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Double Double Stupid


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They had enough time and were calm enough to call but not get out? Odd


Doubt they were calm, or they would have realize how stupid calling for help was.  Hard to fault them though, it got them saved once a few minutes/hours earlier.


I wonder if they were tripping.

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I wasn't calling them stupid, just the decision to call someone(anyone) instead of using the time to figure an escape route.


In any account, it sucks that they died because of a few mistakes.

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Rain or fog or whatever, one must be smart enough to not drive in the lake. If you can't see you shoud go very very slowly or not at all. Get out and have someone spot for you or whatever it takes. The drive has responsibility to stay o the road.

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Should have dropped an elbow on the Window and broke it out.

 thats hard enough for a full sized man to do...

you reach over and lift the door lock, problem solved. 

car hits the water, shorts out, zero batter power- electric windows, door locks suddenly dont work, lights dont work

the panic they were in makes me wonder if they weren't under the influence of something. 

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the panic they were in makes me wonder if they weren't under the influence of something. 


exactly.....out in the woods....getting one with nature....tripping balls


Not saying they were, just the whole situation, including the result seems odd.

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thats hard enough for a full sized man to do...

you reach over and lift the door lock, problem solved.

car hits the water, shorts out, zero batter power- electric windows, door locks suddenly dont work, lights dont work

the panic they were in makes me wonder if they weren't under the influence of something.

My comment was actually a joke. As for yours, lifting the door lock won't do anything if the vehicle is submerged in water.. Good luck opening the door with all that water pressure... I think their best bet would have been to lay back and kick out one of the side windows before it was fully submerged and then escaped through a window

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The back window of all vehicles is meant to pop out easier than all the others. Use that one. Hatchbacks, you're on your own.


Fresh water won't short out a battery right away, if at all. Cars have been found with lights on underwater for hours.


Yes, the water pressure has to equalize before most people can open a door. That would be when the vehicle is nearly full of water, and the water coming in slows down, since the pressure is equalizing.


Too many people do not know how to swim. That doesn't help.

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Your best chance is immediately when the car hits the water.   If the water is deep, the door won't open, even after the car fills with water, due to the water rushing by the door as the car sinks.  You hit water get the door open immediately and get the fuck out.  If you wait, it's gonna be a lot more risky. 


A spring loaded center punch in the car if you have the wherewithal to locate and use it under duress would be a great option, if you fail to get out immediately.  


I speak from experience as I almost drowned in a car when I was 19.  I flipped an '89 mustang LX 5.0 into a canal in Melbourne FL.  Upside down, disoriented and trying to locate those tiny door handles was no fun.  Car completely filled with water.  Luckily the canal wasn't very deep and I was able to locate the door handle and push the door open just enough to squeeze out.  Gasping for air. 

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Damn man, fuck that. I had a four wheeler flip on top of me in a stream that was just high enough to cover my head if I didn't push it off. That was scary enough, I couldn't imaging being caught in a sinking cage.

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Yeah I read this and am totally amazed.  I wouldn't say stupid in the sense of like a moron, I would say stupid as in, WTF were they thinking in general?  I mean come on.  They called 911 but apparently didn't try that hard to get out or something cuz I wouldn't be calling 911 in BFE, I would be kicking out a window, or rolling them down.....   Like Reacon said, watch some videos of cars being pulled from rivers, their lights are on, sometimes for hours/days.  Even if the motor shorts, if its started opening, push tha thing down, or rip it off the tracks. 


I just do not get it at all, unfortunately, they were not smart enough to 1)Not drive into a lake, I mean come on ; 2)Think of anything better than calling 911 to save their lives.


Poor baby and dog.

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I'm not kidding when I say that we took an entire college class day for our gen-ed science class to teach us how to survive a car submerging in water as well as watched a mythbuster's episode on how to do it.


At the end of the class, the deduction was the safest way to escape is to get a tool and leave it in your car. The tool should be comprised with a razor knife to cut your seat belt, a spring loaded window punch to break the window. You should leave it attached to your dash so you can get to it quickly and easily.


Don't panic, grab your tool, free yourself of your seat belt, break the window, take a deep breath. If you can't distinguish which direction is up, put your hand over your mouth and let out a bubble. You should feel the bubble travel towards the surface. 


The scary part about is, you can't focus on anyone else in the car, you must worry about freeing yourself first, getting to the surface and then possibly going back to help if there are others in the car.


Fortunately for us motorcycle riders, that's one thing we don't have to worry about that.

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Old school roll down widows are your friend.


Mythbusters did an experiment with a submerged door and the power windows still worked.  I would at least try them.  Maybe they knew the window motors were bad.

Some contries in Europe have "water escape" as part of drivers ed. due to history of people drownding in their cars (smaller bridges and many canals).

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