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How bad is Nelson really?


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There will be plenty of people enjoying some adult beverages. After the riding is over of course. It's allowed especially if you aren't racing Sunday. I'll probably even have a few myself but I hold off on getting smashed when I gotta race the next morning. But by all means stay Saturday night and get as fucked up as you want.

He means drunk smashed, not anal abused smashed, that always happens.

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Hey I'm soad's life partner. If everything works out well(the weather) I'll be riding from chicago out to nelson with him on my Z. If the thunderstorms hit though I won't be able to make.

I'm slow as fuck but looking forward to getting a little faster. We're thinking of staying for the racing on sunday.

I've got a boner for video production/editing so it'd be fun to make something for the race. Is anybody down for letting me throw some gopro's on their bike, or lending me their footage?

Here's some the stuff I've shot of me on my Z:



Edited by Gundamnitpete
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Pretty cool vids. I'll be there all weekend and racing Sunday. If you want a bike to throw some go pros on I'm down. I don't have any of my own so, it would be cool if I could somehow get the video from you afterwards?

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So far everyone is correct, yeah it's not Mid O, or Grattan, or even Pitt/Beaver, but it's fine. It actually gets kinda old to hear people b*tch about it because until you've rode it, you have no idea what it's like. The facilities are the worst you will find anywhere yes, but the track is fun, and really a good one to learn on I think. Plus the price is right with MS, and it's always on Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon(sometimes), so it makes sense.

Nelson's facilities aren't bad. According to my girlfriend, they're waaay less terrifying than Grattan's.

It's mostly mental. Usually when I'd be shitting my pants trying to find the smooth line through 456 some SV on primitive suspension would whip around me on the outside. One day I followed a guy straight out of the pits on dead cold tires, followed him through there, felt like an easy pace, didn't notice any bumps, and the data says that is the fastest I have gone through that section ever.


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Doubt I'll be racing, but I will be running two gopros friday evening and saturday in race school if you want some additional footage to chop up.

I'd absolutely love it. The more the merrier.

I'll be racing sunday with a gopro, I have no issues sending you the footage. I have an extra mount on my bike if you have am extra I can throw on for 2 angles

I do have two gopro's (a hero 3 and an old ass 960) so I might take you up on the second gopro option.

Pretty cool vids. I'll be there all weekend and racing Sunday. If you want a bike to throw some go pros on I'm down. I don't have any of my own so, it would be cool if I could somehow get the video from you afterwards?

sweet. The footage will eventually end up on youtube if that's cool? getting the raw files to you is kinda difficult(they end up pretty freak big).

ill have one gopro on for the races sunday as well

Is there anyway I could use the footage off it? Getting this many on bike angles would be really really sweet. Usually I only have one or two to work with, but a Gopro on this many bikes sounds pretty sweet.

I'll be bringing my HX9V for third person shots of the races sunday(me and soad are sticking around for them), and probably to record whatever drunken shit we end up doing saturday night.

Does someone have a laptop that we can use to transfer footage off these gopro's? I'm bringing my portable hard drive to offload all the footage onto, but I don't have a way to get it onto there.

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The NESBA event organizers used to talk about "the 3 stages of Nelson"

9:00 sesssion (stage 1): "this place is a fucking HOLE. I can't believe I paid for this..."

11:00 session (stage 2): "this layout is awesome. It's a shame the surface is so shitty."

2:00 session (stage 3): "This place is really fun. I'm terrified of what might happen if put a tire off the race line, but this place is FUN!"

Honestly, I think it's a better track for street bikes at track days than it is for racing... Softer suspension and less urgency to pass makes Nelson a lot safer.

Then again, I've done more races there than trackdays, and only crashed there at a trackday :p

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The NESBA event organizers used to talk about "the 3 stages of Nelson"

9:00 sesssion (stage 1): "this place is a fucking HOLE. I can't believe I paid for this..."

11:00 session (stage 2): "this layout is awesome. It's a shame the surface is so shitty."

2:00 session (stage 3): "This place is really fun. I'm terrified of what might happen if put a tire off the race line, but this place is FUN!"

This is exactly how I felt last year when I first rode Nelson.

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Does someone have a laptop that we can use to transfer footage off these gopro's? I'm bringing my portable hard drive to offload all the footage onto, but I don't have a way to get it onto there.

I should have my laptop as long as this re-install of windows goes smoothly...:cry: Hopefully the re-install fixes it's problem with recognizing SD cards as well.

Also, if anyone wants to borrow a camera or two sunday during racing that would be fine with me. Just have to tether/safety wire them per MotoSeries.

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Never done anything but camped there. I think there's a few here that will be camping at the track Friday night, possibly including myself.

If you are still pretty new to track days and running novice group, I would focus on bringing yourself, a well prepped bike ready for trackdays (including keys and gas), and plenty of water and fluids. You will be busy in the classroom between sessions so you probably won't need chairs/easy up. If you happen to need tools or something, a lot of us carry pretty stocked toolboxes and pretty much anything else you would need with us and are always willing to help out.

I could stand to borrow that C tool thing used to adjust rear suspensions...

DSC01338.jpgThat thing, or something similar, if anybody has one?

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