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Zimmerman Trial


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This has nothing to do with the trial.....



Black people are the most racist people I have ever met. 

You're right. I don't think the trial actually had anything to do with the prosecution thinking Z was guilty. I personally think the whole mess was politically motivated. Everything we're seeing from it is what other people are heaping on the already over-stacked pile of bull$%!t. Every opportunist (group or individual) is seeking to put their spin on it to push their personal agenda on the rest of us. I don't feel this should have ever been national news. I live near Dayton and I next to never hear about shootings in Columbus unless I'm listening to a Columbus news station. Dayton news channels hardly ever cover that stuff. Was this a tragic event? yes. Martin is dead and Z's life as he knew it is over. He'll spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder. Could it have been avoided? probably. Unfortunately we all have to deal with it now and only 2 people actually know what happened and one of them is dead.

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Did anyone catch the Anderson Cooper interview with one of the jurors last night?   She remained anonymous.


She said:


 - Jury started off with 1 voting for murder,  2 voting for manslaughter and 3 for Not Guilty

 - They laid out all the evidence and reviewed every single item - it was a full and complete deliberation

 - They discounted Murder 2 very quickly as they all agreed that race was not a factor (She said they believed if M had been Hispanic then Z would have acted the same way)

 - They were leaning towards manslaughter but confused by the wording of the law and the 27 pages of jury instructions.

 - They understood the prosecutor's theory of the confrontation starting with Z getting out of the car, but did not agree with it.

 - They believe that Z was a good man with his heart in the right place who went too far out of frustration, not out of anger or racial motivations.

 - She believed that Z visiting the lady who was robbed and giving her a lock / inviting her to visit his wife etc indicated that he was a good man at heart.

 - Z should never have gotten out of the car, and it led to a situation where Z and M misinterpreted each others actions, but that M had no right to attack Z

 - It takes two to tango, effectively, but M's response was so disproportionate that Z's "following" was not considered to be a provocation.

 - They agreed that that violent confrontation was started by M, and that Z didn't deserve the beating he got.

 - They believed that Z was in fear of his life at the time he fired the gun

 - They discounted all testimony regarding identifying the voice on the Lauer 911 tape.  They said any relative would say/believe it was their kin

 - Serino was an honest, credible witness.  Him saying he believed Z was telling the truth was powerful.

 - She confused the defense ME (Dr DiMaio) with the family friend Donnelly (The vietnam vet who talked about identifying voices of people in panic situations)

 - I heard no reference to to the state ME (Dr Bao)

 - Rachel Jaentel was not a very credible witness, but they sympathized with her.

 - She had no problem with the fact that Z is getting his gun back

 - She also says that she would have no problem with him being on a neighborhood watch again.  (He has learned a valuable lesson about how far to go)

 - They noted that all the physical evidence was consistent with Z's narrative, none of it was inconsistent with his story.

 - They didn't think the inconsistencies that the prosecution noted in Z's story indicated dishonesty.


 Ultimately, they believed it was a justified use of force in self defense which is why they acquitted him.

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Scruit, I watched that interview as well and you've done an excellent job summarizing it.  I thought Anderson Cooper was pretty damned neutral for a newsie - he deserves a lot of respect for it in my book.

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Scruit, I watched that interview as well and you've done an excellent job summarizing it.  I thought Anderson Cooper was pretty damned neutral for a newsie - he deserves a lot of respect for it in my book.


I agree.  AC put zero spin on it.

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I'll be glad when this thread and this story dies...ironically I've just bumped it back TTT again.

  Well, AG Holder is saying he is going to try and bring Federal charges against Zimmerman so this isn't going to die down anytime soon.

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Where are you guys getting this information?!?!?  I've not read one single article or seen anything that state the AG is filing anything.



I just don't see how this can go anywhere, but one never knows.

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I've read a few stories saying that it was under consideration. I haven't seen anything that says it was pending.




That's all I was getting at.  I keep seeing everyone posting it's happening and he's doing it....blah blah blah.  It's just a continued investigation but they will have no chance proving it was race related which one juror has already stated they found it was not.

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That's all I was getting at.  I keep seeing everyone posting it's happening and he's doing it....blah blah blah.  It's just a continued investigation but they will have no chance proving it was race related which one juror has already stated they found it was not.

Agreed. They'll go through the motions to make the masses happy and move on. At least that's how it SHOULD work.


Meanwhile, black on black crime will continue and no mention of it will be made by the people currently up in arms.

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I couldn't agree more on your last statement Udel. Crime is crime regardless of who it was committed by to me. Maybe Al and Jessie should take a closer look at those black on black crimes right along with the (pick your color) vs. black crimes.

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It's a probe. No one is filing any additional charges.....yet.


C'mon.  I have a rope, help me find a tree....  Common decency hasn't stopped anyone here from labeling people (not zimmerman)


Anyway, the best part of this case is that his cousin will go after him for molestation...  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/16/george-zimmerman_n_1676729.html. 


Hilarious.  This guy is all kinds of screwed up.

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Jury didn't believe Rachel Jaentel's testimony because she wasn't credible? Why? Cause she's black. Holder should charge the jury with civil rights charges

No, because she's an inarticulate ghetto hoochie who contradicted herself.

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