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NYST Groupon


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  • 4 weeks later...

well if that bs goes into effect....anyone want to loan me a 250?


Read up about it a bit last night and it does seem like the owner was understating much of the info....but the friends of rural life seems like a blog ran by someone with a personal vendetta.  I really liked the "noise samples"....where there are video clips from NJMP not NYST.

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  • 5 months later...

BUMP!  Groupon is still active!


Looking for someone to ride share to NYST pretty soon.  Want to avoid the upcoming AMA weekend and MotoSeries events.  Also would want to burn minimal vacation time.


I can haul two bikes on my trailer....car would be a tight squeeze.

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BUMP! Groupon is still active!

Looking for someone to ride share to NYST pretty soon. Want to avoid the upcoming AMA weekend and MotoSeries events. Also would want to burn minimal vacation time.

I can haul two bikes on my trailer....car would be a tight squeeze.

So want to do this !

Just need more funds !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I haven't been following what's going on with NYST. Are they still running big bikes there? Last I heard was 250's only?


I was just there this weekend.  So far, that's not being enforced.  During the riders meeting they said they just won some court case but they didn't go into any detail at all.  Hopefully they get to stay open. 


The first time I was there was just a 'members day' and it was great.  It was a pretty small group and I was getting multiple clean laps every session.  The day was well run and not a single red flag.  This weekend though, even though the calendar listed it as a Member's Day, it was actully a combined event with Team Promotion.  I've only riden with TPM twice and both times they pulled the same crap... they ran four groups (two Int.) at 15 minutes each.  Throw in some red flags and it kinda sucked.  Advanced was sold out but it really wasn't bad at all out on track.  It was just every delay in an already shortened session really blew. 


Anyway-  I just point that out so you can try to make an informed decision when you're planning your trip.  There was no mention of a combined event on the website or when I talked to them about signing up.  Before I go again, I'll be checking TPM's and Tony's Trackdays website to make sure they're not going to be there.  Nothing against either of those groups, it's just about the time on track.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hopefully this isn't frowned upon.....anyone interested to buy my groupon?  doubtful I'll be able to make it this year now that I've broken my collarbone....hell of a deal that I wish I could make IMHO.

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