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907lbs Of Pot In A Camper, 907lbs Of Pot....


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It's crazy, a solid 80% of the people in the town I am in right now smoke weed. I guess Maine is a huge pot state


Big reason why many of the folks in Maine are very chill. Boy I bet Maine Lobsta and Beeya taste awesome on the chronic!!!!

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either legalize pot, or..make booze illegal..wait..they tried that..ok, make pot legal, or make cigarettes illegal. 


according to DEA stats, 70% of ALL illegal mexican drug cartel money is.....

pot- yank that and cartels crumble. 

i dont smoke, haven't since I grew up sometime in the late 90's, I did in the 70's, and guerrilla farmed in the early 80's- got busted and got off.

its absurd wasting those resources on pot. If you want to smoke and put a wet blanket over your mind..go for it (or drink, or whatever..same rules apply, get behind the wheel and go to jail, show up drunk or high and get fired)

but go to jail for it? f'ing beyond stupid, take that 7.7 BILLION a year we give to the DEA and INVEST that in inner city schools and playgrounds...assholes in the government...

almost 8 Billion, and that does NOT include the other end of enforcement- prison, jails, probation officers, jobs lost due to felony convictions, court time tying up cops etc etc etc...guesses say that number doubles..doubles? 16 billion a year? good lord that could do some good-elsewhere-

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Street value is exactly that: what it is worth on a street dealer level. While I understand some people buy in bulk for personal use (in my pot selling days I had one guy who bought a quarter pound a month just to smoke) most people buy dimes, eigjths, quarters and halves, and that's what they use to determine street value.

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there was recently a case in colorado where the police illegally seized a bunch of medical (legal in the state at that time) which they claimed was worth 200K. obv it was not worth anywhere near that much since they always inflate the price to make themselves look good.


the victims sued to get it back, and the police ended up having to pay their BS inflated value back to the victim. 

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there was recently a case in colorado where the police illegally seized a bunch of medical (legal in the state at that time) which they claimed was worth 200K. obv it was not worth anywhere near that much since they always inflate the price to make themselves look good.


the victims sued to get it back, and the police ended up having to pay their BS inflated value back to the victim.


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there was recently a case in colorado where the police illegally seized a bunch of medical (legal in the state at that time) which they claimed was worth 200K. obv it was not worth anywhere near that much since they always inflate the price to make themselves look good.

the victims sued to get it back, and the police ended up having to pay their BS inflated value back to the victim.

Ah Hahahaha justice is served.
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