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OR roadtrip feeler.....JENNINGS GP!


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I've been tossing around the idea of a late winter/early spring road trip to Jennings GP with a few people.  My original thought was to keep this a "private" trip; just to avoid the headache of attempting to organize a 2000 mile trip with more than a couple people from all over the state.  But after seeing the responses in the Winter track day trips thread, I figured fuck it, the more the merrier.  


So lets use this thread as a feeler to gauge who is interested, what conflicts there are, and set a hard date...then we can move on to determining the logistics of grouping up based on vehicle capacity,geography and route.




Details about the track:


Jennings is just south of the GA/FL boarder.  It will be a haul, but well worth it IMHO.  


Price: $325 for Saturday, Sunday and Monday +$10 gate fee(per day).  A full price breakdown can be found at : Jennings GP Official Page

Duration: TBD by each commuting party.

Weather: Any, but for a little insight follow this link


More info about the track:







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I'm in for this; even if I have to tow my bike down on the open trailer in a snowstorm.


My preference for a date would be anytime in March avoiding the weekend with the time change.  I base that on the reccomendations of other riders who made similar trips and the historical temperature trends. 


I think the saturday/sunday/monday for $325 is the best value and makes the most sense based on the travel time involved in making the trip.  March 8,9,10 looks to be the only 3 day weekend ran by JGP.  Unfortunately that is also the weekend the time changes, so we would lose an hour of fun....stupid daylight savings.   Other options are Feb. 22,23,24 and April 12,13,14.  A calendar is available HERE.  I am not sure about the other events running there "CCS" and "Southern Track Day".  I'll give them a call tomorrow for details.




I'd go, that's only 7 hours for me. I tried to do this a few years ago with a different forum, but they werent running a novice group so I was unable.


When I call tomorrow I'll verify how they run their trackdays including groups.  Their website says they offer track orientation for novice riders, so I'm assuming they have a novice group.

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3 days there is 2 sets of tires if your running a good pace



Also know that those days in march, the AMA guys are there testing. It was packed last year the day before our private day


Good to know!  I've heard Jennings is hard on tires....plan on mounting up a new set of take offs before leaving and taking another set with me along with my pos rains just to be safe.  I think a crowd is to be expected Sat and Sun, but is it as bad on Mondays as well?

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When Hobs says packed, the Sat/Sun will sell out around new years, possibly before.  People will back out, but it's luck of the draw to get in after that.


I'm looking at that as a positive....people who put money down on the (non-refundable)track time are less likely to back out of ride shares(that is the headache I was referring to in the OP)

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I meant people you don't know, like there will be open spots.  A lot of theguys would even ride 1/2 day Sunday if they showed up Saturday night.  We would take our time going down and just ride Mon and private rental Tuesday.  I recommend that honestly, getting a private day if you can.  You make leeps and bounds when you can just do whatever you want, ALL DAY.  PS its also cheap.

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Glad we are planning this far enough in advance. I'd say that as long as I have a bike in the next couple months then I would be game for this trip. Gives us allll winter to prepare and set aside some fun money

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Sounds like a private day would be best. Three track days is a physical weekend


I'd be up for a weekend or private day.....hell, if it is open track, I'll squeeze in 2x the seat time of a normal trackday.  One concern for a private day is the different experience levels/pace of the riders.  Other concern would be price and how many riders we are looking at.

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I'd be up for a weekend or private day.....hell, if it is open track, I'll squeeze in 2x the seat time of a normal trackday.  One concern for a private day is the different experience levels/pace of the riders.  Other concern would be price and how many riders we are looking at.

Best thing about a private track day is you invite people you know and are comfortable with on the track.

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Best thing about a private track day is you invite people you know and are comfortable with on the track.


I was coming from the perspecitive of this thread....OR Jennings trackday.  Normal trackday would be fine; in the case of a private rental with open track, we would have to do something to address the varying skill/comfort levels.

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When i went last year to the private rental it was open track, varying skill levels from begginner to ama riders. No issues at all. I got passed alot by the advanced and ama guys, but they were clean passes. I wasnt worried a bit. We had zero crashes, and zero close calls. The people invited were trusted guys, and they hold their lines, no how to pass clean, and took everyone into consideration.

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