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So Rumsfeld proves he is a...


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....trained ape. Makes sense to me. A trained ape could do better than Obama with Karzi, Rumsfeld did better with Karzi thus Rumsfeld is a trained ape. Can't find any fault in his logic.



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I never liked the term "weapon of mass destruction"  If you wanna get all technical there are a million things that can fall under that term

I agree, it is an ambiguous term, but typically refers to large chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons.

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By the way, what is it about conservatives' inability to avoid (unintended?) racial epitaphs?  At least they haven't talked about rape in a while.


They don't obsess over political correctness. It doesn't consume their every waking moment. They know they are not racists, they hope people are smart enough to understand what they are saying. And if they don't they don't really care.

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They don't obsess over political correctness. It doesn't consume their every waking moment. They know they are not racists, they hope people are smart enough to understand what they are saying. And if they don't they don't really care.


Except it's seen by others as indications of latent bias.  You say they don't care, and that's fine, but how's that working out for them in terms of minority market share?  They're late in the game realizing that minorities will become a majority in the not-too-distant future, so messaging and impressions will have a bearing on political outcomes whether they care or not.  For their sake, they should care.  Talk about apes and subhuman mogrels and legitimate rape doesn't help the GOP.

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They don't obsess over political correctness. It doesn't consume their every waking moment. They know they are not racists, they hope people are smart enough to understand what they are saying. And if they don't they don't really care.


Wow.  That sounds like a rational, apolitical observation.  Get outta here!

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Except it's seen by others as indications of latent bias.  You say they don't care, and that's fine, but how's that working out for them in terms of minority market share?  They're late in the game realizing that minorities will become a majority in the not-too-distant future, so messaging and impressions will have a bearing on political outcomes whether they care or not.  For their sake, they should care.  Talk about apes and subhuman mogrels and legitimate rape doesn't help the GOP.


That's horeshit. It's seen by others as indications of latent bias because it fits their talking points. Just more of the bullshit I talked about in the other thread. Get people to hate the other side more than they hate you so they will vote for 'the lesser of two evils'.


It's all horeshit. If it were fair and applied to both sides equally Biden would have had to resign by now for the racist garbage he as said.

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They don't care about the black vote because of some very simple concepts. Black people by and large vote straight ticket democrat. This makes them basically politically powerless. The gop doesn't bother trying to win their votes and the dems don't do anything to try to keep their votes because basically they are a constant in the equation. The only difference they make is dependent on how many actually get out and vote.

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That's horeshit. It's seen by others as indications of latent bias because it fits their talking points. Just more of the bullshit I talked about in the other thread. Get people to hate the other side more than they hate you so they will vote for 'the lesser of two evils'.


It's all horeshit. If it were fair and applied to both sides equally Biden would have had to resign by now for the racist garbage he as said.


I wasn't arguing there was actual bias - that's a different conversation - I was arguing messaging.  If you still want to call it horseshit, then by all means do so, but don't cry as the majority shifts and conservatives are left in the cold.


CrazySkullCrusher, what you said fully supports the idea that the GOP is trying to disenfranchise minority voters with redistricting and voter ID efforts.  Conversely what you say also disagree's with Priebus' recent focus on minority messaging and outreach.

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Except it's seen by others as indications of latent bias.  You say they don't care, and that's fine, but how's that working out for them in terms of minority market share?  They're late in the game realizing that minorities will become a majority in the not-too-distant future, so messaging and impressions will have a bearing on political outcomes whether they care or not.  For their sake, they should care.  Talk about apes and subhuman mogrels and legitimate rape doesn't help the GOP.


it's worse than that, it's occurring far too often to just be "incidental". It is an indication of REAL racism. Some of them may not be racists, but I'd bet real money that many of them really are really racists. Say all you want about horseshit and blacks just being party line robots, but there is real racism at the heart of many of these good 'ol boy southern politicians.

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it's worse than that, it's occurring far too often to just be "incidental". It is an indication of REAL racism. Some of them may not be racists, but I'd bet real money that many of them really are really racists. Say all you want about horseshit and blacks just being party line robots, but there is real racism at the heart of many of these good 'ol boy southern politicians.


And then beyond that, to hear that conservatives don't care what non-whites think about their phraseology deepens the perception divide.

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And then beyond that, to hear that conservatives don't care what non-whites think about their phraseology deepens the perception divide.


You know, W was a goofball, but he actually addressed a huge number of African American issues in his first term. He went lockstep with the Black Caucaus and the NAACP on a boatload of issues. They totally threw him under the bus when he went up for re-election. Especially the NAACP. They pimped him bad, lied their asses off about him in the election ads.


So if the R's say fuck the black man and mess with them on voter ID laws, frankly I don't blame them.

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