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Okay, I was wondering how to use a controller on a PC since I'm not going to use the keyboard.  This is looking like the better option for me at the moment.  


Use you can buy the wireless adapter for the pc or if you have a wired 360 controller just plug it in to the usb on your pc. Go to the games option and it will say controller or on some games it will just work right away. If you use windows it will download the drivers for the 360 controller right away.

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Use you can buy the wireless adapter for the pc or if you have a wired 360 controller just plug it in to the usb on your pc. Go to the games option and it will say controller or on some games it will just work right away. If you use windows it will download the drivers for the 360 controller right away.


Awesome, good to know!  

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Because he lacks the mental capacity and knowledge to build a solid pc :D

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Not mental capacity, time to wanna learn to do it or play it
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You have to remember that a console doesn't require quite the same specs to output the same quality as a PC because your Xbox or PS aren't having to run all the extra bloat that a PC is simultaneously.

Right, but the console is pretty much stuck as it was built (now 8 years old)

A pc you can upgrade and make major improvements every year at least, sometimes sooner.


if you're a "hardcore" gamer, PC is the way to go, get a nice high end desktop, and 99% of the games that come out on a console also come out on PC.

you can use controllers or mouse and keyboard.


You can get a hand full of high end monitors for some serious surround vision, or just HDMI it to your big screen, and go.


if you're just a casual gamer, a console isn't a bad way to go since it doubles up as a media center and is pretty cheap compared to building or buying a serious gaming rig.

Edited by magley64
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You have to remember that a console doesn't require quite the same specs to output the same quality as a PC because your Xbox or PS aren't having to run all the extra bloat that a PC is simultaneously.

I play both pc and console. I have several of the same games on xbox and pc. Black ops, black ops 2, MW3, BF3, Skyrim, MLB 2012. Not one of these games even remotely looks as good on my pc or even looks as good on a pc from the same generation of components. Thats because the console makers must downgrade the qualities of the games for consoles in order to be run smoothly. BF3 on consoles is 24 players max. On pc its 64 players max because the consoles are unable to generate the graphics fast enough for the console to keep up.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

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@Mags: unless you're unlucky enough to build your PC within a year or two of major changes in standards.  IE: my first gaming PC i built about 2 years before PCI-e became the new graphics card interface standard and shortly before DDR2 RAM was the standard.  CPU sockets change too.  So while you can upgrade components, in reality most new CPUs and RAM come with a new socket requirements, which means you gotta get a new motherboard.  If you upgrade a PC after 3 years, odds are your going to be replacing everything but the case, optical drive, and HDD.

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@Mags: unless you're unlucky enough to build your PC within a year or two of major changes in standards.  IE: my first gaming PC i built about 2 years before PCI-e became the new graphics card interface standard and shortly before DDR2 RAM was the standard.  CPU sockets change too.  So while you can upgrade components, in reality most new CPUs and RAM come with a new socket requirements, which means you gotta get a new motherboard.  If you upgrade a PC after 3 years, odds are your going to be replacing everything but the case, optical drive, and HDD.


I understand what your talking about but to save on confusing others and time. I research everything before hand. Overclocking is your friend. Yes, pc can be a lot more but what you don't hear is how much it really cost Microsoft to make the Xbox 360 and even the Xbox One. same with the Ps3 and Ps4. These companies are not making money on systems at launch. Microsoft lost a lot of money on the Xbox gambe and also with the xbox 360. They sell these units cheap so that way eveyone buys them. The real money made comes from the games and the dlc. When a motherboard is made and available they include several models. Its worth researching this and seeing what each one has. It is not always the best decision to get the cheapest motherboard. I usually buy the middle of the pack and look at what it offers and see if that motherboard can be upgraded. This will save you money in the end. Pc hardware prices change about every 3 months. Keep this in mind and with the release of new hardware. RAM in general may seem expensive but most games dont even use that much. You dont need anything more than 8GB of ddr and even then that is a lot. The different speeds drive up the cost. Same thing with processors. You see six core and even eight core but in reality most games don't even use more than 4 cores at most with a full load. You really only need the most extreme pc processing if your doing 3d renderring. Graphics cards and it goes for all pc components. Just look at the big picture. My pc I built 6 years ago still outperforms the 360 and only paid $400 for it not including monitor, keyboard and mouse. Even then what made that pc last was overclocking it. This new pc build was even greater but its so much power its not neccesary but Im crazy like that. I can ultra every game out there. I built my pc for a 3 screen setup and just waiting on another gtx 680 4gb. Also the game that your playing on xbox and even ps3 is not even running at its actual screen resolution. Its a trick the companies like that use. At best your actually getting 1152x640 or sometimes higher. The so called 1920x1080 your getting is just an upscaling. Also the lack of anti-alising and several other things. You can test this by running a the same game on pc and ps3 or xbox 360. Why is that the pc version is better because it uses the correct format and gpu is better. I am not hating on console games. Shit I probably own more console games than anyone I know. Currently over 60 360 games. If you dont care about graphics and smooth gameplay and dont want to configure a pc or learn then by all means get the console. Thats why I like consoles because they are simple. The lack of not being able to upgrade them is stupid. I would love to put more RAM in my 360. The slowdowns are horrible and most 360 games are under 30fps. While on the pc I can always get a solid 60fps. Well either way both are great options depending on the person. I just notice that stuff so that why I switched over to the pc world. It also depends on the game developer if they actually know how utilize the 360 and ps3 potential. lol. ok end. I could go on for a long time but Im sure you don't want to hear me.

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@Mags: unless you're unlucky enough to build your PC within a year or two of major changes in standards. IE: my first gaming PC i built about 2 years before PCI-e became the new graphics card interface standard and shortly before DDR2 RAM was the standard. CPU sockets change too. So while you can upgrade components, in reality most new CPUs and RAM come with a new socket requirements, which means you gotta get a new motherboard. If you upgrade a PC after 3 years, odds are your going to be replacing everything but the case, optical drive, and HDD.

Maybe, but the point is that you can do that... replace a motherboard, stuff in larger ram chips, overclock and add liquid cooling, something new comes along every 6 months... so you can continue to improve your experience if you're hardcore into gaming... the console is what it is... sure you could mod it, or whatever, but your options are severely limited vs a PC where you could build a significantly faster one every 6 months if you like.

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the down side is, developers prefer to dev for a console. It is easier, you know what the hardware is, you know software that is loaded, it makes development so much easier.  On the PC side, devs have to try to take into account many option Intel VS AMD, ATI(Iknow AMD as weell now) vs Nvidia, what ver ow windows, ect.  So many games today are deved for the console and ported over to the PC as an after thought.  

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the down side is, developers prefer to dev for a console. It is easier, you know what the hardware is, you know software that is loaded, it makes development so much easier. On the PC side, devs have to try to take into account many option Intel VS AMD, ATI(Iknow AMD as weell now) vs Nvidia, what ver ow windows, ect. So many games today are deved for the console and ported over to the PC as an after thought.

That's partially correct. The xbox 360 dev kits were winows based pcs that had the same gear that the xbox had.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

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I dunno how its cheaper. I've got 1800 cash unvested into my pc

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Just cause you have a gazillion dollars invested into a rapidly depreciating item doesn't mean the rest of us do.

Also, one can do a lot of things on ones pc that one can't do with their ps3 or Xbox (or insert future console here). Cost gets subsidized into that. If ALL you do with a pc is play games, then yeah, it's pretty pricey. Personally, I use my computer for work first, and play games second (at best).

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I built it as a higher end gaming pc capable of running BF3 on ultra at resolutions of 5790x1080 at 30+fps. It will do that and thwn some. You can't do that without spending some cash.

yes I'm posting this from my GS3

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$1800 to run BF3 on ultra? i can run BF3 for $200 for a new xbox 360, and $40 for a copy of BF3.........that seems like a no brainer to me

that's your choice too. I'm also water cooled with three monitors.

yes I'm posting this from my GS3

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I game on both and no I don't think its cheaper. For me pc gaming is about a higher quality of game because the video out put and resolutions are not anywhere on par with pc . If I want to game with my friends then I get on my xbox.

yes I'm posting this from my GS3

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again, if ALL you do with a PC is gaming, then absolutely makes no sense unless you do an extreme budget build, buy used, etc. a low end system will still push out the same shitty graphics as console.


if you're like the rest of the world, where your pc does a lot of other things like act as a home media server, you use it for home office, porn server, etc etc etc, i am right, you are wrong, i are winrar

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