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Zimmerman Trial


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Jesse "I'll leave my home for a microphone" Jackson is at it again:




He wants the United Nations to investigate the Martin case.


He and Sharpton are the face of racism......and they are lining their greedy pockets with the results too. Talk about stealing money from the black community, they are causing irreparable damage in this country. They are the sticks that poke the hornets nest, and the blood is on their hands! Vile human beings, vile people, vile pitiful excuses for Americans.

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He and Sharpton are the face of racism......and they are lining their greedy pockets with the results too. Talk about stealing money from the black community, they are causing irreparable damage in this country. They are the sticks that poke the hornets nest, and the blood is on their hands! Vile human beings, vile people, vile pitiful excuses for Americans.

I agree and here's another one:





And the jack ass festival continues.

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He and Sharpton are the face of racism......and they are lining their greedy pockets with the results too. Talk about stealing money from the black community, they are causing irreparable damage in this country. They are the sticks that poke the hornets nest, and the blood is on their hands! Vile human beings, vile people, vile pitiful excuses for Americans.






That or being a Baptist minister is where the $$$ at...

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You think Z got fat for the trial on accident? LOL or was it to bolster his defense about being a weakling shitty fighter out of shape so i had to pull a gun to win a fight i may or may not have started....hmmm

You are truly an idiot.

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You're right, he got fat on accident...

Gull - a - bull

He got fat from being stressed to a level your dumbass will hopefully never know. He got fat from living his life in hiding and not seing the light of day for a year. Lets see what you'd look like after a year of that.

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Yeah, because there aren't any gyms or workout equipment that can be used indoors....

When will someone invent indoor exercise equipment?

Wow. You really are an idiot.

If Magley was martin, he would have just thrown elbows to stop zimmerman.

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no, if I were martin, zimmerman wouldn't have given me a second look and just assumed I was a guy visiting one of his white neighbors in a gated community... No call, no pursuit, no scuffle, no shots...


Cause I'm white, and I don't appear threatening to most people.

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Yeah, because there aren't any gyms or workout equipment that can be used indoors....

When will someone invent indoor exercise equipment?

Ok Duane, you got it all figured out. I'm sure he wanted to go join a gym and leave his house after tons of death threats and having no income. And you obviously know that stress doesn't cause weight gain since you are so smart. :rolleyes:

Why don't you just admit that you were wrong or just shut the fuck up? Oh right, it's because you are too stupid to realize when you are wrong. Sorry, I always forget that we are dealing with a high functioning retard here.

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Ok Duane, you got it all figured out. I'm sure he wanted to go join a gym and leave his house after tons of death threats and having no income. And you obviously know that stress doesn't cause weight gain since you are so smart. :rolleyes:

Why don't you just admit that you were wrong or just shut the fuck up? Oh right, it's because you are too stupid to realize when you are wrong. Sorry, I always forget that we are dealing with a high functioning retard here.


OR You are wrong, and it he gained 100 pounds on purpose to make himself appear weaker and more vulnerable so his fucking defense would be more believeable...


I bet you believe reality TV is unscripted, too...



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OR You are wrong, and it he gained 100 pounds on purpose to make himself appear weaker and more vulnerable so his fucking defense would be more believeable...

I bet you believe reality TV is unscripted, too...


Yeah, ok Duane. The only gullible person here is you.

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OR You are wrong, and it he gained 100 pounds on purpose to make himself appear weaker and more vulnerable so his fucking defense would be more believeable...


I bet you believe reality TV is unscripted, too...




I'm having a hard time believing he would gain weight intentionally for a trial.  Part of the point they were trying to make was that M was actually physically larger (taller and stronger) than Z - they even used life-sized cutouts of the two of them to show the size difference.  They risk losing that perceptional capital by having Z be physically much larger in real life. 


If they wanted to show him as weaker they'd have him get all Christian Bale (A la Machinist) to accentuate the physcial size difference.

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Saw this today and although I did not follow this case as closely as others I would think that this would have been an issue that was discussed but I never heard anything about it until today. 



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Or it could have been a "Dungeons and Dragons" game gone horribly wrong since it wasn't long ago we were warned about its satanic connections.

DOJ sources have refused to confirm or deny this as an investigative angle. No word yet on if Zimmerman or Martin owned 20-sided dice, and more questions have been raised than answers. I demand a committee to look into it immediately...

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I've read somewhere that he bought watermelon soda, not iced tea.

If true, it only proves how the MSM can't get any of the facts correct as they relate to this tragedy.

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I've read somewhere that he bought watermelon soda, not iced tea.

If true, it only proves how the MSM can't get any of the facts correct as they relate to this tragedy.

Find me a more reliable, and consistent source for information...

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Find me a more reliable, and consistent source for information...

Here is some free advise, find it yourself.

I read about the discrepancy from a conservative news source instead of the fucktard, progressive MSM.

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Z profiled and he was right, Trayvon turned out to be quite the trouble maker. Now here is an interesting thought, had the previous burglaries or attempted burglaries been by Hispanic or Caucasian suspects, do you HONESTLY think Z would've done anything differently? I am going to say absolutely not, because there was a legitimate reason why he profiled the way he did that night. And since he did NOTHING illegal by following Martin, and let us not forget that he called 911 first and foremost., that proves to me that he was not taking the law into his own hands. Martin from the evidence that the jury was given, the testimonies, things that the jury got to see and hear that we the public have not, all points to Martin "ultimately" making the very bad decision to attack Z for whatever the reason. Now had Z had a knife maybe he would've stabbed Martin instead, but he had a gun which all the evidence proved he did not un-holster or use until the fatal shot. Let us not forget WHY Martin was there staying with his father, because in truthfulness it is not irrelevant at all. This has been a witch hunt against a half white guy that shot an innocent and precious young black CHILD "which M has been wrongly portrayed", and that is why the 12 year old pictures of M and a younger more intimidating looking Z was used by the media outlets. Because Martin was no saint "his parents and the attorneys KNEW THAT", he was trouble and he proved that by his reaction to Z following him. This has been all about race from day 1......had Z been black and M was white or black, we would not even be discussing this right now. Every race of person in this country profiles many black men in a negative way, but can they or any of us truly be blamed for that? The statistics of black on black homicides or any homicides for that matter, burglaries, rape, gang wars......whatever, is overwhelmingly in the black male percentage. And considering the white to black ratio of Americans in this country, the stats are frightening. One of my best friends is black, and he and I have had some great conversations about all of this. He said the jury got the verdict right, and the prosecution had set the conviction so high that there was no way that Z was gonna get charged with 2nd degree murder. Now had he been charged with manslaughter from the beginning, there was a tiny chance he could've been convicted, but even that was extremely unlikely to have happened. The jury could have given him manslaughter and they did not, so what does that tell us? This has all been made about race from day one and it has all been one sided, it is wrong and the country is now in turmoil over "1 incident" that pales in comparison to what is happening everyday in the major cities throughout this country. Al and Jesse and all of their sheeple are placing the blame in all the wrong directions, and this entire victim mentality needs to get a reality check. And here is what is really sad, don't think for one second that all black people feel the same way about everything "that is far from the truth", but the LIBERAL media very tactfully portrays it in that manner. And our President......oh our President and his damaging words and actions day in and day out which has opened wounds and created more wounds. And that Eric Holder and Jay Carney, holy shit are we fucked with those moronic imbeciles in power roles. The liberal victim mentality playing out in this country is destroying us, there is always blame being placed on something or somebody other than where it needs to be or should be.

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Here is some free advise, find it yourself.

I read about the discrepancy from a conservative news source instead of the fucktard, progressive MSM.

Your advice is useless, there is no source of news more reliable than the news sources that report the news.

Some independent outfits do a fine job of investigation once a major story breaks, but they can't process the sheer volume of information that the AP does... they simply don't have the resources or manpower.

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