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Its Kim Jong Un right?


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So you don't have an answer. 


I expect something more solid from you, Magz.

You are right.  The God of Islam is a fantasy.  Unfortunately for you, the Christian God is also a fantasy along with pretty much every other God.  The best part of this is that pretty much every religion is false and YSR doesn't get the joke at this point.  What YSR does get is a ferverent hatred of those who believe in a different imaginary deity than he does.  This is funny in and of itself.  Unless YSR is actively stoning people for eating at Red Lobster he should STFU and climb back into his bunker and cling to his guns and book of fairy tales.

Edited by mattm
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Why DON'T you believe? And why does it bother you so much that I do?  I don't push or force my beliefs on anyone. I don't walk around saying "God bless" and pushing a bible in anyones face.   I TRY to live my life and raise my family in what I FEEL is the right way for us, and betterment of the people and community around us.  I don't look down on non-believers, nor view them as any worse or better than myself   I do whats right for me.


And FWIW, I don't care if he's Muslim, Christian, Jewish, agnostic, or whatever.  
I don't have any issues with his religion (or lack thereof). 

I strongly disagree with what he's doing to this country, and I stand in utter disbelief of those who follow him blindly.  If the media would do their job, he'd be outed for whomever he really is, but at this point they are in fear of him.

I don't believe that he is the person who he portrayed himself to be.  I feel that the whole thing is an ingenious fabrication from the highest level to specifically get him into office.   No school history ("He graduated when?  I was in that class, and never saw nor heard of the guy"), a horrible record in congress, etc.  Every program or idea that he's implemented has failed, but nobody seems to keep track.  His wife wants to change the way I am allowed to eat, even though she seems to have put on a few pounds over the last few years.  He's a foreign policy nightmare, and the fact that John Kerry is Sec of State is laughable.  

I've got my doubts.  Deeeeep ones.

But not about my religious beliefs.   Slam all you want.  You're not gonna change that.   Just because you're "right" in your own head doesn't mean that you know whats right for me.    I'm just not sure why some are so threatened by the fact that I believe that this wasn't all an accident. 

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Why do you interpret it as an insult?  


Cause that's how most people who say "kenyan muslim" mean it... as an insult. as if he were lying about his religion and/or his citizenship.

Edited by magley64
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Cause that's how most people who say "kenyan muslim" mean it... as an insult. as if he were lying about his religion and/or his citizenship.


Mag's right.  Don't be coy about it - own it YSR - or recognize that you're using the terms wrong and stop using them.

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  • 5 weeks later...

We probably keep better records than those folks do.

Then we should be able to find out how many people paid for the insurance they signed up for on healthcare.gov, and how many of them already had insurance.

Yet we can't.

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So his O'ness is in the far east today. He spent some time ranting about the Japanese sex slaves from f'ing WWII. Like that is still a big issue. Hey 'Bama, WWII is over and neither Truman or Roosevelt are President anymore (And not Bush). What a tool.  Then he goes on a rant about North Korea testing a nuclear weapon. It would be their fourth test.  Guess he forgot we set off 1032 of those things, twice for real.



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