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Sick family member


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Just got a call from my family in England - my Uncle had a stroke and is completely paralyzed on one side.  He's 10 hours into some magical "72 hour" time limit that apparently limits his recovery (Any recovery he makes will be made in the first 72 hours, apparently - beyond that no further recovery is anticipated.


He cannot talk or swallow, but his life is not in danger. 


Anyone else had experience with this?


To make matters worse, his mother/my grandmother is incapable for forming new memories and if we tell her she'll obviously freak out, but then forget.  Every time she asks where he is she will hear about it "for the first time" again and again and will grieve for him over and over.  What do we do?  Just tell her that he's busy today knowing that she will forget that. 


She always asks me to call her after I get home when I visit her, so she knows that I got home safe.  I always do.  I called her one time and she asked me how my flight home from England to Ohio was.  I didn't have the heart to tell her that my last flight home was three years ago. 



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Uncle-inlaw had the same thing last year.  It's a pretty huge change and definitely makes the individual a totally different person.  Keith is now pretty quiet, kind of just sits around, and tries to stay low key as he can't really interact like he used to.  He was about 55 I believe and the oldest of 4 kids, but probably in about the best overall health so it was a real shocker to everyone. 


He unfortunately did not make the 72 hour window and has been left with partial paralisys on his right side I believe, facial down to feet.  He is however able to walk and uses a brace and 4 legged cane to do so.  Has his arm in a sling everytime I see him as he cannot control it so it just dangles if not.


Hope that they are able to get his control back and being that they got to him so early, sounds like he should have a pretty good prognosis.


Best wishes.

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My condolences and hope it turns out better than my experience

This sounds almost exactly like my grandmothers stroke about 12 years ago. They have us that same 72 hour thing but she quickly deteriorated after that 72 hour period and after 7 days in the hospital there was nothing else that could be done

Unfortunately she passed and I still believe the hospital botched her care.

Edited by Bad324
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