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Who repped Magz??


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You know, I don't read every thread on here adn maybe it predates my participation here but I haven't figured out why a good number of users bash him so much? I've observed some very negative comments made to him and he's never (that I've seen) denigrated the conversation to a flame war and tends to keep an even keel attitude.

Again, these are my observations...I don't know they guy. Maybe his opinions aren't popular (gun topics especially) but what has he done to incur the ire of the group or is it just a few and others are piling on?

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I personally think someone is whacky when I read a thread where they want to build a personal aircraft, have no flying lessons, and from pictures I've seen, has the building/fabricating skills of a....nevermind. That doesn't necessarily make him a bad guy though.

Edited by 330racing
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You know, I don't read every thread on here adn maybe it predates my participation here but I haven't figured out why a good number of users bash him so much? I've observed some very negative comments made to him and he's never (that I've seen) denigrated the conversation to a flame war and tends to keep an even keel attitude.

Again, these are my observations...I don't know they guy. Maybe his opinions aren't popular (gun topics especially) but what has he done to incur the ire of the group or is it just a few and others are piling on?

It might have something to do with his Westboro Baptist Church-like behavior. Being giddy over a war heros death in order to push his anti gun rants tends to rub some folks the wrong way.



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I'm pretty sure a lot of it is his anti gun position at how he thinks/says gun owners have small dicks. His comments of Chris Kyle made me hate him and its hard for me to actually "hate" a person

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

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I don't know Magley, but it seems like he annoys.....well....just about everyone. Where did he get rep points from? Can you rep yourself?? Was there a time more OR members respected him more?

It's been fairly quiet troll wise and then here you come to shake the short bus and wake up all the 'tards.

You will get no rep from me on this thread.


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I'm pretty sure a lot of it is his anti gun position at how he thinks/says gun owners have small dicks. His comments of Chris Kyle made me hate him and its hard for me to actually "hate" a person

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

No, it's not. :D

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I'd hardly consider my reaction "giddy"...

but to answer the question...

I've gotten repped by several members here regarding several different topics.

Many people were "put off" by some of my comments in gun threads, including some I consider good friends. (even to this day) There are a few I believe honestly hate me (which is weird for someone you've only interacted with on a message board).

here is a sample, I've removed the names and some details so the few that really have a hard on for me won't be able to take it out on those I still consider friends.


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I'd hardly consider my reaction "giddy"...

but to answer the question...

I've gotten repped by several members here regarding several different topics.

Many people were "put off" by some of my comments in gun threads, including some I consider good friends. (even to this day) There are a few I believe honestly hate me (which is weird for someone you've only interacted with on a message board).

here is a sample, I've removed the names and some details so the few that really have a hard on for me won't be able to take it out on those I still consider friends.


So that's how infraction show up I've never had one so I never knew ..thanks

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to hate someone like magley's OR persona is silly and non-productive. he is to be pitied and chuckled at.

having ridden/hanging out with him through OR back when he was just funny, a bit witty, cooky (with his crazy vehicle/invention ideas), and back then, the most off putting thing about him was a light case of arrogant atheist without the brains to back it up.

at some point, though, something changed and he adopted some bastardized form of libertarian ideals (sans actual liberty) and decided to go all WBC on chris kyle. he said lots of things about soldiers that he knew to be completely fucked up and when called out on it, didn't have the cajones to confirm his feelings on the matter with family member(s) who are actively serving the country. he couldn't elbow his way out of that one, unfortunately. pitiful.

his greatest contribution to this site now is the amusement provided from reading the prattling of a misguided halfwit.

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I'm pretty sure a lot of it is his anti gun position at how he thinks/says gun owners have small dicks. His comments of Chris Kyle made me hate him and its hard for me to actually "hate" a person

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

So was he the fake user from the Netherlands? Asshat!

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How many "I hate Magz" threads does this forum really need' date=' anyway?[/quote']

No one makes him start threads in the firearms forum. He must like the attention.

Maybe he's one of those weird fuckers that likes when people hate him :dunno:

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Magz is a good guy if you get to know him instead of judging him from some threads. There sure are a lot of forum members that have had no problem showing up at his birthday bashes to drink and eat for free. Disagreeing with his posts are one thing but when you have to flex your internet muscles and bash him for no reason it's getting a little childish and fucking pathetic. While you are on here bashing him he is out racking up miles on his bike maybe some of you should do the same.

Magz I'll hang out with you anytime the hell with the haters.

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