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Harley Davidson denies biker warranty claim due to flags on bike


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"Harley-Davidson told the paper Zien’s warranty is still valid, but the claim he filed had to be denied because the bike was not made to handle wind resistance from multiple flags at highway speeds.

“The issue isn’t that the flags are heavy,” Harley spokeswoman Maripat Blankenheim told the Journal-Sentinel, “but they provide terrific drag on the engine and the transmission, especially when the bike is at highway speeds.”






A hog-riding former lawmaker from Wisconsin claims that Harley-Davidson voided his motorcycle's repair warranty because of the patriotic flags he let fly from the back of his chopper.

However, Harley-Davidson says the warranty is still in effect and just his warranty claim has been denied.

David Zien, who served in the State Senate from 1993 to 2006, said he was told by the motorcycle behemoth it would not honor the warranty after the clutch and transmission failed on a recent ride to Dallas, claiming that that the American flag-- as well as other banners-- caused unneeded wind resistance, according to theJournal Sentinel of Milwaukee.

“All they said was, because I fly flags on the bike, there’s no warranty on the powertrain,” Zien told the newspaper.

Harley-Davidson told the paper Zien’s warranty is still valid, but the claim he filed had to be denied because the bike was not made to handle wind resistance from multiple flags at highway speeds.

“The issue isn’t that the flags are heavy,” Harley spokeswoman Maripat Blankenheim told the Journal-Sentinel, “but they provide terrific drag on the engine and the transmission, especially when the bike is at highway speeds.”

She added that the flag mounts that Zien used were not Harley products.

“When you alter a motorcycle with non-compliant products, that does impact your ability to make a warranty claim," she said.

Zien is an avid biker who has been riding since the 1970s and has always done so with multiple flags on his bike. His 1991 Harley is on display at the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame in South Dakota.

He currently has seven flags flying from his bike including the Stars and Stripes as well as an NRA flag.

“Ain’t nobody gonna stop our flags, not even Harley-Davidson corporate,” Zien told the paper.

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What's next? Not allowed to carry a passenger or trunk? Where do you find a Harley branded passenger? Oh, nevermind...


A large flag can actually give lift to the front wheel when it's doing it's thing. Mostly because it's up high and has a force vector that can "pull" the front wheel up. But I have doubts it exceeds the "drag" of a passenger and luggage. Jerks.


edit: I suppose their point was this extra drag was in addition to a fully loaded motorcycle, pushing over the limit.

Edited by ReconRat
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I can see both sides of this, but ultimately ( and sadly ) Harley is well within their right to deny. The owner must be completely clueless as to how physics ( and warranties ) worked against him, otherwise the flag mounts would've been removed prior to the dealer receiving it.

If the claim CAN be deemed non-warrantable due to abuse/aftermarket parts damages, dealers are surely going pursue it to cover their own asses. Afterall, why would a dealer turn in a claim of that magnitude to only get denied and be left holding the bill?

I see the hypocrisy in it. But like Recon said, it was probably overworked and overloaded from other gear/trailer as well.

Ps. If he'd have ridden a Goldwing it would still be pulling fine, even with a parachute dragging behind it :D:stirpot:

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My guess is he had a barrage of flags the size of those found in front of the post office, thus creating the non-warranted stress on engine and tranny. How dare he not use HD branded flags and mounts, his claim would have sailed through no problem. brumbrumbrum.

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