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Cleaning Dirty Ass Bodywork


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Wondering if anyone has some good tips or product recommendations for cleaning race bodywork. Mine are a mess from last season with bugs, dirt, and burnt rubber caked to them. I've used wd-40 and the old elbow grease method, but I'm wondering if there's any other tricks I could try. Thanks, gheys... I mean guys!

Edited by Hollywood33
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Bug and Tar remover is what I use wipe it on let is set for 15 minutes wipe it off.  I would use a industrial disinfectant similar to what would be used in a hospital for your good time fun hole.  Perhaps Murse could pick you some up.  

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what used to be called >Honda Wax now "original spray cleaner &polish" works well

I got a can of that crap free when I bought my Trx 3.5 yrs. ago. I wasn't impressed, and still have 75% of it sitting on the shelf. Maybe it works better on street bikes.

Once bike is clean try treating it with Plexus or SC1 is cheaper. I found some cheap Maguire stuff called supreme shine. Made for car interiors, but works well cleaning my quad.

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Soaking most of the bugs and crud will make it come off much easier. Some sort of degreaser for the goop stuff.


The bike brite does work nicely on the engine in particular, and other metal parts.

I've used Simple Green or that purple stuff on rims and swing arm crude, just to get it started removing.


The Honda/Harley quick spray and polish is exactly that. A quick shine. (original spray cleaner &polish)

The Honda shop I worked at used Lemon Pledge and pretty much got the same results.

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Yeah, the Honda Spray Cleaner stuff works great to shine up a street bike or a semi-clean track bike, but I needed something strong to take a season's worth of track abuse off of a race bike.  This means oil, bugs, rubber, and other crap.  I didn't keep up with cleaning it during the season, and that makes it way worse.  So I ended up getting a de-greaser called Greased Lightning at Home Depot.  Had my bodywork off the bike so I sprayed it down and let it sit for a bit.  Then I gave it another quick spray right before I scrubbed it.  Then I hosed them down with fresh water.  Overall, worked pretty well.  Took off just about everything except a few really stubborn spots on the lower.  I don't think the de-greaser had any negative affect on the paint, but then again I wasn't too worried about that because my bodywork is probably on its last leg anyway.  Lots of crash damage and chips.

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