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Deputy kills 13-year-old carrying fake rifle


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 I'd rather on officer take a bullet to the vest than see an innocent shot/killed because of twitchy trigger fingers. I hate to be so bold, but I'd take a dead cop over a dead child, any day of the week. Fuck... that sounds really shitty. I don't mean it to sound that way, but I really do think there is a moral obligation to protect the innocent. This child didn't need to die. He was completely harmless. Operating on the assumption that he was ready to do harm clearly isn't the best course of action.



Do you think his vest would protect him against a 7.62mm from an AK47?

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With this situation and so many others...I don't believe an Officer should be able to use deadly force until shots are fired/harm is caused.


If the BG is threatening a civillian then does the officer need to wait until the civilian is shot before shooting?


If Yes:  No point having police then.

If No:  Giving someone a badge makes their lives worth less than ours. 



In all honesty, if they rules that and cop has to be shot* before returning fire then I'd be watching for a biblical exodus of people away from LE careers.



*I know you said "shot at" but if the BG knows the cops won't shoot until shot at then the BG also knows he has time to aim and make that first shot count.

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I want to see the dashcam.  I want to see proof that the kid turned towards them.  


His age is irrelevant.  A 12yo shot and killed someone just hours before this - I'm sure nobody would question shooting that 12yo to stop him killing his teacher.

The fact that the gun is fake is irrelevant.  It looks real.


The only thing that is relevant is "would a reasonable person believe the person with the gun was about to shoot them".


How was he carrying it?  Slung over his back?  In his hands in a non-threatening manner or both hands in traditional shooting style like he is about to shoot someone?

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Noone is "giving up cop's lives"


Jesus tap dancing christ.  How many BGs are crack shots and will have a kill shot on the first round fired?  Now, how many of those are 13 year olds?


Cops are volunteers.  They volunteered for a career with a high amount of risk.  They need to weigh that and a little situational awareness before raining lead on the general population.

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I want to see the dashcam.  I want to see proof that the kid turned towards them.  

 Don't most people turn toward you, when you are addressing them?  I would like to think cops are trained/aware about this natural tendancy

Edited by Tigerpaw
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While I believe that cops are far too eager to shoot people these days, you are easily comfortable with "giving away" a cop's life on the chance that a kid had a toy gun or didn't mean anything.  A bullet from an AK would easily penetrate a cop's bullet-proof vest.  There is no way I would expect anyone to wait until they have been shot at before taking steps to protect themselves.


agree 100% - if you wait till you hear the shot - your already dead. It's a shiity situation all around for both parties though.

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 Don't most people turn toward you, when you are addressing them?  I would like to think cops are trained/aware about this natural tendancy


Unless we see the dashcam we are not going to know if it was reasonable to consider him a threat.

Edited by Scruit
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Noone is "giving up cop's lives"


Jesus tap dancing christ.  How many BGs are crack shots and will have a kill shot on the first round fired?  Now, how many of those are 13 year olds?


Cops are volunteers.  They volunteered for a career with a high amount of risk.  They need to weigh that and a little situational awareness before raining lead on the general population.


Are you assuming they knew his age?  


Have you ever seen video of police shootings?  Or criminals?    Once that first shot is fired the next 5 or 6 can come in under a second.  


I just feel it is ridiculous to require a policeman be shot at before he can respond.

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I just feel it is ridiculous to require a policeman be shot at before he can respond.


Then innocent people will be shot.  Dead men tell no tales.  Police are not judge, jury, executioner.  They need to take criminals alive.



Your video shows that crazy people will go to any lengths.  They would have killed someone EVENTUALLY, regardless how that officer responded.

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I'm not a fan of the mentality of law enforcement in our police state of a nation nor the "us vs. them" attitude the majority of them operate under but requiring them to hold their fire until fired upon is not the solution to these types of tragedies. 

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Whatever. Kid's dead. Doesn't really matter, now. Let's forget it happened, instead of arguing the merits of trigger happy cops gunning down school children.


Not whatever.  If nobody changes anything, then it will happen again. 

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How about requiring officer be killed before they can shoot?  Then the dead officer can come back and haunt the BG.


So, on the surface, you are calling this a good shoot?


What crimes constitute taking a BGs life?


I've seen cops kill over theft and less....

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