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People Petition to Confiscate Guns From Tea Party Supporters and Repeal the Second Am

Strictly Street

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People are sheep. This kind of reminds me of a Man Show skit. They had a petition to end women's suffrage. They showed a stream of women that were gladly signing a petition to end their right to vote. There is little hope for the future if people continue to gladly give away our civil liberties.

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HAHA.....how did that guy keep a straight face?

"this way only the illegal and unregistered guns are left on the streets."

What a bunch of dumbshits we have living in this country.

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It seems like the majority of people will sign a petition put in front of them just to be part of something.

Like RR said, f'ing sheep.

It was sold as an entry to win a free game system, if I wanted to enter, i'd sign it if it was a petition to ban motorcycles. Petitions don't count for shit.

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