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Headed to our nation's capital


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I started a "tradition" with our oldest when he was in 3rd grade by taking him to Washington, D.C. for the last couple days of his spring break. 3rd grade is about the time in our school district that they begin talking about the foundation of our nation (Williamsburg, Jamestown, D.C., etc.). So I figured it was a good opportunity to visit while they were out of school. A very close cousin of mine (and fellow Marine) works for the TSA and lives just south of the beltway. So we have a personal tour guide for our trips. This was especially handy with my son back in '08 as I had not yet been to D.C. yet myself.

This time around, it's a Daddy/Daughter trip. My 8 year old has been talking about this trip for months now. She's excited, and now so am I. We are up and on the road at O Dark Thirty to meet my cousin once again, but this time with a surprise; his youngest daughter. She is 21 and still lives here in Ohio after he and her mother split some years ago. I am truly looking forward to this trip, even with getting up and leaving at 4 AM. I can't wait to see my daughter's discovery of things outside of her familiar surroundings and the majesty of the national monuments. To see her traverse the Smithsonian museums like her brother did and become mystified by all there is to see there. And I am excited to see the look on Jim's face when his baby girl surprises him. He's been in a rough spot personally as of late, and this will surely do him some good.

I am a rather fortunate Dad to be able to share in something like this with my kids. I know a lot of fathers aren't able to do so. So you'll have to forgive me in this post gushing about this opportunity with my littlest one, while she is still little. I'll post some pics once we return.

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Good Daddiness! My folks never took me to D.C. but I'd like to go sometime. I'm more interested in the historical values of the original 13 colonies and visit those states for a real treat

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Thanks all! Our first day is in the books. Been up since 3:30 AM and am ready to drop. But we had a blast, with more in store tomorrow. She wants to see pandas at the zoo, then to the mall for the Smithsonians, then a night tour of the monuments. Time to get some rest.

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Good Daddiness! My folks never took me to D.C. but I'd like to go sometime. I'm more interested in the historical values of the original 13 colonies and visit those states for a real treat

We brought the kids to Williamsburg two years ago. I think the wife and I enjoyed it more then, but the kids talk it up now, LOL.

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Nice. I went to DC for the first time last year with all of my kids, my sister, my niece and my dad and his wife. He was there for an unveiling of a John Ripley statue at the Marine Museum across from Quantico. He even has his name on it. It was a good time and we're gonna try and go back this year.

BTW, if you've never been to the Marine Museum.....GO. I thought I was gonna be bored out of my mind, but I ended up not wanting to leave.

We took the quick tour of the White House. What a shit box. :)

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Nice. I went to DC for the first time last year with all of my kids, my sister, my niece and my dad and his wife. He was there for an unveiling of a John Ripley statue at the Marine Museum across from Quantico. He even has his name on it. It was a good time and we're gonna try and go back this year.

BTW, if you've never been to the Marine Museum.....GO. I thought I was gonna be bored out of my mind, but I ended up not wanting to leave.

We took the quick tour of the White House. What a shit box. :)

Thanks to traffic, we didn't make it to the Museum of the Marine Corps until an hour before closing. But I had been there before with same Marine cousin a couple years back. And there are all kinds of nice things to gander at there, as well as the statues on the grounds surrounding it. The interactive displays and scenes at the museum are second to none.

We aren't able to tour the WH this trip, but will go by for pics. We're taking the moonlit monument tour this evening, so I am looking forward to some photo ops there.

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