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RIP Ryan Longstreth...


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I just recently found out that Ryan Longstreth who some of you may know from Cycra - he was the Brand Manager - had passed away a few days ago from an accident with a deer while riding his street bike. 


This really rings home for me as when I first started out in the motorcycle industry outside the dealership, I worked with Cycra a short period.  But, Ryan and I had hit it off and we stayed in contact seeing each other at events and through the years, he has always talked street bikes.  Working in the MX/SX side of the business, he was this closet street bike guy.  Always wanting to discuss street bikes and how I was doing with work and racing.


The guy had an impact on me at the early start of my career doing this and I was shocked to hear of his passing.  So, this is just simply a thanks to Ryan and a blessing of Godspeed to him and my condolences to his family. 



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He was a good guy. I was the Cycra Product Manager for a couple of the large distributors and he was my contact. Always a smile on his face.


The news reports are inaccurate in saying he was not wearing a helmet. I spoke to his family last night at the visitation and they said the police have changed their assessment of the accident and now say he was wearing a helmet, but it became dislodged in the accident. Read into that what you will, but I assume it was very bad.


I know some people that have ridden with him and say he was a very good rider.


Deer are so unpredictable, be careful out there.

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