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Zimmerman Trial


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Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, Martin's parents, held a news conference Thursday in which their attorney said they didn't want race injected into the trial. Some reporters asked why the nation's most prominent black civil rights had been invited to Sanford to demand Zimmerman's arrest if race wasn't an issue. But attorney Daryl Parks said at this stage of the case, it shouldn't be a factor

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/06/29/5-key-moments-from-first-week-george-zimmerman-trial-in-fatal-shooting-trayvon/#ixzz2XdeNxoFz


They were quoted as saying that the never claimed that Zimmerman *racially* profiled Martin - they have said all along that Martin *criminally* profiled Martin.  


That's at odds with what I have read all year - the claim was always that Z profiled M because he was black...?  Is that not the case?    Now they are saying that Z assumed M was a criminal and followed him, scaring M into starting a ground£ of Z, which he lost when Z shot him...?


The case is falling apart like a joke car in a silent movie comedy...  


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this is one crazy trial.... i still remember the oj trial back in the day...



The OJ trial was a debacle too.  In that case it was clear to see that key evidence was unreliable, multiple blood samples taken with the same swatch etc.  Furhman's credibility went to crap when he denied ever using the N-word, only to have a tape of him practically singing a chorus-line of N-words on a radio show surfaced.  The glove thing was a mess (I believe the glove had been stored in a manner that made it shrink).  


That was a case that was NOT PROVEN by the state.  Same with Casey Anthony - there was definitely something dodgy going on byt he state simply failed to meet the beyond-reasonable-doubt standard.


This is distinctly different from the Zimmerman trial in which the defense is ACTIVELY PROVING it's case. (and the prosecution is actively proving the defense's case too)

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There will be rioting either way......just sayin. This country is so far gone now when it comes to race anything, we are in a rut that we cannot climb out of. Much blame IMHO goes to the media and all things media related, fuck the media and the circus they have become.

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the "n" word


what an embarrassment.

so, culturally its ok to say the "n" word if you're black, but not white, or any other race, correct?

So deeply offensive is it, it can be sung to, danced to and joked about but only if you're that race?

Every time I hear someone say that it sounds like a child tattling on their sibling for saying the f word, or the s word.

either we do away with it entirely and no one says it, or we dont give it the weight of a sword and can only be wielded by those most offended by it?

this forum allows us to drop whatever ignorant vulgarity possible, however saying the "n" word would suddenly dump that person to the bowels of hell for such an offense?

what crap


p.s. I saw a bunch of crackers today in my neighborhood.

Some of by best friends are crackers, well, used to be. I dont trust crackers anymore, I'm sure some are ok, but..well.. you know how crackers get

them uptight crackers do keep their yards up, I think its genetics.

Ever see a cracker at a clam bake, good Lord they love their seafood, dont they?

More crackers in a walmart store than a western. 

Most of these crackers around here smell funny, like detergent or some shit. Whew.

Ever notice how crackers LOVE dogs? whats up with that?

I dont mind living next to crackers but I really dont like working with them, and I'd be dammed if I'd marry another one. 

By 'God if a brown skinned person (including my better half) uses cracker, I'm stomping someones head in. They can say "C" word and it better be delicate, or my sensibilities are going to go looting.

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the "n" word


what an embarrassment.

so, culturally its ok to say the "n" word if you're black, but not white, or any other race, correct?

So deeply offensive is it, it can be sung to, danced to and joked about but only if you're that race?

Every time I hear someone say that it sounds like a child tattling on their sibling for saying the f word, or the s word.

either we do away with it entirely and no one says it, or we dont give it the weight of a sword and can only be wielded by those most offended by it?

this forum allows us to drop whatever ignorant vulgarity possible, however saying the "n" word would suddenly dump that person to the bowels of hell for such an offense?

what crap


My question...


What does it matter?

Does it piss you off that you can't say it?

Do you feel wronged that somehow this offensive word can't be part of your public vernacular?

Who in their right mind goes "man I really wish that I could say that and get away with it"?


I have never had an occasion where i thought "i should really use a word to denegrate someone based on their race"


Who cares if those it offended have "taken it back"?






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My question...


What does it matter?

Does it piss you off that you can't say it?

Do you feel wronged that somehow this offensive word can't be part of your public vernacular?

Who in their right mind goes "man I really wish that I could say that and get away with it"?


I have never had an occasion where i thought "i should really use a word to denegrate someone based on their race"


Who cares if those it offended have "taken it back"?


It's not that it bothers us personally or that we want to use it (I know I don't), but rather that those who are not "allowed" to use the word have their lives ripped apart by those who would otherwise make millionaires of those who abuse this racist term.

Edited by smashweights
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My question...


What does it matter?

Does it piss you off that you can't say it?

Do you feel wronged that somehow this offensive word can't be part of your public vernacular?

Who in their right mind goes "man I really wish that I could say that and get away with it"?


I have never had an occasion where i thought "i should really use a word to denegrate someone based on their race"


Who cares if those it offended have "taken it back"?


I wont use the word nigger in polite company any more than I'd say fucker. I temper my language to the group I happen to be trying to communicate with.

Who in their right mind thinks someone wants to walk around saying nigger nigger nigger....You missed my point. 

Societally speaking- it matters. How can a society move forward together if one section clings to, and promotes those times that were less humane? Worse, taking pride in, wearing like some badge a slang word that is, or should be offensive to most. Coming up with politically correct "rules" they can  use it, yet others cant? bullshit. 

Take WWII, Vietnam etc. We have moved past what was frankly a more horrific time, more recently and those two peoples have promoted harmony. 

I'm not seeing that harmony being put forth in this nation between two races. 

I'm dating an asian, and I have YET to hear anyone in that group use ANY racial slurs in conversation.   Not once in years.

And some are pretty rough around the edges drinking types.

Dont they have a right to those words by the same definition? 

The word nigger/nigga has become a tool to entrap enslave others. Passive aggressive childish bullshit that should be slammed from the president AND hollywood, including musicians on down. 

So, why then is the "n' word so glorified in song, entertainment and culture?

Why is cracker ok to say on CNN but nigger isn't? Both are intended to be offensive racially if I'm not mistaken. 

Nigger should be ok to use in conversation, or not, continuing to glorify it saying "n" word is patently absurd. 

just my .02, your mileage may vary. and if I show up to a bike event, I CAN bring some non-white friends.

I'm echoing an increasing majority of blacks who are trying to level the playing field with results, not government interference.

It can only happen when the government quits asking for race on ALL applications. Take a couple of generations as it is, but its time to start. 

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Honestly, haven't been following the trial. Only things I've heard were from the daily show... (bad joke from z's lawyer)

I'm not on the jury, so my opinion doesn't matter. I also haven't seen all of the evidence.

I'll let them decide, and accept whatever conclusion they reach.

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I saw this on facebook and it reminded me of this whole situation. All the young black people tweeting about how they want to kill random white people if zimmerman gets off.....what a fucking joke. and they call white people racist. please.

Edited by Steve Butters
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There's a big difference between a nigger and a black person. Martin and his girlyfran definitely seemed to better fit the mold of the former, which honestly destroys their credibility to me right from the get-go even without all the evidence. The fact that black people get so offended by a word but then use it pisses me off more than anything when they weren't even born anytime near when their race was actually discriminated against unfairly. If they don't want to be "below the white man," they should step up their game and stop acting like uneducated, welfare-gathering, ebonics-speaking tools. Nothing's holding them back anymore.


I hope Zimmerman gets off. I think evidence points towards him being mostly innocent (he shouldn't have been following), but I mostly want it just to see what happens afterward.

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So no black people are ever discriminated against anymore? Interesting...

By what I would call white trash, yes. White trash and ghetto black people piss me off equally, the trash blaming their trashiness on anything non-white and ghetto black people blaming their ghettoness on "the white man" that they act like enslaved them personally before they were even born and owes them everything.


Generally, I'd say educated black people are extremely well-received.

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I don't mind going OT, in most threads.  It's funny how the media hyped this to be about race.  Now that's what is dominating this thread.   Many people fell into that trap.


I am not following this trial on TV, or even that closely.  From the info I have heard, I believe Z is guilty.  It is a great responsibility to carry a firearm.  I don't think he understood the gravity of that.  He should have only called 911, and left it at that.  Like I said, not following that closely, I may not know critical details.


I hope justice is served, either way.  I hope there are not riots.  This country needs to focus on any number of more important things.

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By what I would call white trash, yes. White trash and ghetto black people piss me off equally, the trash blaming their trashiness on anything non-white and ghetto black people blaming their ghettoness on "the white man" that they act like enslaved them personally before they were even born and owes them everything.


Generally, I'd say educated black people are extremely well-received.


Walking down the street, how do you tell an educated one from an uneducated one?

What qualifies as "educated"? 4 year degree? masters? doctorate? studying on one's own?


Fact is: Racism is alive and well in this country. It may not be generally as overt as it has been in the past, but it is far from being "history"

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Honestly, haven't been following the trial. Only things I've heard were from the daily show... (bad joke from z's lawyer)

I'm not on the jury, so my opinion doesn't matter. I also haven't seen all of the evidence.

I'll let them decide, and accept whatever conclusion they reach.


All the evidence the jury can see is being published as the jury sees it.  Take a look.

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Walking down the street, how do you tell an educated one from an uneducated one?

What qualifies as "educated"? 4 year degree? masters? doctorate? studying on one's own?


Fact is: Racism is alive and well in this country. It may not be generally as overt as it has been in the past, but it is far from being "history"

Do they have a ridiculous amount of 'bling' on? Are they yelling "'Ey Shaniqua get up hurr!" Is every sentence appended with the word "nigga?" It's usually pretty easy to tell. If every word they use could be found in Merriam-Webster, they're educated enough for me. When I was delivering pizza a few months ago, you could tell the educated from the non usually simply by what neighborhood they were in. (Yes, that job made me a tinge more hating of ghetto blacks because of tips. 4/5 of my stiffs were from black people - objective reasoning as to why they're putting their societal opinion of blacks on themselves.) Even some of the non are good people, but that's a minority.


I'll admit I was wrong in saying that they don't have ANYTHING against them anymore socially, but in general there's enough programs out there (affirmative action, anybody?) to legally make them able to succeed with real effort.

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I am not following this trial on TV, or even that closely.  From the info I have heard, I believe Z is guilty. 


Roughly translated as "I'm not looking at the evidence, but I am making a conclusion regardless.


If you don't care enough to look at the evidence then your opinion on guilt or innocence is worthless.


I have been watching the liveblogs of the trials and some of the testimony live.  


 - 2 witnesses put Z on top

 -- One of those said she knows it was Z on the top because the person on top was bigger and she guesses M's size from the 12yo pic on the news.  M was actually 5-6" taller than Z, making M the bigger person, making her testimony support Z instead

 -- One said Z shot martin in the back three times.  This is obviously false, rendering her testimony useless.

 -- One witness claimed to have not formed an opinion have any bias on the case, yet she signed a petition to "Prosecute the murderer of TM".  Her testimony is now highly suspect.


- One prosecution witness definitely put Z on the bottom in an MMA "Ground and Pound" based upon "the guy on the bottom had lighter skin and was wearing red" and said it was Z who was calling for help


- The responding officer testified that Z said; "I was calling for help but nobody came to help"


- The phsysican's assistant said that whatever Z did to stop his attack probably saved his life


- Rachel Jeantel testified that she heard the scuffle start, but that was 4 minutes before the fatal shot - she cannot account for those 4 minutes.  Z's story is that he went looking for a street sign or address to tell the police where he was but couldn't find one for minutes.  A neighbor witness said there are no visible signs or street addresses near where the attack happened.


- Z states he stopped following once the operator told him to, but then the operator twice asked him where M was, where he was going.  Z stated he go out of the car to find a street address but couldn't find one until he walked to the next road over.  Once he told the operator the address he walked back to his truck and M attacked him from behind.

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Roughly translated as "I'm not looking at the evidence, but I am making a conclusion regardless.


If you don't care enough to look at the evidence then your opinion on guilt or innocence is worthless.


I have been watching the liveblogs of the trials and some of the testimony live.  


...something, something about a teakettle and a pot...


Listen, I have no dog in this fight.  None of us on this forum are in the courtroom or directly related to the case.  So, all of our opinions of the proper verdict mean the same thing...nothing.  


I thought some people were seriously derailing the thread.  It would have been hypocritical to not add my 2 cents about the original subject.  I did clarify that I was only casually observing the case.  You scouring the internet/media DOES NOT make you an expert. 


Back to the topic at hand

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Walking down the street, how do you tell an educated one from an uneducated one?

What qualifies as "educated"? 4 year degree? masters? doctorate? studying on one's own?


Fact is: Racism is alive and well in this country. It may not be generally as overt as it has been in the past, but it is far from being "history"


Racism is definitely still around.  Stereotyping is pretty much tolerated.  Even though things are better than the past, it makes me sick.

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Walking down the street, how do you tell an educated one from an uneducated one?

What qualifies as "educated"? 4 year degree? masters? doctorate? studying on one's own?


Fact is: Racism is alive and well in this country. It may not be generally as overt as it has been in the past, but it is far from being "history"


Racism exists because many want it to exist. Actually racism honestly does not really exist as a whole anymore, but there are pockets of racists and racism that is alive and well. But as for equality and squashing the racism is alive and well theory, look no further than our highest ranks in society....... CEO's, managers, presidents, "THE PRESIDENT" officers, educators, scientists, astronauts, soldiers, senators, congressmen,......blah blah blah and I could keep going on. These positions are also being held by non Caucasian individuals, so that alone should signify that "racism" as a whole is no longer valid. But there are pockets of hate and racists that still exist, and it will always be that way.......ALWAYS. I am 42 years old and I can tell you without any doubt, that the most vile and hateful things that I consistently see, read and hear is coming from the mouths of black people toward white people. And the sad thing is that it is somehow OK for them to do that, which just blows my mind. If we really want to advance as a society, we do away with the word and classification of a minority. We are all on an equal playing field now, it is just that some are refusing to play the game as it should be played. You play the devils advocate too much Duane, there comes a point in time where right is right and wrong is wrong.


Oh and as far as stereotyping goes.......we all do it, we all do it. Many times we are right and many times we are wrong, it is a game of checks and balances.

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