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Iron Butt - Saddle sore 1000


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I have been considering trying to get a saddle sore 1000 certificate. I have a Russell Day Long Seat on the way, and I have ridden many a long trip. Last year I rode 16.5 hours in a day. Unfortunately slightly under 300 miles were the Blue Ridge Parkway, and I didn't keep an exact count on mileage for the day.

I have read the IBAs websit, and I am in the preliminary stages of planning. Departing and completing near Central Ohio will make it more palpable to my better half.

How many have tried , completed, or tried & completed? Any suggestions or thoughts are appreciated.

It was either this or run a full marathon, and I much prefer riding a motorcycle to running.

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I've done many 1,000 mile days in under 24 hours - but never did the IBA documentation crap. Need to do it once just to say I did.


2-3 times each summer I ride out to Utah and usually do Indy to Denver in one go - right around 1,100 miles. With time changes, it's just easier for me to do it heading west rather than coming back east. Just seems easier to me.


I did Ouray, CO to Indy once, non stop but it took over 24 hours and I did it mostly by accident as I could find any hotels anywhere. IT hurt for a few days after that and I'd not do it again. It was around 1,300 miles and my longest non stop ride. Took me around 32 hours. The last 150 miles I bet I stopped at each exit as I was so tired and burnt from riding.


The hard part, for me anyway, isn't the seat you're on but rather the mental alertness. With 1K miles in 24 hours, you'll have time to stop and sleep a bit If you average 65 mph moving miles per hour, you'll have time for 6-7 hours of sleep in there with no problem. If you do all freeway, I'd plan a 5 hour stop someplace to sleep and then continue on afterwards. It's really pretty easy to do.

Edited by Earache
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I did Duluth, MN to Dayton, OH via Bloomington, IL this past summer. It was 820 miles in just under 13 hours. I was getting mentally tired by the end of that ride. Another 180 miles wouldn't have been a problem if I would have stopped for an hour or two. I skipped lunch and basically dehydrated myself. I also was taking benedryl every 3 hours for a hornet or wasp sting on my neck that kept swelling up.

Being fully healthy and eating/drinking fluids properly, 1000 miles should be pretty easy.

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This seems like the type of thing that looks easier on paper than it is in practice.


Obviously it can be done, and it's a goal to shoot for, but I would plan in a "parachute" route as well.  Say you're 5-6 hours in and either 1) not enjoying yourself, or 2) some adversity (mechanical, meteorological, psychological, etc.) puts finishing the trip in jeopardy.  It would really be a good idea to have a 'planned deviation' route that you know would be more enjoyable, or that would allow you to cut the corner back home in several hundred fewer miles.


Either that or make the destination the fun part, and give yourself 2 chances at making the trip in 24 hours (i.e. once on your way TO Texas, and once on your way HOME)

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The Columbus peeps could just circle 270 a bunch of times. Easy to bail.


Mount Rushmore is 1,270 miles from my driveway.  I bet you can average over 80mph for those last few hundred miles :p


I absolutely will ride to Mount Rushmore this summer as a warm up to my ride to the Article Circle the year after.

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My initial thought was running down I71 & I75 and hit US129 through the Tail of the Dragon from Cbus. I would then head east toward Asheville, NC. I could take I26 north to I81. I could take I81 to I77 back to OH. Jump off at US 33 back to Cbus. The best thing about winter is that I will have plenty of time to plan and think about it.

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I laid out a route from Columbus to Saginaw City and back. I figured mostly freeway with light traffic would make it easier. Yes, a hydration pack would help a lot. Can even add caffeinated boost additives to that. None of it sounds bad, but I know it would make my butt hurt past 600 miles... So anything to improve the seat would help a lot. I know one guy that likes the roller bead seat covers, but I would like to try one of the sheepskin covers.


edit: 33 back from 77 would be a pain in the butt. Have done that on both bike and car. I'd rather just take 77 to 70 and back. Same amount of time, more distance, and less traffic and slow stuff through towns. Pick one.

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Bicycle shorts and a hydration pack are definitely mandatory for long rides like this. They greatly reduce fatigue.

I also like the idea of taking I77 to I70. There will be less traffic, less likely someone can cut you of while fatigued from a long ride.

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i have been wanting to do one for a long time, but just never committed to it yet.  maybe this will be the year.

maybe talk someone else in to doing it with me lol

Say when and where -I'll do it.

As a matter of fact, why not do an OR Iron Butt Certification Ride and have it open to all that wanna do. Be cool for 7-8 of us to do it all at once.

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I absolutely will ride to Mount Rushmore this summer as a warm up to my ride to the Article Circle the year after.


Unless you're into solitude, keep me posted about this.  I would be envisioning a 3-4 day trip, with two shots at the 1000 mile day.  The thought would be to set out really early on a Thursday morning and get the 1000 in, then sleep 200-250 miles outside of Rushmore.  Ride there the next morning and spend the day hanging out in the area before making my way back to the hotel, and riding another 1,000 home the next day; possibly making a stop for another night if the 1000 has already been achieved, and there is something worth seeing halfway between here and South Dakota...

Edited by redkow97
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...do track miles count for this?


we could book Nelson Ledges and do a 10-hour endurance 'race.'   Tire wear alone should keep people at a sane pace and cut down on accidents.  I think the biggest hurry would be to get the 1,000 miles in during hours the track is allowed to be noisy...

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I think some basic planning could combat most issues.


Pair/group riders with similar ranges and just say "you two succeed and fail together.  If his bike stops, yours stops  ...at least until he tells you to go on your way."



If there are that many of us, we could coordinate a support vehicle with a trailer.  I'm not volunteering just yet, but many of us have trailers that could easily carry 2 bikes.


And I would think it would be appropriate for the riders to chip in for the support vehicle's gas money given that they're doing several hundred miles of driving with a lower payoff.

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Unless you're into solitude, keep me posted about this.  I would be envisioning a 3-4 day trip, with two shots at the 1000 mile day.  The thought would be to set out really early on a Thursday morning and get the 1000 in, then sleep 200-250 miles outside of Rushmore.  Ride their the next morning and spend the day hanging out in the area before making my way back to the hotel, and riding another 1,000 home the next day; possibly making a stop for another night if the 1000 has already been achieved, and there is something worth seeing halfway between here and South Dakota...


Yea, lets try and work this out. What you are describing is pretty much exactly what I had in mind.  4 days, hammer day one and get close. Day 2 hit the monument, some of the cool roads in that area, maybe drive through Sturgis so we can say we saw it while missing the nightmare of 500k drunk bikers. 800 or so day three, then an easy hop the last day.

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Yea, lets try and work this out. What you are describing is pretty much exactly what I had in mind.  4 days, hammer day one and get close. Day 2 hit the monument, some of the cool roads in that area, maybe drive through Sturgis so we can say we saw it while missing the nightmare of 500k drunk bikers. 800 or so day three, then an easy hop the last day.



Deadwood is a kinda cool place to stay, lots of cool bars and hotels in the area.

Rushmore is a bit of a snoozefest. Once you've seen it for 10 seconds, you're kinda over it. Don't think you'd spend much time staring at it.

Still, pretty good destination.

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.... I would be envisioning a 3-4 day trip, with two shots at the 1000 mile day.  The thought would be to set out really early on a Thursday morning and get the 1000 in, then sleep 200-250 miles outside of Rushmore.  Ride there the next morning and spend the day hanging out in the area before making my way back to the hotel, and riding another 1,000 home the next day; possibly making a stop for another night if the 1000 has already been achieved, and there is something worth seeing halfway between here and South Dakota...



Since there isn't shit 250 outside of Rushmore, we could meet up in Indianapolis on a Wednesday night - get 4-5 FREE hotel rooms from the wife - and then we all head to Rapid City on Thursday morning. It's right at 1070 miles from Indy. Fart around in Deadwood / Strugis / Rushmore / Balck Hills for a day and then head back.

I'd like to check out Custer Hill - been past it but  never stopped.

And if anyone wants to hit up Devil's Tower - it's only about 75 miles from Deadwood.

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Chamberlain, SD is 1050 from mine and Chris's neck of the woods. Tons of hotels there. Not sure after 1000 miles many folks will care about much other than food being no more than 50 feet from the hotel.


Day two looks something like this:  http://goo.gl/maps/Ga4pD


I mean drop the little google guy on RT 16 and 87 and tell me you don't want to do those roads. That link is about 5.5 hours plus picture stops.  Then head down 14 back to Rapid City until it is time to stop for the night. That leaves ballpark 1200 miles home. One 800 mile day and one 500 mile day. With the option for attempt two on the 1000 if the attempt on the way out fails.


And with this plan, day two is Friday, fewer tourists clogging the roads. Theoretically.

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...do track miles count for this?


we could book Nelson Ledges and do a 10-hour endurance 'race.'   Tire wear alone should keep people at a sane pace and cut down on accidents.  I think the biggest hurry would be to get the 1,000 miles in during hours the track is allowed to be noisy...


that's a great idear! except, i would suggest running it CCW around the half way mark to get the left side worn in

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Maybe set a minimum lap time to keep people slower as well?

Race tires are cooked after 300 miles anyway. Might actually be fun to calculate how long the ride should take averaging 60 mph, and award points for being closest to that time.

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The SS1000 is very doable.  The secret to endurance riding to to minimize your number of stops and the duration of each stop.  Keep your stops to no more than five to ten minutes, making sure the gas stations enable a quick on and off the highway.  Provided you have at least 200 mile range, you should plan on no more than six stops.  This will get you done in sixteen hours or less if you are riding interstate or multi-lane primary highways.  The proper clothing and equipment is paramount to staying in the saddle for three to four hours at a stretch.  Once you get an SS1000 under your belt, go for the Bun Burner Gold challenge of 1500 miles in 24 hours.  


The documentation is no big deal.  Make sure you have receipts with location and time stamps.  Log any extended durations off the bike (more than twenty minutes).


Have fun!

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