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Accepting Applications To Work With Me.


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We are looking for a desktop tech. You will be responsible for 3 or 4 school buildings, and coverage at other buildings and projects as needed. You come in, get a company van and hit your buildings working through job tickets and projects. Minimal direct supervision, you are expected to be self motivated and customer orientated...but with the overall health and safety of the districts data in the forefront. It is standard desktop work, printers set up, imaging, trouble shooting...user questions and so on. Some Ipad and Android work.


Salary is a range, 40 to 55K.  You will start at the bottom and work up. If you are an average desktop tech you will advance to the middle of that range over the course of a few years. If you suck you will stay at 40, if you rock you will approach 55K. But again it takes a few years to make those advances in salary.


Comes with the standard government rocking bennies.  You start earning 4 weeks vacation right away....you earn 1.62 days a month roughly to use as you want.  15 sick days...again earned per month....3 personal days. And State retirement. You no longer pay into social security..instead you pay into the state retirement.  And here is the kicker.....right now you pay half your social security....here we pay BOTH halfs for you...so it is like a 13 percent tax free raise on your take home pay. Health insurance rocks, about 130 a month for family coverage, eye and dental and life insurance.


I may have a few of the above bennie details slightly wrong but you get the idea.


There are two jobs at the link below....the one you want is:  Technical Support Specialist.  There is a detailed job description attached and an automated application link.




Oh, and more than half our department rides...as do a ton of people in the other departments. Ping me if you apply, I will see to it you get extra consideration.

Edited by Tonik
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You pay State Employee Retirement System instead. Our district, like many others reimburses employees the half they have to pay. It is a way to give people money that actually costs the taxpayers less. Also, when you retire you get almost your entire salary for retirement and health insurance.

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I forgot to mention, you will have to pass a BCI background check. And maintain a clean record....recheck on BCI every three years or so. If you fail you are unemployed. State Law.

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So I was running some numbers to see if I would make more taking a pay cut but not having to pay SS and I figured out according to my recent pay stub, only 6% goes to SS not 13%. Am I looking at that wrong? 

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My portion of the state retirement withholding is 10 percent, that is deducted pre tax. Then they reimburse me post tax....the reimbursement is not taxed by Fed, state or city.

So on 40k you pay 2400 to social security.

Here you would pay 4k pre tax but get back 4k post tax.....so add 30 percent which is conservative in tax savings. It's like getting back 5200 pre tax.

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