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Aspiring Drag Racer Needs Lots Of Help If Anyone In Columbus


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The story goes like this, I have a 69 Harley Ironhead Sportster that I am turning from Chopper to drag bike. I dont know a whole lot about Harley drags and or mc drag racing. My guess is, I'll be racing at either National Trails or Kil Kare. I do not have a lot of cash and is turning out to be a longer project than anticipated. I hand make most the things that go on my bike because I dont have the resources to just go out and spend money. I know racing is expensive, I have raced all my life in the dirt track leagues. I would love to have some extra hands and anyone who might have tools I don't have. Things like a welder and air compresser. Things of that nature. I am a very mechaniclly inclined young fella with a desire to go FAST. I decided I love harleys and always have so why not take my old Harley drag racing. Sure its old, not so fast and heavier than new stuff, the thing is, I love Harleys and nothing else. I like all bikes but own and love old harleys. With all this said, Im not asking for hand outs or miracles. Just anyone who wants to help a life long lover of harleys and going fast on 2 wheels, Im here in Columbus, the north side. I will tell you, my traveling is very limited. Saving for a car but I work on my bike using what i have and can find.

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Why waste the time? It's going to be ridiculously expensive to make an old hardly go fast.... I get if you want an old rat rod type bike, but you need to change a couple expectations... If you wanna go fast and don't have much money, you ain't gonna do it on an antique harley... You'll have less money in buying a newer bike to race than you will fabbing up crap to make yours fast

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I agree with everyone, but you can't race AHDRA or AMRA with anything but an American piece of iron. If that's the lifestyle he wants then Harley is the way he's got to go.





AHDRA is dead:





I don’t really know where to start. This is one of the toughest things I have ever had to do. I guess the best thing to do is just get it out of the way. The 2013 AHDRA Championship Points Series is cancelled. I am sorry for holding everyone up, but there was potential to work this out and I wanted to give it the best shot. Unfortunately, it did not materialize. With our declining sponsorship support, most likely driven by our declining racer and spectator attendance, most likely driven by our crappy economy, we are unable to plan a budget that has a positive bottom line. This would be the 5th year of negative cash flow for AHDRA and she just can’t stand it financially. Although they were committed to remaining as a presenting AHDRA sponsor for 2013, Harley-Davidson is moving most of its sponsorship spending to the NHRA’s Sportsman series. Last week’s news from the folks at Rush Racing Products, that they would not be continuing their sponsorship at AHDRA, was the final blow. These were our two largest sponsors and contributed the lion’s share of sponsor revenue for AHDRA. I want to thank Hawaya Racing, Vreeland’s H-D, Irene Fish, Frank Capone, RC Components, Gainesville H-D and all the others that have committed their support for 2013. However, without the level of support from Harley-Davidson and Rush, we can’t make the numbers work. I also want to thank Harley-Davidson and Rush Racing Products for their many years of support. Business is business and though I wish it were different, they made their decisions based on what’s best for their future. I have enjoyed working with Kris Schoonover at H-D and Terry Daniel and Lou Pringle at Rush. These were hard decisions for them to make, and I respect their need to make them. I also want to thank all of the AHDRA members and competitors. You are one great group of people. I have lived and breathed Harley Drag Racing for the past 14 years, and have met some of the finest people I have ever known. You inspired me and kept me going through the good times and the rough times. Please know that more than anything; you are what I will miss. On the bright side, there’s a bunch of places to race this year. AMRA looks like they have a good schedule. And with the Manufacturer’s Cup Series and NHRA offering several new venues, there should be ample opportunities to race. Maybe there’s even an enterprising entrepreneur out there that would like to take up the reins of AHDRA and run with it! I am open to any and all possibilities……

Craig Tharpe

AHDRA memberships that were mailed in will be returned and if you signed up online with a credit card your card has not been charged. An official press release with more particulars will be published next week.

Edited by 2fat2fly
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You're one of the rare ones here Red! Max's post is more typical of the average post in any HD thread I've read here. They all seem to get ugly.... I was referring to the opinion that he won't likely get help here not anything to do with the bike :)

Edited by Kritz
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Ok, well, Damn Some of yall need to realize something about fast and motorcycles. Now Im not trying to be a smartass or a jerky attitude, BUT here is the cold hard facts, A> Harley Davidson and Indian were the first 2 race bikes. B> hence the name SPORT in Sportster, they were the first Sports bikes here in the states. Granted, the HD corp dont give a flying rats anus about speed and the cunsumer. I am not a fan of stock Harleys or really evos are not my cup of tea. America started mc racing and perfected it for a long time before Japs and Brits brought their stuff here. I dont care what anyone rides but if its a friend, of course Id bust their balls for riding tea or rice rockets. Its fun. I dont go up to strangers and say "hey dude, jap bikes suck" I deserve the same. C> My bike in its day was a very fast and the most commonly used engine in mc racing.


Now on to better things, I am going ET racing, there is no heads up racing around so wheather I'm slowest or the fastest, I have the same shot. ET drag racing is all about consistency. Things like set ups and such things are key. I have a rigid, I explained all that but, its ALL I have and ALL I can work with.  I know all about amra, a and AHDRA folding up. A lot of racers stopped. My opinion, its cool to race an all aHarley event but Id rather beat the Japanese and British machines at the far end. In Bracket or ET racing, fastest dont always win and sometimes its the slowest of the day

I am on the north side close to I-71 and weber road

AND a BIG THANKS those who contribute positive. Hell, never know when one of these slow old Harleys cruises up and pulls over to save your day, I already pushed a honda home and wrenched it to health for a total stranger. if its 2 wheels its a mc to me

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if its 2 wheels its a mc to me

I'm in that club too.

There are quite a few on here that understand where you're coming from. E.T. racing is the most cost effective way to regularly race and be competitive. If you're running in a class with no delay boxes then you have as good a chance as anybody to take the win light. I respect and undersatnd what you're doing and I wish you all the luck in the World.Unfortunately I live more than an hour from you and really don't have anything to contribute to your pursuit. If you're down this way I'll happily help you out if I can. I live about 10 miles from Kilkare so I'll probably see you there at some point.


This is my track jalopy:







If you see me at the track stop over and introduce yourself.

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I'm not a Harley hater at all, I just hate the drunken pirates that play biker on the weekends.

My post was a joke, stretched 600? Come on! It's a slam on squids.

I like old Harley's the way I like 40-50's hot rods. I just don't think they are the easiest platform to go fast on. Chill out bubbys. Sheesh...

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Ill be at the Kil Kare race in July. HOPEFULLY. It depends on whats up. That weekend (27-28) is my 30th bday weekend. and would be first time getting to see harleys drag race, let alone top fuel harleys. I love them. I have nothing against ANY brand, like I said, Ill dick around with  my friends but not unless I know them. I have a love of Harleys and always have. I would personally never WANT to ride any other bikes. I would jump on something if I was asked or sponsered big money but Id rather go H-D. Its just MY desires. My passion lays in speed and American Iron. My goal is to save enough cash and go to long beach to meet up with the world famous Master of Harleys, Pat Leahy. He is one of the coolest dudes Ive ever met and he says If I get it out there we can buzz it up. My goal is 100CI eventually and my own hand made cases to accept up to 110ci and still keep the 4 cams of the xl engines

It may take the rest of my life but look at ol Burt Munro, he was old before he made it happen big but he did it

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I'm not a Harley hater at all, I just hate the drunken pirates that play biker on the weekends.


I do laugh at the "uniforms."  But that's regardless of bike brand. 


HD sleeveless t-shirt (or vest), with your HD bandana, and HD boots. Can't go ridin' without 'em! ...We get it.  Their marketing worked on you.  But I feel the same way about "Suzuki" jackets and full "Ducati" leathers.

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I do laugh at the "uniforms." But that's regardless of bike brand.

HD sleeveless t-shirt (or vest), with your HD bandana, and HD boots. Can't go ridin' without 'em! ...We get it. Their marketing worked on you. But I feel the same way about "Suzuki" jackets and full "Ducati" leathers.

I don't care what they wear. Drunk assholes on motorcycles piss me off. Too stupid to wear gear is just a bonus.

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...but can he corner low? ;-)


That's badass, Joe.


to the OP - what's the status of the bike as it sits?  running?  ran when it was taken apart, but it's in pieces?


As far as I'm concerned, once you have a rideable bike, go race it as it is.  Give yourself a baseline, THEN start messing with things.


I know virtually nothing about drag racing, but losing mass from the bike is probably the easiest modification.

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Thanks grape. I sent you a friend request and a message. im Joey. anyways, thanks, thats cool. I love mc's and mc racing. Red, bike runs. it starts on first or 2nd kick 99% of time. as is right at the time, gas tank is off so I can fix a pinhole. either soldering it or getting a POR15 sealer kit. I just mocked up my new rear fender I made out of a DO NOT ENTER sign I was given. I will be rolling out to track with a 21'' front wheel 6 over front end and a rigid chopper frame. It is what it is and as you said, getting baseline down so I cna tweak as I go and still race. if I run a 30 second run, so be it. I know its old and not very quick but, off the line, i beat the Japanese bikes on the streets. Granted, most of these KIDS trying to be cool have no clue how to ride a bike and all but, i was still proud of the ol Harley. its older than dirt but new enough for my heart. some day Ill have an evo or a really big ci ironhead. they tickle my fancy. Thanks fellas, I LIKE ALL bikes, LOVE, that goes to oLD Harleys. Id ride next to a 50cc pocket bike if thats who was willing to go ride.


now onto those pesky hipsters, O MY, i get so annoyed by these lamsters. I am not a fan of new Harleys, too slow and no thought from the corp that runs HD. I do love laughing at the fakes. they have 5 cars, 3 trucks and 8 motorcycles they had built or bolted on a bunch of chromed bs. the ones who own EVERYTHING HD puts their greedy lil name on. the dudes who have socks, shoes, undies, shirts, wallets, stickers and all the typical bar hopper hipster gear. the " o dude, I got a Harley-Davidson" guys. Im not one of those douches. Actually, I have ONE hd shirt and it was a freebie. i do not have any hd cloting except 2 jackets that were gifts as a teen. and yall will love this, my leather jacket, is GREEN. got it from iron pony on sale for 40 bucks. kawi green. hahahhaa i like green and its more visable. plus black is too hot. but as said above, its the same with the guys in their full racing leathers and what not with Kawi or suzuki or whatever brand plastered all over. HD riders aint the only ones. hahaha.

i would love to find some used or freebie leathers someone aint using. very small dude though. ive had offers but dudes were way bigger than i am. imagine that.

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The difference being that the Kawi or Suzuki guy doesn't plan his rides around visiting dealerships to buy $40 t shirts advertising the dealership.

I have to give ya that one. I went to AD Farrows, WOW. seen a 12 grand sportster, stock. YEAH FREAKIN RIGHT. they re rude and stuck up in there. wasnt a fan of the stealerships. But I have seen the same characteristics in honda and triumph guys too. its all the same. there are BIKERS and there are people who happen to own a bike. i eat, sleep and live harley race bikes. If no one likes it, o well. if they do, great. ill be the guy riding no matter the weather or coolness. I didnt always want a HD but ive always LOVED Sportsters. ok thats a lie, Ive loved Harleys since the 80s when my dad and his friends had them. Fast, loud and always kickass Harleys. Dad and his friends always had badass Harleys and that was it. some had jap or brit bikes but most had Harleys. its not an image thing to me thugh. its just the brand i love the most. nothing in the world can come as close to sounding better than a stroked and stoked harley, NOTHING! but i work on hondas, kawis, suzuks and triumphs. if it has 2-4 wheels, i can fix it

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