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Dying Shadow Down:(

Dying Shadow

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My most hated road...always has gravel/cinders general crap in the corners..The part from Chesterhill to RT7 is usually decent though.....

This! Plus the shitty road surface in the most technical sections, Horse shit on the road and the sneaky and screwed up turns, I dont know why that road is so popular. There are MUCH better twisties in the SEO area.

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Glad to hear your ok man. I'm not one for riding that hard on a cold day . I like knowning that my tires are going to be warm enough to stick to the road.

This is another good point! Glad Your ok. Learn what mistake you made and ride your ride. Remember when out riding its not a dick measuring contest, that what meet amd greets are for :D

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The straightaway and inexperience IMHO rookies have no business on that road this time of the year.

Dust yourself off and get back out there.... from now on when scouting a road take the first pass at a safe pace especially this time of the year too much gravel out there

I agree, save a aggressive rode like 555 for later in the season.

Everybody is just coming off of winter and still rusty!

Glad you're ok Brandon!

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It wasn't a wash out of the rear. He was decelerating as he watched the rider in front of him. It was braking on the front most likely in a panic and lost the front...

That all being said, glad you are OK and hopefully you can get some training and added seat time.

Of course, added seat time doesn't mean running on roads beyond your ability. That means getting used to your machine and the formula needed to be able to ride such roads. Track day course will do you wonders if riding roads such as that.

Before people get into this track day BS that happens saying we push it too much, here is a GREAT example for both riders and why a track day course would be helpful - the track allows you to understand the bike in an environment that doesn't have cars in it. It also takes a rider like the one that crashed and one that didn't, but could've and walks them through basic understandings that teach vision, braking, acceleration, mid corner and exit. Basics. Not saying they need to be Advanced track day riders to know anything, but a Novice course would have helped a ton in this situation. MSF doesn't teach these things. They teach basic motorcycle skills. Which I endorse also.

To Koreo - you are lucky. It only takes once to cross a line and end up in a box. You got crazy lucky, man. Both in fact. Target fixing is the issue here as you weren't that close (Even though GoPros make it look further away than you really are) and if you would've been grill food, the crash would have had the OP sliding into the same car/truck as could have collected you.

You guys need to walk before you run. Glad it wasn't as bad as it could have been...

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Yea I'm gonna do a track day once I get her fixed up. One question tho since my right side plastics are already trashed I was curious if I could like epoxi and Jarry rig them back together so if I have any more sliding action at the track I won't really care about them because there already fed up. Thanks.

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Yea I'm gonna do a track day once I get her fixed up. One question tho since my right side plastics are already trashed I was curious if I could like epoxi and Jarry rig them back together so if I have any more sliding action at the track I won't really care about them because there already fed up. Thanks.

just take care to repair them well enough so they're not going to come apart on the back/front straights.

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You need to ride your own ride if you find yourself riding too fast trying to keep up with your buddy then you need to talk to him about it and get him to slow down or even take the lead yourself for awhile. Whatever works but you can't be riding above your abilities to keep up with someone or bad things will happen at the same time you can't be riding up someones ass or have someone riding up your ass the results will still be bad. Most importantly you need to shake the urge to keep up before you go out on any big group rides.

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You need to ride your own ride if you find yourself riding too fast trying to keep up with your buddy then you need to talk to him about it and get him to slow down or even take the lead yourself for awhile. Whatever works but you can't be riding above your abilities to keep up with someone or bad things will happen at the same time you can't be riding up someones ass or have someone riding up your ass the results will still be bad. Most importantly you need to shake the urge to keep up before you go out on any big group rides.

Well aware of that man wasn't trying too keep up just f-ed up by staring at him thought he was going off the road and I guess I touched some break don't remember it but had too. I never try too keep up with anyone ask all the guys I ride with on here, I ride my own ride all the time just rider error and its on me!

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Brandon does ride his own ride, not once have I seen him trying to keep up with others. Like he said this one looked like he locked on to the bike in front when he blew the line and touched the front brake. Not sure why we are making such a huge deal about this, Brandon is okay the bike is fixable. Everyone makes mistakes and if you haven't well good for you, Brandon made his and learned from it.

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I gotta say that Dying seems to have a level head. His responses are seemingly positive and not excuse driven or ego minded. Good on him and good on him for wanting to get better.

Brush off and move on and get some seat time. Your buddy needs it also...

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Brandon is okay the bike is fixable. Everyone makes mistakes and if you haven't well good for you, Brandon made his and learned from it.

Because everyone wants to offer up their own explanation as to what happened. Its like asking for tips from a group of seasoned riders, your going to get different ideas from everyone and not one of them are completely right. Christ my dad who has ridden 2 wheels since elementary school still to this day swears the right way to get on a bike is from the off side rather the on side. I don't argue with him, I just let him have his say. Some people say that trail braking is the best way to go into corners, albeit not ideal at all times but it does offer some benefits.

The point is rather then criticize him for his failures, support him in getting back into it. I cant even begin to touch how many people go down like Brandon did and they never get back on. Makes me wander how many dont get back in the saddle because of people criticizing them.

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Damn haha calm down guys:bow: thanks Karl and gunner I've never met ya Brian but I might have a man crush on ya. :D all I know for a fact is slidding acrost the ground is an experienceand if my go pro was on my helment you would of heard me yelling"HOLY SHIT!!!" Haha and the side roads to get to the gas station was fun.

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Because everyone wants to offer up their own explanation as to what happened. Its like asking for tips from a group of seasoned riders, your going to get different ideas from everyone and not one of them are completely right. Christ my dad who has ridden 2 wheels since elementary school still to this day swears the right way to get on a bike is from the off side rather the on side. I don't argue with him, I just let him have his say. Some people say that trail braking is the best way to go into corners, albeit not ideal at all times but it does offer some benefits.

The point is rather then criticize him for his failures, support him in getting back into it. I cant even begin to touch how many people go down like Brandon did and they never get back on. Makes me wander how many dont get back in the saddle because of people criticizing them.

The thing is that constructive criticism is needed for a lot of new riders. Also, on the receiving end, they need to be open minded and check the ego. In doing so, that constructive criticism will go a long ways. Otherwise, getting back on after a crash and doing the same things that got you there in the first place may not happen right away, but could build and build until the next crash is a major one.

The fact is that riding motorcycles is dangerous. We don't spin out and allow us to gather up ourselves and start the car and go on our way. We "spin out" and we end up in the ditch or worse... It's a deadly sport no matter if hobby or more serious. It just is and reality says that the better one is educated, the better your chances are. Even the highest level riders eat shit burgers on occasion. It's what they take from those incidents that make them better.

Like I said, I think the egos are good here and that he is looking in the right direction and has handled the responses rather well. That means a lot and I gotta say that I think unlike some of our members that when given constructive criticism and gone the opposite route, I bet we don't see them around much longer. Which is sad, but expected to a degree...

I'm not arguing anything here, but think it should be noted that I wish I had constructive criticism from my peers when I was first starting out as a street rider. I started WAY late in my age and did it all on my own... I think I would have been better off having this type of thing back then...

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Brandon does ride his own ride, not once have I seen him trying to keep up with others. Like he said this one looked like he locked on to the bike in front when he blew the line and touched the front brake. Not sure why we are making such a huge deal about this, Brandon is okay the bike is fixable. Everyone makes mistakes and if you haven't well good for you, Brandon made his and learned from it.
I gotta say that Dying seems to have a level head. His responses are seemingly positive and not excuse driven or ego minded. Good on him and good on him for wanting to get better.

Brush off and move on and get some seat time. Your buddy needs it also...

I agree with both the statements above. Glad you're okay buddy.

Now next we ride together I'll have the nicest looking bike ;)

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