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Exhaust repair

Steve Butters

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My bike has a dent in exhaust where the header meets mid pipe, kinda smashed into oval shape.. Just ordered a new 3/4 system for the bike and wondering what's the best way to fix the header so it will accept the new mid pipe? Should I just remove it and take to exhaust shop? Trying to avoid that as header is cramped.. But I don't imagine new pipe sliding over oval shaped header, and even if it did, I wouldn't want an exhaust leak

Any insight? Sorry brief explanation, on the phone typing from work lol

Don't care if it's perfect, just don't want an exhaust leak

Edited by Steve Butters
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Yea that's what I'm thinking too.. Map gas and a pipe expander... Was hoping someone would tell me it'll fine to just slip on and clamp down, but I'm going over it in my head and I can't think of any other solution than to use map gas and an expander.. Thanks for the link bud, there's a HF out here I'll try to stop by if I can't figure out an easier way

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Sitting here thinking... Am I over thinking this? Is there a gasketed mating surface that makes this whole topic not matter? I was thinking like a car muffler how it's just pipe clamped together, but the more I look at it, I feel like there may be a donut gasket or something in there allowing me to just slide on new pipe and go?

Sorry stupid questions, I know my way around cars but I've never messed with a bike exhaust aside from a dirt bike that I installed a full system on like 8 yrs ago

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Ok Nevermind.. Feel kinda stupid now... Stopped being lazy and just pulled the pipe... Looks fine... Yea it's smashed some, but there's plenty of round left on the ends to connect it...


/stupid thread lol

Just leave it as is. I'm sure it will sound awesome.

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Yeah I found that trick too.. Only thing is, I was trying to not remove the pipe since it's mounted a little tight... I think it'll install fine since the mating area is longer than expected after removal.. I'll find out tonight when I install new system

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