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Curve Grinding


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If this is talked about somewhere else I am sorry I didn't find it.



So far I have only seen this in and around Columbus.  But why is ODOT grinding the pavement on curves and leaving it that way.  I first saw it on 315 like 2 years ago, I figured they were going to do repairs, but 2 years later it is still rough.  Now I see they have done it on other ramps (270 to 71 North, 270 to 315).  I really really hate it.  I know the section on 315 by riverside hospital is ground in such a way that it keeps making my bike want to pull to the left and my back tire feels like it is on gravel.  The only thing I can this is someone thinks it might keep cars from hydro planeing .  So does anyone on here know why odot is f%king up the roads?

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76 close to Pa, I saw horrific "lips" during their repairs. One was kind enough to have a motorcycle warning sign.....I hardly see how that helps negotiate a 4" drop like a rolled curb at 60 mph with round shaped tires. Idiots.

-So far, very lucky, no fresh tar snakes- those long lines where they do..what, just pour tar into cracks I'm guessing? Throw your ass down if you hit one of those if you have a light, or one handed grip

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 It does feel weird to ride over. Back end wiggles a lot.



That's what I am talking about.  None of the spots in Columbus have warning signs. I will say I drop from 65 to 55 on the hospital curve on 315 that I travel daily because of it. 

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They do the grinding to increase the friction of the pavement. It is typically performed at trouble locations that see a lot of accidents when adverse weather hits. I believe those locations listed above are known to freeze into sheets of ice prior to most locations. That is the same reason that bridge decks and approach slabs have the concrete grooved.

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It's been done on nearly every ramp in central Ohio. ODOTs excuse is that it provides more traction for cars. They don't give a shit what it does to motorcycle riders.

I have a feeling that those ramps will need to be resurfaced badly once a couple freeze/thaw cycles have cracked it to shit.

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They do the grinding to increase the friction of the pavement. It is typically performed at trouble locations that see a lot of accidents when adverse weather hits. I believe those locations listed above are known to freeze into sheets of ice prior to most locations. That is the same reason that bridge decks and approach slabs have the concrete grooved.


if it was like the groves you mention, it would be Ok, but the ones I deal with on 315 are almost in line with the direction of traffic, not perpendicular. 



It's been done on nearly every ramp in central Ohio. ODOTs excuse is that it provides more traction for cars. They don't give a shit what it does to motorcycle riders.

I have a feeling that those ramps will need to be resurfaced badly once a couple freeze/thaw cycles have cracked it to shit.


the hospital curve on 315 has seen 2 winters now. No worse than the day they did the grind.  The other issue I have is, the grind they use lives to hold onto small gravel and sand more then regular asphalt. 

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ODOT switched from perpendicular to transverse grinding a couple of years ago. It provides a quieter ride. The grinding stays in the top layer of asphalt that contains alot of fines, so there isn't supposed to be any longterm detrimental affects to the asphalt.

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Yep Connie is exactly right.  I heard it on the radio a couple months ago.  They say that it has significantly reduced traffic accidents due to wet and slippery on/off ramps.  I think it's ridiculous and it makes it impossible to get any kind of confidence that there is traction for a bike.  But like was already said, ODOT doesn't give a shit about bikes.  Sometimes I think we don't even exist.

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That's what I am talking about.  None of the spots in Columbus have warning signs. I will say I drop from 65 to 55 on the hospital curve on 315 that I travel daily because of it. 

I know what you mean I work at OSU an I've noticed the one by riverside. Felt squirly so I just take it slow. I have one at the W broad exit ass well. the 70 E on ramp from 270 S. Saw a motorcycle take the shoulder in that corner last week. Those "bad" sections wouldn't be so bad if people payed attention.

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I know what you mean I work at OSU an I've noticed the one by riverside. Felt squirly so I just take it slow. I have one at the W broad exit ass well. the 70 E on ramp from 270 S. Saw a motorcycle take the shoulder in that corner last week. Those "bad" sections wouldn't be so bad if people payed attention.



I work at OSU as well.  OCIO.  You?

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I'm not understanding how it creates traction for cars, but removes traction for motorcycles. It gives a place for water to run off and allows the tires to stay dryer. This principal of physics doesn't care what form of motorized conveyance you happen to be piloting. Traction is traction.

It improves traction for cars under very wet conditions. But makes bikes handle oddly under all conditions. 

Im sure it probably improves traction for bikes in heavy rain also, but not many bikes are hitting these curves under those conditions.


And its probably true that ODOT doesnt care much about bikes. We make up a small percentage of the traffic and there is not enough stats to show whether the grooves help or hurt. They probably reduce the accident rate of bikes also as riders slow due to the odd handling. ODOT could care less about making a nice curve for us to ride :(



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On 35 west bound around Xenia there is a ramp that is ground. They have a caution motorcyclist sign. It does feel weird to ride over. Back end wiggles a lot.

It's been that way since the mid-90's (if I remember correctly). They're not changing it anytime soon, either. Try riding it in the rain. I'd like to put those ODOT A-holes on an old bike with bald-ass tires and have them ride that section when it's rain soaked or pea-soup foggy.  They'd fix it immediately.

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It's been that way since the mid-90's (if I remember correctly). They're not changing it anytime soon, either. Try riding it in the rain. I'd like to put those ODOT A-holes on an old bike with bald-ass tires and have them ride that section when it's rain soaked or pea-soup foggy.  They'd fix it immediately.


it's your own fault if you're riding with bald-ass tires

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it's your own fault if you're riding with bald-ass tires

I don't ride on bald ass tires and I do take full responsibility for my actions. I was making a point that the ODOT people would quickly realize the error in judgement for doing this. Sorry that was above your head.

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I don't get it...  I commute regularly from New Albany to Riverside Hospital.  I hit the ramp from 270 to 315 south same as I ever did, the VFR doesn't seem to mind.  Rather have them grind the ramps than tar snake the fuck out of them.

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So let me get this straight....we sacrifice traction in good weather, just so that when it does occasionally freeze up in the winter we do have "some traction" for cars?


Correct me if I'm wrong but this is Columbus, OH...we don’t have enough resources ($$$) and salt/plow trucks to keep up with the shitty weather? Instead of grooving the pavement, how about we use the money for that and get more plows on the road? Maybe I’m just being to logical, obviously ODOT doesn’t know the meaning of that.


If your not smart enough to realize “hey, it’s a tad snowy/icy outside, maybe I shouldn’t take the off ramp at 60?” Then please stop breathing my air. Plus…wont grooving the road cause it to wear more quick, create more crack etc? (I’m not exp in this area but I can only assume)



Just my .02

Edited by silentcropduster
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