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Have you ever been involved in an intervention for drugs or alcohol?


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I've yet to ever hear of a successful intervention among my extended circle of friends over the years.

People that kick an actual dangerous habit (read: not just a party phase their girlfriend is worried about) seem to have to hit rock bottom on their own, and ideally find jesus while they're down there at the nadir. That's really the only combo I've seen work.

Good luck with whatever you're dealing with.

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I wasn't personally part of the intervention process for a friend of mine but I was involved in the first stages of getting the intervention to happen

The end outcome was positive and he's been a proponent for helping people get clean for the last several years

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"I hate to advocate the use of drugs and alcohol, but they've always worked for me." -HST

Seriously, there is no "magic" that can fix a drug problem. Only the personal desire to get ahead of it. If the user isn't dedicated to that ideal, then it's all for nothing.


very true

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We actualy did an intervention.  My friend checked into a hospital and agreed to go into inpatient rehab.  When it was time to actully go into rehab he refused. 


He is literally drinking himselft to death.  Drinking at least a bottle of vodka a day, not eating, lost like 40lbs in 3 months, etc.  He's a good guy and a good friend, but he's going down an awful path and has no control.  It's ugly.

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All you can do is let him spiral, and be there to help him up when he hits bottom. It's hard, and if he kills himself along the way you will feel guilty, but there was nothing you could do. Been there done this with my dad.

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One of my old neighbors was a clinical alkie. Didn't eat, drank a case of beast ice a day, lost his job etc..decided to quit...lasted a week tops and he was off the wagon. Ended up getting evicted from his apartment, got a new place, had to sell his car etc...he was eventually homeless as far as I know. When I found out he was giving pot and meth to underage girls I kinda stopped talking to him...real piece of shit tho. Anyway, yeah, the only person that can make that change is the person with the problem.

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No, I've never participated in one and I can't say I've ever heard of a successful intervention that ultimately violates another persons will.  YMMV but the person needs to recognize the problem and seek help from whatever source they're inclined to submit too for help (AA, clergy, etc.).  


Suggesting help and sources of it is certainly apropos but let them decide for themselves while reminding them that they're individually responsible for their choices.  

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I keep wanting to jump in with helpful advice but everyone else's post is as good as it gets. Good luck man, it's a shitty, sticky situation that depends on so many devilish details and there's no easy path.

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The sad thing about heroin is just how addictive it is and the success rate of getting free of it is miniscule even with treatment (averages are shown at a recovery rate of 16%-20% nationally).  I'm glad Bad linked his friends story and ultimate successful recovery but he's an exception rather than the rule - thanks, bro.  


Heck, no joke, porn addicts have just about a good chance of recovery than a heroin addict.  

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I keep wanting to jump in with helpful advice but everyone else's post is as good as it gets. Good luck man, it's a shitty, sticky situation that depends on so many devilish details and there's no easy path.

A whole buncha this^^^

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