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Close Encounter Of The State Kind


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Went for an early morning ride thru the CVP (cuya valley park)

left medina, taking 271 north to 303 then scenic home.


almost as soon as I got on that section of 71 my shoei face shield start flapping..wth

pulled far far over, hit the  four ways,keeping my eyes on the rear view as I fix it. Not much traffic. Its 7AM or so

get geared up, still looking in rear view. a white car about  three or four  miles back is there in the right lane. A speck.

I look, he's waaaaaay back there, I signal, pull in accelerate fairly hard but nothing abnormal, I am still looking rear view every few seconds. I figure the guy is about two miles behind me (or should be if he's going 70)

Hell, this car is bearing down on me NOW, I'm guessing less than half a mile behind me and closing rapidly, downshift, hit it hard- glance as speedo as hit 3rd. (I'm clicking past 80 and still accelerating  then in mirror (white car is gone, over taking in middle lane)

I lift my shield and lean back getting ready to cast a glare at this moron going probably 95++MPH

.........its.....a....state......trooper....... unmarked outside the decals and push bar, no light bar. 

we make eye contact and I slap my helmet "d'oh style" and let off the gas figuring its speed tax time, he looks at me, smiles and keeps on going....whew.

State patrol is on Fenn road, next exit for him, must be donut time. 

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I don't totally understand how he's a moron, had he not been a state trooper. If some dude wants to run 95 then so be it. You downshifted and cracked the throttle to race him, to give a glare for speeding, because he was passing you?

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Dude, that's awesome!  I'l take that kind of encounter with a Statie ANYTIME.  My experience with them is that they're ALL BUSINESS when it comes to tix....


Glad you got to keep your $$$ in your pocket!!!  And props to the State Trooper who understands that boyz gonna boyz every now and then.

Edited by Bubba
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I don't totally understand how he's a moron, had he not been a state trooper. If some dude wants to run 95 then so be it. You downshifted and cracked the throttle to race him, to give a glare for speeding, because he was passing you?

I have four friend LEO's

They  can't break the speed limit without cause. this guy was likely running to his exit -shift over

he's not "some dude" he was a trooper going nearly twice the posted speed limit all his lights off, including headlights. 

I cracked the throttle NOT to race him, but to insure I wasn't going to become part of his grille. 

I was going to give him a glare for reckless op, not because he was passing me. 


with all the internet respect I can muster,  I'm not sure how what I wrote out seemed like I was racing someone going 90 on the freeway. Been riding on the street since 78. Never had an accident on the street, I just dont pull out in front of cars. 

It doesn't take an imagination to figure out what happens if either of us were paying just a tiny little itty bit  less attention. Different ending. 

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I travel to Jamestown Ky. pretty often for work. Almost every trip I'll get passed on I 75 running 80-85 by a Ky state bronze rolling at about a buck ten and they always wave. When you got the badge the laws on your side.

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