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Motorcyclist collides with CHP. Who's fault?


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Downside of lane splitting. Going 60 (guessing) in standstill traffic. When the other bike decided it wanted to join in the splitting fun they probably had zero chance to even see the other bike approaching.

I would assign technical blame on the CHP bike merging. It is their responsibility to merge safely.

I would say if it were me I would have been going slower for this same reason.

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lane splitting has speed restrictions out there, you cant go as fast as you fucking want.....i would lay blame on both and i think both should get cited (even though we know that most likely didnt happen)


camera bike was being a douche and riding way too fast for stopped traffic, and police bike obviously wasnt paying any fucking attention


my guess is the camera bike most likely got cited, especially after they took a look at the video

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The speed limit is just that: a limit. That is supposed to be the maximum safe speed under ideal driving conditions.

That kind of traffic is hardly ideal conditions, and his speed should have been reduced accordingly. Had he been traveling at a more reasonable speed, I would feel the CHP rider was at fault. Under these circumstances, I put 90% of the blame on the camera bike.

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The biker. See here is the rub....in California lane splitting isn't specifically allowed. The police decided that if done properly it is not illegal. Big difference.  It is up the the police to decide if the lane splitting is reckless or unreasonable and they can at any time write you. Below are the guidelines, I would say he is in violation of their guidelines and they would write him for that. Especially since he was unable to stop for an obstacle in front of him...yea he clipped the side of the cop but it would still be classified as a rear end collision. You rear end someone you are at fault.



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Woahoho! I have never lane split that fast in my life. That's just asking for trouble. When I took the MSF course I asked the CHP (Cali highway patrol) how fast to lane split and they said a good rule of thumb is not more that 20-25mph faster than traffic.

But then again, I've never seen a dedicated lane for splitting like this. Where is this video?

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Woahoho! I have never lane split that fast in my life. That's just asking for trouble. When I took the MSF course I asked the CHP (Cali highway patrol) how fast to lane split and they said a good rule of thumb is not more that 20-25mph faster than traffic.

But then again, I've never seen a dedicated lane for splitting like this. Where is this video?


That's not a dedicated line splitting lane. It's the divider between the HOV lane (left) and regular lanes (right). 

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