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Remember When Obama Said...


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...just a couple of weeks ago that the NSA spying was under control. That there was oversight and they were following the rules?


"What you’re hearing about is the prospect that these could be abused. Now part of the reason they’re not abused is because they’re — these checks are in place, and those abuses would be against the law and would be against the orders of the FISC."




Well, he lied and his administration has fought the FOIA requests that would have proven those lies. Thankfully Snowden stole those documents and just released the truth.


"The most serious violation was a diversion of massive amounts of data through fiber-optic cables in the US that included a large amount of communications by Americans.

The diversion was judged  by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) as unconstitutional but the court opinion has been hidden and the Obama administration has fought the Freedom of Information request to see it."




But don't forget, this would not have happened without the overwhelming support of a Democratic held Senate and a Republican held House. They all can blow me.

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What is FISC? / Who runs FISC?

FISC is ran buy the 11 judges that make up the court. The Cheif Justice of the Supreme Court (John Roberts) soley appoints them without confirmation or oversight by Congress. All of the current members have been selected by him. So i guess you could say the judges themselves run FISC which were selected by Cheif Justice John Roberts who was appointed by George W. Bush.  



So there it is back to being Bush's fault. ;)

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FISC is ran buy the 11 judges that make up the court. The Cheif Justice of the Supreme Court (John Roberts) soley appoints them without confirmation or oversight by Congress. All of the current members have been selected by him. So i guess you could say the judges themselves run FISC which were selected by Cheif Justice John Roberts who was appointed by George W. Bush.  



So there it is back to being Bush's fault. ;)

Well by that logic the FISC found it unconstitutional but was hushed by the white house and capitol hill cronies... so... now its back to Barry's Fault :D

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FISC just renewed the authority of the government to collect this data less than a month ago... I didn't see anywhere that they ruled it unconstitutional...


FISA Court Renews Unlawful Surveillance Program, DOJ Defends Program: According to the Director of National Intelligence, on July 19, 2013 the Government "filed an application with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court seeking renewal of the authority to collect telephony metadata in bulk, and that the Court renewed that authority." In a separate filing, in a July 18 response to a challenge brought by the ACLU, the Department of Justice said that a federal district court in New York could not overturn the order of the FISA court. And in a July 16 letter to Congressman Sensenbrenner the Department asserts that "because the telephony metadata must be available in bulk to allow the NSA to identify records of terrorist communications, there are 'reasonable grounds to believe' that the data is relevant to an authorized investigation. EPIC has recently filed a petition with the US Supreme Court, challenging the lawfulness of the NSA domestic surveillance program. For more information, see EPIC - In re Electronic Privacy Information Center. (Jul. 22, 2013)

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Well by that logic the FISC found it unconstitutional but was hushed by the white house and capitol hill cronies... so... now its back to Barry's Fault :D

Give me a minute i will come back with something hold on.........

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WTF, August 6th Barry lying his ass off on Leno.


"We don't have a domestic spying program"


That's a flat out lie, we all know that. It has been talked about for weeks. How the heck could he say something like that.


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FISC just renewed the authority of the government to collect this data less than a month ago... I didn't see anywhere that they ruled it unconstitutional...


FISA Court Renews Unlawful Surveillance Program, DOJ Defends Program: According to the Director of National Intelligence, on July 19, 2013 the Government "filed an application with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court seeking renewal of the authority to collect telephony metadata in bulk, and that the Court renewed that authority." In a separate filing, in a July 18 response to a challenge brought by the ACLU, the Department of Justice said that a federal district court in New York could not overturn the order of the FISA court. And in a July 16 letter to Congressman Sensenbrenner the Department asserts that "because the telephony metadata must be available in bulk to allow the NSA to identify records of terrorist communications, there are 'reasonable grounds to believe' that the data is relevant to an authorized investigation. EPIC has recently filed a petition with the US Supreme Court, challenging the lawfulness of the NSA domestic surveillance program. For more information, see EPIC - In re Electronic Privacy Information Center. (Jul. 22, 2013)


follow the links:http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/nsa-broke-privacy-rules-thousands-of-times-per-year-audit-finds/2013/08/15/3310e554-05ca-11e3-a07f-49ddc7417125_story.html


the NSA (and almost certainly, other federal intelligence and law enforcement entities) routinely and clearly breaches the 4th amendment.  the "court" that hands out the warrants to this raping of our constitution like candy knows this and allows it wholesale.


is ANYONE in this forum ok with this?  why?

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FISC just renewed the authority of the government to collect this data less than a month ago... I didn't see anywhere that they ruled it unconstitutional...


FISA Court Renews Unlawful Surveillance Program, DOJ Defends Program: According to the Director of National Intelligence, on July 19, 2013 the Government "filed an application with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court seeking renewal of the authority to collect telephony metadata in bulk, and that the Court renewed that authority." In a separate filing, in a July 18 response to a challenge brought by the ACLU, the Department of Justice said that a federal district court in New York could not overturn the order of the FISA court. And in a July 16 letter to Congressman Sensenbrenner the Department asserts that "because the telephony metadata must be available in bulk to allow the NSA to identify records of terrorist communications, there are 'reasonable grounds to believe' that the data is relevant to an authorized investigation. EPIC has recently filed a petition with the US Supreme Court, challenging the lawfulness of the NSA domestic surveillance program. For more information, see EPIC - In re Electronic Privacy Information Center. (Jul. 22, 2013)





All reports indicate that the court wants to release the information officially rather than in the report Snowden released.

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I've been against it since the jr. bush administration, along with the rest of the patriot act...



Did you vote for Obama a second time after he strengthened the Patriot Act twice, including adding the new part for domestic spying that Bush Jr. had nothing to do with?

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Well by that logic the FISC found it unconstitutional but was hushed by the white house and capitol hill cronies... so... now its back to Barry's Fault :D


If unconstitutional why would they renew the  authority to collect telephone data. 



Bush's fault. :eatdrink:

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the NSA (and almost certainly, other federal intelligence and law enforcement entities) routinely and clearly breaches the 4th amendment.  the "court" that hands out the warrants to this raping of our constitution like candy knows this and allows it wholesale.





It's worse than most think.  The NSA is handing over phone records it is gathering to LEO's.



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It's worse than most think.  The NSA is handing over phone records it is gathering to LEO's.



Just playing Devil's advocate here so bear with me:


Supreme Court ruling 1979 Smith v. Maryland.  Also look into third-party doctrine.  Both of which the FISC are using as their trump card to get your (actually Verizon's) phone records.

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Just playing Devil's advocate here so bear with me:


Supreme Court ruling 1979 Smith v. Maryland.  Also look into third-party doctrine.  Both of which the FISC are using as their trump card to get your (actually Verizon's) phone records.


There are plenty of valid legal arguments against using third-party doctrine as a justification against what the NSA is doing.  The problem is when these arguments are made in the FISC court there is NO NONE making the case against.  Imagine a court system where only the prosecutor is allowed to present evidence, no defense. So of course the NSA is going to get the ruling they want, most of the time.

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Last go round I voted for Ron

Me too. I vote for any decent third party person in the hope they get matching funds some day. Otherwise I write in Paris Hilton because hot and stupid is better than just stupid.

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