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Luck Runs Out For Guy Lane Splitting


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motorcycle lane splitting accident, legal yes, but not for me. I dont get why anyone would lane split.

dude is attgatt up, hi-vis colors the whole nine yards.


lets be perfectly clear, you dont see the actual accident, but you see enough to know what happened

dont click if you dont want to watch a truck go over someones head.
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Wow! I was in California and Vegas all last week and watched guys split lanes the whole time I was there. I have to be honest, looked a little dangerous to me how they do it. I don't mind doing it every now and then but I would rather just split and go VS riding down the middle of the 405 in bumper to bumper traffic with impatient drivers constantly trying to cut over to get one more space ahead. On a side note every biker except one was in full gear out there even with the heat...And when I say full gear I mean 90% in leather race suites, boots, gloves, etc.

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Yup, the car driver's reaction tells us everything we need to know about the survivability of that accident.  I don't think the biker tried to split between that car/truck - there wasn't enough room and he knew it, hence him trying to stop behind the car.   It took him too long to decide to stop, and the road was wet enough that his stopping distance was crap too.


RIP rider.   Reminds us how easily a moment's bad decision can be fatal.

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 I dont get why anyone would lane split.


because screw waiting in traffic, and screw getting rear ended. 


incidents like this in the video are the exception, not the norm, and that could happen to you WITHOUT lane spliting.

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Hey, I dont care if anyone lane splits, I will think there goes an idiot when I see someone suddenly appear in that 3' space going 30 miles an hour when I'm sitting in traffic. The only accident I've ever seen involving a bike was a guy going about 50 and we were going about 20ish. 

I wont, I thought about it, and basically: you're flowing at twice the rate of traffic.

More bike accidents in states that allow it, less that dont. Pretty simple. 

Way more worried about drunk (TEXTING assholes too) drivers across the board- scary stats on how many under the influence each and every friday the But that said, the most fatalities occur between 5 and 7PM, slightly higher on friday. Same time everyone has their heads up their ass trying to home or get to happy hour

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Hey, I dont care if anyone lane splits, I will think there goes an idiot when I see someone suddenly appear in that 3' space going 30 miles an hour when I'm sitting in traffic. The only accident I've ever seen involving a bike was a guy going about 50 and we were going about 20ish. 

I wont, I thought about it, and basically: you're flowing at twice the rate of traffic.

More bike accidents in states that allow it, less that dont. Pretty simple. 

Way more worried about drunk (TEXTING assholes too) drivers across the board- scary stats on how many under the influence each and every friday the But that said, the most fatalities occur between 5 and 7PM, slightly higher on friday. Same time everyone has their heads up their ass trying to home or get to happy hour



yeah, going 30 between dead stopped traffic, or going 50 between cars doing 20 is definitely doing it wrong. general guidelines in california are dont go more than 10 mph faster than traffic is moving, and dont split at over 30 mph. so if traffic is moving 35 or 40 mph, you should just get in line. if traffic is at a dead stop, you shouldnt be going faster than 10 mph. 





your claim of more accidents in california (the only state that allows it) than other states is dubious at best. 


first, you cant just count accidents, you have to count accidents per X number of miles traveled. obviously california has more MC accidents than say, wyoming just due to population. there are probably more MCs in cali than people in the entire state of WY... so you have to compare crashes per X number of miles traveled... that way you can make a comparison between places like california and wyoming. 


second,  the hurt report shows that california has LESS MC fatalities from rear endings than other states.

California: 6.0 rear-end fatalities/billion miles ridden on the highway
Florida: 9.0 rear-end fatalities/billion miles ridden on the highway
Texas: 9.4 rear-end fatalities/billion miles ridden on the highway


now, i know the hurt report is 30+ years old, but it's pretty much the only comprehensive survey of mc crashes that's been done. USDOT was supposed to do another one but it's been put off for many many years. hopefully they can get it done one day and we can get some new stats. 


so yes, if you just count the number of MC accidents overall, of course california will have a higher number than most states, simply because there are more riders there. but that's kind of disingenuous, and not really representative of lane splitting crashes.

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I know #1 killer of motorcyclists are cars turning left in front of them combined with a variety of factors, usually speed

if you got the stomach for it, google national highway safety (NHS) they are loaded with stats most as recent as 2012 stretching back to the 70's

I studied bike accidents and are hyper aware of those actually few things that take most bikers out. 

heres a messed up one, in 60% of all bike accidents, eye ware  was deemed missing, or ineffective. amazing. 


the only ones I've seen splitting were reckless, I've been tempted..bok bok, LOL

Edited by Medina
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