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Home Invasion Jersey


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Royally messed up. I dont know if having a gun would have helped, this....person......just swarmed over the woman.

I grew up with, and had till she passed last fall, a pitbull. great thing about a dog- (a real dog, not those shit fancy breeds) they are on 24/7/365, dont run out of gas, dont need a lock, dont need a clear line of sight and I'm unaware of any that were stolen and used against their owner. 



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Yeah I watched a few seconds yesterday, talked about it with the wife last night at dinner, explaining how things like this can for a fact happen and that she needs to always be cautious while home.  Luckily we have a rather large, overly protective dog, and a lot of guns, so I do feel we would have the upper hand.  The sound in the video is what made me so sick.


And yes, he is someone who should be taken into the street and given to the people to do what they please. 

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Posted link to youtube on my facebook... This could have been so much, much worse. I know someone personally who could tell you. Sick mother fuckers like that need to die. Badly.

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I slid the slider thing past "those" parts honestly. the older I get, the less crap like that I can stomach. 

A gun...would have made little to no difference, count the SECONDS from door kicking in to that piece of shit punching. 

A dead bolt system would have probably given enough time to GET a gun, but thats conjecture. 

A dog. 40+ pounds of enraged muscle trying to install as many non-factory holes in as little time is the ticket. 

I have email news alerts, 5000 reward (not enough) police vow to catch blah blah. 

hopefully a couple of lesbian police officers with a history of excessive violent interactions with citizens will happen across this guy.

OR.....that woman is in the "jersey family" and they'll handle it by night time. 

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That was hard to watch without wanting to jump through my screen and beat the shit out that guy. 


Most of my thoughts on this I can not say in a public setting.....


I can only hope that if this were my house he would not be walking out.

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 and my medical bag.

why, you have have to clean it off, or refill it. 

large sows would handle this, and they caught the guy






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