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Aspiring Drag Racer Needs Lots Of Help If Anyone In Columbus


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I think it's cool you have something you're so passionate about... What I meant in my first post is that you kept mentioning going fast, not bracket racing, and doing it cheap... I was simply saying it's not realistic to go fast for cheap on that bike and if fast was your goal and you're really as broke as you say, something else would be a better platform

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Ironhead - 


Send me an email at EaracheMS at Gmail.com and we can discuss what I can do to help you out.


I'm from Indianapolis, but travel through Ohio and Columbus often.



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Steve, i said in original post that id be racing nation trails, i doubt there is any if at all heads up racign close to columbus, its ok though, slow n steady. and YES, I am definitly as broke as I say. i think I have 3 bucks in change and 4 dollars in paper to my name. thats my life savings, hahahhaahah sad huh. haha

Earache, thanks. im about to send you an email now

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Ironhead - 


Send me an email at EaracheMS at Gmail.com and we can discuss what I can do to help you out.


I'm from Indianapolis, but travel through Ohio and Columbus often.



i sent you an email. i dont know what name it says but you should see its me. i use odd names on my email from time tro time because some are funny. i was hu flungpu for a long time, might still say that

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you have a PM re: leathers.


Just looked up what you're planning to drag.  Drum brakes (at least up front) make me nervous!  Then again, I guess a drag strip should have plenty of room for you to slow down.


Most I can offer to help with at this point is safety wiring. Lots of practice at that!

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hey fellas, NO drum brake up front. my bike has a disc off a 74+ and a 21"front wheel. the brake line busted so no front brakes at all until my brake line gets here. if it ever makes it. going on 2 months and they swear it was shipped.  NO track will let you run without front brakes. or at least none that i know of. i do have a big ol drum in the rear though.

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and YES, I am definitly as broke as I say. i think I have 3 bucks in change and 4 dollars in paper to my name. thats my life savings, hahahhaahah sad huh. haha


LOL priorities :nono:

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exactlly. a wife and baby =s me being broke as hell. gotta do it though. i dont drink, use drugs, eat out, have cable or anything else not mandatory to live and raise a baby


what kind of work do you do?


Kids aren't THAT expensive ...it's paying people to watch them, and missing time from work to watch them yourself that costs a ton.

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side note.... the ONLY 2 street bikes Ive ever rode was when i used to steal my Mom's 97 883 hugger sportster and my 69 rigid chop. big dif. but 1st harley was a 69 125 rapido. made in ITALY. hahaha

You should try out more bikes. I know I know, you tug it to hd rigid choppers every night before bed but jump on something modern once, even if its a jap cruiser. Its one thing to love the bike you have, and I've loved every bike I've ever owned....intensely. but before you decide that this is the only thing you're ever going to like, get out there and make sure, you owe it to yourself to make an informed decision and if the only two bikes you've ever been on were sportsters you should expand your horizons.

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Yeah. The Suzuki and Kawasaki guys are too busy rocking tank tops and BikeStyles swag to spend any time contemplating an actual ride.

Same animal. Different fur.

You know Suzuki and Kawasaki make cruisers too, right?

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I admire your passion and spunk. I am a sponsor of many things, this site included, as you can see by my Sponsor title. I would entertain the thought of a HD Drag bike as well. I already Sponsor a Drag Queen in the MMMA (Midget Mixed Martial Arts) so why not a Drag Bike too? How tall are you? I don't mean to be a hater but I tend to stick with Midget Sponsorships for obvious reasons and the Biggers just don't seem to understand. If not a Midget are you atleast of short stature whereas I could play it off as the Drag Strips tallest Midget? Just thinking out loud here. This could be an Epic endeavor, Midget on a lowered bike on a Short course, you see the short and sweet picture here? I'm running a little short on time here to go into more detail but long story short, I think this could work. Think it over and get back with me and we'll set up a short interview sometime next week, Ill be in the Short North next Thurday. I can see the looks already when we pull in with the Short Bed Dodge pulling the trailer with all the Sponsor tags on it. Obviously mine, Midget Todd Enterprises, MMMA, Stubby Wrench, Short Dawg Repo, Short Go Midget Rodeo. Lets do this.

o my god, you just gave me an ann-yer-ism (cant remember that spelling) o shit i was laughing my ass off. well. i am a bit on the small side. 5ft 8 i think. not real small put i can shrink. hahaha. why not. my name in school was short round. I had a short temper and not so tall. hell, i didnt hit 5ft til i was 15-16. my wife, shes the short one, 5' 2. i could def pass as a mentally handicap midget. the worlds tallest AND weirdest midget

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Yeah. The Suzuki and Kawasaki guys are too busy rocking tank tops and BikeStyles swag to spend any time contemplating an actual ride.

Same animal. Different fur.

yall can be mad at him or me. but you know its true. every brand or style of bike has its own crowd. Sorry fellas but the straight bill hat cocked sideways i see a lot of the crotch rocketeers wearing, woooow. not making fun though, just confused. I will give harley riders one big thing, they dont have the habit of wearing flip flops, a tank top, cut off cargo shorts and..... A FULL FACE HELMET. yall know you make fun of the ones who do that. I know I do. nothing personal but, come on... a helmet aint gonna do much good when you lay a bike down at 60-90mph in SHORTS and flip flops or running shoes.  but the COOL GUYS of the mc world crack me up. weather its the Harley dudes and buying every item with HD on it and go riding 20miles a year or the dudes in shorts and tennis shoes wearing their backpacks and ff helmets. shit, i havent ever wore a helmet on the street. mainly, i dont have one but my hockey helmet. i dont wear shorts on a bike because ive rode 90 miles in a hail n rain storm and had amny things pop up and hit my legs. dont wear gym shoes to ride becuase they will not make it if you slide on them.



Crazyskullcrusher, im not against riding a jap or brit bike. not at all. id ride anything 2 wheels in all honesty. i just PREFER OLD Harleys. im sure ill ride my friends ol honda. maybe not, the front end has NO suspension. springs are GONE. ive ridden yamahas in the woods and hd's on the street. i only have my harley because the guy traded me his bike for my car.

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Instead of aspiring racer why not aspiring English studeno man, here we go with this crap, dude, please dont start. im not into dramatics or bs. thank you and remember if yo are not being helpful or positive, please dont talk to me

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Dude, you prefer old Harleys but that's ALL you've ever ridden on the street. That's like saying you prefer jacking off even tho you've never had a piece of pussy. A preference is when you have tried several options and chosen one. You are making a blind decision based on zero comparison. Its unfounded.

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