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quitting smoking: a novel approach.

Gixxus Christ!

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Good on you man, and think, tomorrow is double digits, 10 days!  Then comes triple digits and before you know it, you won't even know how long it's been.  Interesting to know a book had so much influence on the situation, I don't smoke but almost want to read it anyways just to know what it's like.

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Good to hear Sam. My nonmenthol switch has enabled me to cut mine way back to half of the norm, and I'm definitely enjoying it less and less ( but I'm drinking tonight, so my ween will surely be affected ). The next step will be quitting. I still haven't ordered the book, but I do plan to. I need to seek out a healthy vice to substitute this old habit

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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 7 smoke free for me. I did invest in a new vape to ease cravings, and it does just that. Haven't missed cigs at all the last 5 days, but the first couple were a challenge trying to program my head around relying solely on the vape. Feeling better everyday too

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Grabbing that and reading. So far so good myself. Even managed not to smoke after having three beers. But I could feel the urge comming on.

I did notice that others that smoke now that I am making a real effort fucking stink. Or maybe its just theiyre're brand.

Keep up the good work guys.

Edited by Anden
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No, they stink. I asked my fiancé how she tolerated the smell for so long and her only answer was that she loved me..lol. Now I can't stand the smell. A vaporizer will help with the urges while drinking and you can use it in the bar.

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That's bad ass mutt. I'm gonna share that with a few friends.

Definitely - make sure to jump at it, never know how long a free link will stay up

Grabbing that and reading. So far so good myself. Even managed not to smoke after having three beers. But I could feel the urge comming on.

I did notice that others that smoke now that I am making a real effort fucking stink. Or maybe its just theiyre're brand.

Keep up the good work guys.

I'm finding the vape a favorable alternative, Lee. And at the price of smokes now, and at an average of a pack a day, the vape will save you money after the first 2 weeks. Cost me $75 to set myself up for 2 months, and then its only about $10 a month after that until I ween down to the 0mg nicotine fluid and finally quit the vape. Huge money saver, and a considerably healthier vice.

I am also learning how bad smokers smell to nonsmokers.....stinky bastards smell like a tobacco bonfire to me now

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Definitely - make sure to jump at it, never know how long a free link will stay up

I'm finding the vape a favorable alternative, Lee. And at the price of smokes now, and at an average of a pack a day, the vape will save you money after the first 2 weeks. Cost me $75 to set myself up for 2 months, and then its only about $10 a month after that until I ween down to the 0mg nicotine fluid and finally quit the vape. Huge money saver, and a considerably healthier vice.

I am also learning how bad smokers smell to nonsmokers.....stinky bastards smell like a tobacco bonfire to me now



I stayed out of this thread because I quit around the same time as the OP, beginning of Dec. I didn't want to steal his thunder, he deserves his own thread full of kudo's. But now that you bring up vaping I have to speak up.  That is exactly what got me off the f'ing things.  I only vap in the morning, after dinner and just before bed and then just a few puffs. I am totally free, no nerves, I don't want to kill anyone (except Magley) and I feel great.

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Hell you could have joined in, I'm not worried about thunder. We all share in each others success on this thread.

Mutt, what equipment are you vaping on? I started out on a $30 gas station rig with a non-rebuildable cartomizer and puny little battery, now I'm Rockin an eGo 1100 mah battery and kangertech protank 3. It's amazing how much better the higher grade stuff is, and how much better vegetable glycerine based juice is than propylene glycol based. There's only 2 smokers left on my shift at work, everyone else switched to vapor.

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