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Putin's feelings on Hillary Clinton


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"It's better not to argue with women. But Ms. Clinton has never been too graceful in her statements."

"When people push boundaries too far, it's not because they are strong but because they are weak. But maybe weakness is not the worst quality for a woman."

Where's that VW oh snap gif when you need it?

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Lol at Putin, calling anyone weak. Used his military to annex part of another country while publicly denying it the whole time.

You can call Putin a lot of things, but weak isn't one of them.

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You can call Putin a lot of things, but weak isn't one of them.

Yes it is, if he had true strength he would have annexed crimea without using military force, and if he weren't such a coward he would have admitted he was doing it when it happened.

Edited by magley64
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Yes it is, if he had true strength he would have annexed crimea without using military force, and if he weren't such a coward he would have admitted he was doing it when it happened.

I don't agree with Putin's actions but he isn't weak.


How is forcing what he wanted to happen in the face of the entire international community, including the US, weak?  


Who showed more weakness in that situation...Putin or Obama?  Shall we take a vote?

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I don't agree with Putin's actions but he isn't weak.

How is forcing what he wanted to happen in the face of the entire international community, including the US, weak?

Who showed more weakness in that situation...Putin or Obama? Shall we take a vote?

While denying he was doing it? Do I need to pull up video of his punk ass saying"anyone can buy a uniform"?

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While denying he was doing it? Do I need to pull up video of his punk ass saying"anyone can buy a uniform"?

Let's say I took your lunch money, but denied doing it.


Does that make me weak...no.  More of a bully and a liar.


see 3:48-4:02

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Let's say I took your lunch money, but denied doing it.

Does that make me weak...no. More of a bully and a liar.

see 3:48-4:02

No, you're a weak ass punk if you're taking my lunch money, but then play innocent when my friends who are much larger than you ask you what you're doing and you deny everything because you don't want your punk ass beat up by them in return.

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No, you're a weak ass punk if you're taking my lunch money, but then play innocent when my friends who are much larger than you ask you what you're doing and you deny everything because you don't want your punk ass beat up by them in return.


LOL, yea Obama is going to beat up Putin, or hold him accountable for anything. That is some funny shit there Mag's.

Edited by Tonik
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No, you're a weak ass punk if you're taking my lunch money, but then play innocent when my friends who are much larger than you ask you what you're doing and you deny everything because you don't want your punk ass beat up by them in return.

What did your larger friends do? Nothing.

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What did your larger friends do? Nothing.

In the metaphor? We sanctioned the hell out of Putin's banks, so much so that he started whining about it publicly.


Edited by magley64
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