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Sons of Guns: Red Jacket owner charged with child molestation


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I used to be one of those people quick to judge a person arrested for sex crimes, but I've grown to learn that things are not always what they seem.  I sure hope the guys gets due process but nonetheless, his life will never be the same after this.  An incredible shame if he's innocent.

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Someone is likely profiting off this, or will be if he's proven guilty. I'd say money is the entire motive of the case for some person(s). Guess we'll see what happens.

Just from the 4 or 5 episodes that I did see, he seemed to be a very good dude, certainly intelligent. But TV shows can make an idiot look like Einstein and visa versa so yah never really know.

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I have a friend. Wen he was 18 he was arrested and charged with child abduction, when a 17 year old girls mom called to police to report her missing. He was giving her a ride home. He is and was a homosexual at the time. Case was dismissed and he sued her mom in civil court and won some $30k.

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I used to be one of those people quick to judge a person arrested for sex crimes, but I've grown to learn that things are not always what they seem.  I sure hope the guys gets due process but nonetheless, his life will never be the same after this.  An incredible shame if he's innocent.


Even with due process, public sentiment is almost always against the accused.  It's very in vogue to rail against "sex offenders" when half of them are simply the guys who got caught doing the same things everyone else did when they were young.  There are, of course, cases that are terrible stories of how sick some people can be, but half the people convicted are subject to stupid laws that are a complete overreaction to one or two extreme cases.

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Arrested again, and now charged.


The victim is now corroborating allegations.  12 year old daughter has told detectives she was raped almost daily for over a year. 


He should be hoping for a deal that includes a prison facility that allows him a chance to stay alive during his 40 or 50 year (minimum) sentence. 

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Still innocent until proven guilty. But if proven guilty, life without parole.

TBH, if I was facing jail as a sex offender for the rest of my life I'd use this opportunity to bite a 12ga.

Edited by Scruit
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As much as people would probably applaud that choice (for the SOG guy, not you), I believe that would be tremendously damaging to the victim

Her father has already abused her sexually and mentally. The last thing she needs is to feel as though she's responsible for his suicide.

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As much as people would probably applaud that choice (for the SOG guy, not you), I believe that would be tremendously damaging to the victim

Her father has already abused her sexually and mentally. The last thing she needs is to feel as though she's responsible for his suicide.


Agreed, she's going to have a lot to process.  His whole family too - Stephanie (his older daughter) appeared to be pretty close to him on the series and in fact he appeared to run his whole company with a paternalistic theme.  Every single one of them has to be feeling like they were not only betrayed, but violated.

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Agreed, she's going to have a lot to process.  His whole family too - Stephanie (his older daughter) appeared to be pretty close to him on the series and in fact he appeared to run his whole company with a paternalistic theme.  Every single one of them has to be feeling like they were not only betrayed, but violated.


You have to wonder if he might have messed with his own daughter as well "if guilty"?

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She's 12....can't they just fucking look at her crotch and find out the truth? Kinda hard to hide that on a child too young (in most cases) to be sexually active? Busted hymen and stretched vag would give it away.. Don't mean to be so blunt about it, but a physical should make it quite obvious if she is or isn't being abused

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Ready for a mind fuck?


I have a close friend who's daughter mentioned being touched by her grandfather. This accusation was investigated, but dismissed because of lack of evidence and a passive attitude by the little girl. She was 7 years old when she made the claim of molestation. Fast forward a few years, and she's now almost 10 years old. Evidence has come to light that her grandfather, my friend's father, has been raping her since she was 7 years old. Not molesting, mind you. He forcibly fucked his granddaughter pretty much every time she was left with him. Most of the raping occurred at their church, because that's where he could most easily get away with it. He had keys and full clout, as his wife is the related to the minister. He told her that if she said anything, he'd kill her grandmother (his wife), her mother and her little brother. Crazy, right? It gets worse.


After the police are involved, the interviews begin. My friend's little sister confessed that this happened to her when she was little, too. From the time she was 9 until 14, her father forcibly fucked her on several occasions. She kept quiet, though. She never told anybody until the police told her what happened to her niece.


This guy is a Gulf War veteran and was one of my dad's closest friends when I was younger. I can't count the number of times he'd been at our house. I wasn't as close to my friend then as I am now, but this guy is loved by a bunch of folks. So much, that the little girl is now an outcast from the church, her own family calls her a liar and won't admit that this happened. The police did a forensic interview and she's not lying. Physical and emotional evidence to support her claims. Not to mention her aunt's story of what happened to her.


His trial is next month. I've already scheduled the time from work and I am not sure how I'll react when I see his fucking face. This news came out almost a year ago, and we're just getting to trial. I thought I was going to shoot him last year. I really did contemplate shooting him right in his fat, fucking face and then waiting for the police to take me away.


You never know who is a predator, and who isn't a victim. The one thing you never do is ignore a child that mentions the unspeakable. Yes, if this whole thing is a sham, then I feel terrible for the RedJacket guy. However, if it is true... the last thing that needs to happen is the girl's story to go without an inquiry.


Wow. There are some really sick fucks out there. That guy in texas a year or two back that killed the other dude who'd been molesting his daughter...I don't know if he ever served a day or not...but I'd say him even having to go through the court proceedings was cruel and unusual punishment for the father. Having two young daughters, I can't speak to what I'd do if I ever found out some shit like that about my girls. Best of luck controlling your rage when you see this dude, I don't think i could do it.

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She's 12....can't they just fucking look at her crotch and find out the truth? Kinda hard to hide that on a child too young (in most cases) to be sexually active? Busted hymen and stretched vag would give it away.. Don't mean to be so blunt about it, but a physical should make it quite obvious if she is or isn't being abused

No and not true

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Hymens are often broken at birth. You would be amazed at the % of sexually active 12yo, especially in rural, poor and southern areas. I have personally treated 5 pregnant girls 13 and under. Vaginal exam can show trauma in a brutal or forced rape, rapes of this kind are not rough, they are generally submissive thus no real trauma. Even if trauma or vaginal tearing was present there is no way to tell who or what caused it unless dna is present 

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Will Hayden's FB page just had this posted to it:


Harold Amandi Kristafor Ford, Will Hayden’s son-in-law, posted the following to his Facebook wall suggesting that his wife, Stephanie Hayden Ford, had also been molested repeatedly as a child by Will Hayden.


Must we really go there.
I don't care what you've heard about who or where.
I dare you to say that my wife is a liar,
and I wouldn't believe it, but the water is higher;
And here comes the fire
that will burn your soul
'Cause I know what you did when she was 12 years old.
I know about the drinking and you thinking you'd get away
worried about the "shame" that she'd live with one day.
You fooled with my wife when she was young.
Sucking and groping, do you remember what was done?
Well she does, and she told me how you made her feel.
like she was wrong, when this was your deal.
you've been doing dope, meth and coke
prescription pills when all you needed was hope.
trying to tell me that my wife's property was yours,
did you think for a moment I would change my course? I'm sure of what my wife has said and told me;
and now the light shines on the lies you sold me.
you are in deeper than you've ever been,
you were in deep before I met you,
before I thought we were friends.
you threaten these women 'cause you were afraid of men.
You threaten their lives while you smile and grin.
well your face twist, and I've wondered why.
there was always something behind your eyes.
Best friends of yours still don't want to believe,
but the word you've been standing on
will bring you to your knees.
try to get some help.
Or go ahead, become dead, kill yourself,
whatever MF, do as you will,
but I promise you
you won't get to kill,
me or my family or any of my friends.
I told you before I was here to the end.
I promised my wife more than I promised you,
and that's why we've done what we had to do.
who are you,
that you should escape
from the punishment you deserve?
Man this is rape!
This is abuse in a sexual manner.
This is hard facts, not TV banter.
Plan your plans and scheme your plots
but my Glock 17 still has 17 shots.
believe me you've got nothing left here,
cause I've got eyes to see and ears to hear.
Fear is why my wife asked me to save her.
She knew you did it, and she knew you'd enslave her. and we saw how you tried to exploit her property
and you always said "No one will stop me."
Well you've got these new enemies,
and I've got mine,
and you are one of them, and that's just fine.
If that's what you play, I hope you play well,
but man let me tell you my enemies face hell.
for my God is with me, and I am with Him.
and all of His angels make your chances slim.
I believe in them because they come from God.
Jehovah is the one that gives the nod.
Jesus holds the rod that guides my flock;
He is my foundation, solid as a rock.
I tried to save you but you believed in yourself.
well, see how it is
without our help.

Kris Ford
9:32pm 8/26/14

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Um, yea.  And I wonder how his wife feels about him outing her like that.  Shouldn't that have been left up to her?


It may have been, we don't know.


If that allegation becomes part of the larger case then things will get ugly quickly for Will Hayden.

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