reason(minus some of the CD's I bought).

I also tried the cmd stuff and I'm pretty sure my computer is fucked. Considering the fact it prompt "access denied" and I tried opening some files to clean my computer out and they also prompt "you do not have access to this file or you don't have permission to delete" or something like that.

so I think with all of that, it has nothing to really do with itunes. Although, it's still suuperr weird it all of a sudden disappeared when it was fine right after i updated it.

So I guess I better back what what I have left and buy a new laptop lol

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sounds like a possible virus; if stuff is hidden and things are either marked as system or ownership was changed (access denied).

turn off pc.

if it's 4+ years old, buy a new one.

if it's less than 4 years old, buy a new drive, start over with Windows (if you must), then once all done mount the old (current) drive, kill whatever badness is on it, and then retrieve all your stuff.

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