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Stupid Ass Ebay Sellers


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Ship two sets of tires to the wrong address.  Don't provide any tracking information.  Notify the buyer of an issue with the shipment, but tell the buyer "it is resolved and the items will arrive in a few days".  Don't notify the buyer when there is a "delivery exception" and the tracking info remains stagnant for a week straight.  Don't take any action to correct the exception.  Do nothing....especially contacting the buyer and let them know what is going on.


Get angry when buyer files a claim.  Tell the buyer you are out on a date at cannot use your paypal funds to cover the dinner because of the claim.  Blame the buyer; say they should have contacted you via email first(they don't have your email).  Provide the tracking number after the claim has been created, and blame the buyer for not correcting the issue they had no knowledge of.


Luckily, it was an address that didn't exist.  Talked with the friendly people at FedEX and got it corrected, should be picking the tires up tomorrow at their local office. 


I got a hell of a deal on these tires because of a listing mistake on the shipping costs.  I had plans on sending this guy a few bucks to cover the shipping expense after verifying they looked as good as "10 lap take offs" that they are said to be in the ad.  Even with the shipping mistake and delay I was going to, but after this bullshit; he can eat the cost of shipping.  

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Just a little note about tires that seem to be a bargain,

since we are on the subject.



Tires range in compound from super-sticky "qualifying" race

tires to rock-like touring tires that provide extra-long life.

What is not obvious, however, is that the compound and

compliance of a tire changes with time.  As tires are heated

and cooled from riding and parking, they become harder.

Racers refer to this process as a "heat cycle," and it is

especially pronounced with soft racing tires.

Tires also become harder by just sitting in a warehouse or

garage.  This is something to keep in mind when those cheap,

closeout tires in the magazine ads tempt you.  Those tires

may be fine, but then again they may have sat in a warehouse

for so long that they've practically turned to stone.


Total Control, High Performance Street Riding Techniques

- Lee Parks

Chapter 1,  Traction,  Tires



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I was pissed, drinking a bit and needed to vent.

Short version...eBay seller shipped to the wrong address and early on said it was resolved. Two weeks later I put a claim into eBay to get tracking info. He flipped out sending 5 messages blaming me for the issue and saying I should have fixed the problem. Mind you I didn't even have tracking info to know the problem existed.

Jack, thanks for the info. These are" recently used AMA GP-A 211 takeoffs", so they should be nice and fresh.

This is the second eBay seller I've dealt with that I've had major issues with. The first tried to sell plastic welded fairings as prestine.

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u think that's bad my brother bought a shock from a guy and it leaks so bad the box was wet with oil.  so he contacts the guy with pictures and all and the guy tells him he must of done it while installing it.


so my brother opens a dispute with paypal over it.  the guy tells them he said he told my brother it needs a proper weight spring and he didn't use it and rode on it with a too light of a spring and it blew out the shock. :cerealguy2:


I guess he thinks my brother is an idiot.  obviously the seller is.

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