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Iron Butt - Saddle sore 1000


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..... Rules of engagement need to be set up and participants need to understand them.

All ya really need is a start and stop point with times of the start and a last time to finish (24 hours later obviously). People can ride in pairs if they like or alone if they like.


It'd be fun, like Tonik said, to finish someplace cool like Mount Rushmore area or some other location that has some sort of destination at the end.


Track idea sounds good too - but someone would prolly crash during the event. It'd be awfully boring if you didn't try to go faster at some point. Plus, all of the turns would really burn your body out pretty fast.

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Well, if'n this gets organized, I'd be down for another. My first go was easy. Maybe I'll do the second on the Supersport and see if it kills me. :)


I am for sure going to put one together for Mt. Rushmore. I was originally thinking early to mid June for weather. Better shot at cooler temps and less rain. But that is probably when the official OR Crashapalooza at the Gap will be.


Ideas for dates gang?

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When I bought my current bike, it was located in Oklahoma City, 1,200 miles from Tampa Bay where I lived at the time.

I flew to OKC and rode the bike back home. Since was going to do 1200 miles, I decided to do the first 1,000 in less than 24 hours to get

the IBA certificate.

I left OKC after lunch, stopped about every 200 miles for gas, water and a snack, and made one big stop somewhere in MS for dinner and about 5 hours of sleep. I arrived 15 minutes before the time.

The guy who sold me the bike was my start witness, but I felt a little hesitant to try and find a finish witness on the spot, so I contacted an IBA volunteer in the area, who met me at a gas station. I definitely recommend that.

It's one of those things that seem pointless, along the way you ask yourself "why am I doing this?...", but afterwards you feel great that you did!

Good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I did an unofficial SaddleSore 1000 in 2009 from Rosewell, NM to LAX. Did it for the actual certification in 2010 from Columbus to Spartanburg, SC and back. I attempted a BunBurner Gold 1500 from Columbus to Elko, NV in July 2011 but fell short of it because of horrible windstorms in Nebraska. However, I still pulled off a standard BunBurner 1500 and a SaddleSore 2000 within a 43 hour window on the same ride.


Here are my write-ups:

SaddleSore 1000: http://twowheeledtourist.blogspot.com/2010/09/my-first-documented-iron-butt.html

BunBurner 1500/SS2000: http://twowheeledtourist.blogspot.com/2011/07/iron-butt-bunburner-1500saddlesore-2000.html


Still though, a 50CC is still on my bucket list. When it comes to the timed long-distance runs, I prefer to do them solo so I don't have to wait on anyone. It would be interesting to pull off another ride with someone with IBA experience though. :)

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