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Might Wanna Cover That Pistol Better...


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I don't give a shit if my gun freaks out my neighbor. Actually, that's kind I the point. Stay away from me and my family or I'll shoot your face.

Oh now that's mature. Good thing gun owners don't suffer a reputation for being paranoid isolationists with itchy trigger fingers. You guys really don't have a clue about how that type of attitude paints gun owners, and rights, negatively, do you?

I.P. I wouldn't have predicted you'd be a part of the parade.

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There is no benifit of catering to people's ignorant fears. Did the guy or gun you saw actually do anything to anybody? I doubt it. Call me an asshole but I'm notgoingoing to stop riding my sportbike because people have a negative view of bikers. I also am not going to stop carrying guns because people don't like it. How the gun is carried doesn't matter. People who don't want the gun carried openly probably dont want them carried concealed either. If its ok to carry concealed in their mind but not open that's irrational and illogical.

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There is no benifit of catering to people's ignorant fears. Did the guy or gun you saw actually do anything to anybody? I doubt it. Call me an asshole but I'm notgoingoing to stop riding my sportbike because people have a negative view of bikers. I also am not going to stop carrying guns because people don't like it. How the gun is carried doesn't matter. People who don't want the gun carried openly probably dont want them carried concealed either. If its ok to carry concealed in their mind but not open that's irrational and illogical.


You see this as catering to people's ignorant fears without any benefit because "people who don't want the gun carried openly probably don't want them carried concealed either," which in my experience is absolutely not true.  As such, you have forged every "carry" social exchange before it even occurs.  You started by calling it "catering", which is a negative word and partially rhymes with "pandering."  At that moment, you've already prejudged anyone uncomfortable with open carry as "agin us" who are unworthy of respect or courtesy in the matter.  I really believe you're unwilling to leave those words behind and think about this as a matter of consideration and respect that can take us much further to a mutual goal society being more comfortable with citizen carry.


What I'm talking about doesn't require you to change your political position about lawful carry one iota - it merely calls you to consider that "people with ignorant fears" still vote, and they may vote for gun restrictions or may convince store owners to put up more of those damned signs if they perceive gun owners as arrogant pricks who can't keep their gats in their pants as part of some constitutional bare-all.  I'm being dead serious about this - there are moderates in this world, and lots of them despite what FOX, MSNBC, NRA and Brady so desperately want us to believe.


Frankly it's a shame you're willing to be creative only in the direction that fits with your vision for a social end-state.  You're willing to impose your rights and expect social flexibility and adaptation upon others while being unwilling to bend to their sensitivities, i.e. to not have to see guns, and go on elevated alert, everywhere they travel.  Where you see weakness, others see relaxed quality of life.  Both perspectives have a lot of merit in different circumstances, but that's the point - I believe we should be sensitive to situations when a gun's reveal works more against than for us.

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There is no benifit of catering to people's ignorant fears. Did the guy or gun you saw actually do anything to anybody? I doubt it. Call me an asshole but I'm notgoingoing to stop riding my sportbike because people have a negative view of bikers. I also am not going to stop carrying guns because people don't like it. How the gun is carried doesn't matter. People who don't want the gun carried openly probably dont want them carried concealed either. If its ok to carry concealed in their mind but not open that's irrational and illogical.

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You see this as catering to people's ignorant fears without any benefit because "people who don't want the gun carried openly probably don't want them carried concealed either," which in my experience is absolutely not true.  As such, you have forged every "carry" social exchange before it even occurs.  You started by calling it "catering", which is a negative word and partially rhymes with "pandering."  At that moment, you've already prejudged anyone uncomfortable with open carry as "agin us" who are unworthy of respect or courtesy in the matter.  I really believe you're unwilling to leave those words behind and think about this as a matter of consideration and respect that can take us much further to a mutual goal society being more comfortable with citizen carry.


What I'm talking about doesn't require you to change your political position about lawful carry one iota - it merely calls you to consider that "people with ignorant fears" still vote, and they may vote for gun restrictions or may convince store owners to put up more of those damned signs if they perceive gun owners as arrogant pricks who can't keep their gats in their pants as part of some constitutional bare-all.  I'm being dead serious about this - there are moderates in this world, and lots of them despite what FOX, MSNBC, NRA and Brady so desperately want us to believe.


Frankly it's a shame you're willing to be creative only in the direction that fits with your vision for a social end-state.  You're willing to impose your rights and expect social flexibility and adaptation upon others while being unwilling to bend to their sensitivities, i.e. to not have to see guns, and go on elevated alert, everywhere they travel.  Where you see weakness, others see relaxed quality of life.  Both perspectives have a lot of merit in different circumstances, but that's the point - I believe we should be sensitive to situations when a gun's reveal works more against than for us.

It's not a matter of them being against us its that their view isn't going to change wether they see an open carried gun or not. Like i said I shouldn't have to see fat people wearing undersized clothes but its the way of the world and I accept it. Really how does seeing a gun negatively affect a person? It's all them that causes any issue that they have with the gun. Some people get put on edge by seeing people with tattoos so do you tgink all people with tatts should cover them?

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When it is the law "for now" and our right to do something no matter what public perception may be.......to hell with the public!!!!!!! It isn't like they vote or anything, they will eventually understand and accept the ways of us gun toting trouble makers. Out of sight out of mind doesn't work very well and doesnt bring any attention, we must sometimes make an open statement and poke the hive with a pistol. Police are obviously always out to cause tension with law abiding citizens, so do not work with them, do not answer their questions, and pay them no mind. Be sure you have your smart phone or camera recording if ever approached by police, they love it when we do that and encourage us to do so. Be sure to post that video on youtube, we need to spread more negativity and bad press for law enforcement and the armed Americans walking the streets. To hell with public perception toward gun owners, not like we are under fire or being scrutinized for our actions. What is that saying? Ah yes........"an armed society is a polite society", we are always very polite......ALWAYS!!!!!!!

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I get on edge when I see a fat person in a thong in Wal*Mart.

I'm on edge when I come across a rookie cop. Why? Because of people such as you who keep pushing the issue of a mwg when its an open carry citizen

yes I'm posting this from my GS3

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Are you going to start a " you might want to cover that fat ass better" thread?


Nah, because I'm not trying to preserve the right to wear thongs in Wal*Mart.


I'm on edge when I come across a rookie cop. Why? Because of people such as you who keep pushing the issue of a mwg when its an open carry citizen


Find someone else to blame - you don't get what I'm saying because you're too stuck in a binary us-vs-them mode.

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Nah, because I'm not trying to preserve the right to wear thongs in Wal*Mart.


But you are preserving the right to open carry by telling people not too? What's the point of preserving the right but not do it and discourage others from doing it.

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You are just now figuring this out?


Sometimes I miss things while giving people every opportunity to impress me.  :facepalm:


I already know. Your wife showed me and told me you both keep it in the same place for tactical efficacy.


Damn her - I knew there was a reason we got that divorce!  I don't have as many places to hide sand as she does, and I guarantee you sir that she conceals a lot more sand than I ever will...!


But you are preserving the right to open carry by telling people not too? What's the point of preserving the right but not do it and discourage others from doing it.


I never said don't carry open, I just said to consider (and hopefully avoid) potential negative effects of accidental reveals.  Actually I think that open carry in a retainment holster is much better than an accidental CHL reveal because it's overt from the start.

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Nah, because I'm not trying to preserve the right to wear thongs in Wal*Mart.



Find someone else to blame - you don't get what I'm saying because you're too stuck in a binary us-vs-them mode.


Find someone else to blame? Its whiny ass bitches like you who keep complaining about the god damn issue of open carry.What you have failed to understand that I and others have pointed out, the guy you pointed out was effectively concealing even if he had a slip. Who gives a fuck, keep your gun with you, this fucking argument of a tactical advantage is bullshit as neither side has any REAL confirmed proof of either argument. I carry how the fuck I feel like, when the fuck I feel like. You aint gotta like it, but fuck you if you wanna take that away 

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Find someone else to blame? Its whiny ass bitches like you who keep complaining about the god damn issue of open carry.What you have failed to understand that I and others have pointed out, the guy you pointed out was effectively concealing even if he had a slip. Who gives a fuck, keep your gun with you, this fucking argument of a tactical advantage is bullshit as neither side has any REAL confirmed proof of either argument. I carry how the fuck I feel like, when the fuck I feel like. You aint gotta like it, but fuck you if you wanna take that away 


Seriously dude, take a breath.  It's just a discussion, name calling and telling people to f-off just makes you sound like James Yeager, which by the way isn't a good thing.


And explain to me how someone was "effectively concealing" if his piece was visible in plain site? 

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Find someone else to blame? Its whiny ass bitches like you who keep complaining about the god damn issue of open carry.What you have failed to understand that I and others have pointed out, the guy you pointed out was effectively concealing even if he had a slip. Who gives a fuck, keep your gun with you, this fucking argument of a tactical advantage is bullshit as neither side has any REAL confirmed proof of either argument. I carry how the fuck I feel like, when the fuck I feel like. You aint gotta like it, but fuck you if you wanna take that away 

I don't think you're "helping the cause" as much as you think you are.  You are like the burned out pothead, thinking he is a great political activist for marijuana rights...but everyone is laughing at him.


It wasn't illegal for the guy to carry on the bike.  It wouldn't be illegal for people to call the police, either

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Seriously dude, take a breath.  It's just a discussion, name calling and telling people to f-off just makes you sound like James Yeager, which by the way isn't a good thing.


And explain to me how someone was "effectively concealing" if his piece was visible in plain site? 

Its effectively concealing because hes is on a vehicle. Plain and simple the moment this guy climbed onto a motorcycle, whether his sidearm was visable is considered concealed carry according to the law. Doesnt matter if its seen or not, these people complaining about open carry are the ones that keep bringing the issue up. You dont see conceal carry advocates bitch and complain that someone is concealed do you? Most guys who open carry do so until they get their chl or like me I open carry because I want to unless I go into a busy location like the grocery store. Then I cover up. 

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 I open carry because I want to unless I go into a busy location like the grocery store. Then I cover up. 


Why would you do that.  You are legally allowed to OC.  Why are you bowing down to the public.  It's not your problem, it's theirs.  Maybe you should just give me your guns and cancel your NRA membership.



Edited by Tigerpaw
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